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Pokemon Unite: The complete Map Guide

Pokemon Unite map

In this Pokemon Unite Map guide, you will learn the simple basics of the game’s map and its contents to help you understand the game easily. If you’re interested in playing the game, you can check our guide on how to access the beta test, and for more information and definitions of some in-game terms, you can check our Pokémon Unite Beginner’s Guide.

As mentioned in the Beginner’s guide, we think that Pokémon Unite’s gameplay is similar to a few known fan-made Warcraft III maps such as Bleach vs One Piece (BvO) and Fight of Characters (FoC) which made it stand out in some parts, also to consider the less stressful and lighter gameplay compared to Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and League of Legends: Wild Rift.

Pokemon Unite map basics

The Pokemon Unite Map is an oval arena where games take place. It features wild Pokémon, lanes where goals are placed and are supposed to be either defended or captured by both teams. Further in the guide, more details about the Pokemon Unite map will be discussed.

Pokemon Unite mapPokemon Unite map
Image via The Pokemon Company

Spawning Ground

A spawning ground is located on the farthest right or left side of the map, looking like circular pads. It is where playable Pokémon respawn after getting defeated. Also, it provides massive healing and movement speed on Pokémon that stand on it.


Just like any other MOBAs, Pokemon Unite also has lanes that extend in 3 different directions. However, since the game is still in its beta, no information about roles and what lane they go is present. In the meantime, here are the 3 different lanes:

  • Top lane
  • Middle lane
  • Bottom lane

All lanes except the middle lane are similar. The middle lane is different because it does not have goals, but stronger wild Pokémon compared to the lanes.


Compared to other MOBAs, the main objective or the main way to win the game is not by destroying the enemy base, it is by scoring more Poképoints than the enemy team. Moreover, to score Poképoints, one must defeat Pokémon to be able to bank them on Goals.

pokemon unite map guidepokemon unite map guide

There is a total of five goals on each side of the map, which has a total of different goal health (depending on the position) before getting captured. One Poképoint is equivalent to one goal of health. Moreover, the Goal in the middle is what the main goal is, you can bank infinite amounts of Poképoints and it does not get captured.

Also, Goals give benefits to usable Pokémon that stand or walk through them. It heals little by little when standing on it compared to the Spawning Ground, and provides a shield and movement speed boost when you at least walk through it. Additionally, moving through uncaptured enemy Goals will slow Pokémon immensely.

Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon are scattered all around the map for only one reason, to give Poképoints by defeating and capturing them, and to give experience. In other words, to make playable Pokémon stronger. Some Wild Pokémon are also fairly stronger compared to their weaker counterparts and give more notable benefits to the team.

Basic Wild Pokémon

Pokemon Unite: The complete Map GuidePokemon Unite: The complete Map Guide

These wild Pokémon are generally described as “basic” because they are easier to kill than the special ones. They are scattered on different parts of the map and give a different amount of Poképoints depending on their strength. Also, they can be called “camps” and they can be kited easily since they don’t regenerate their health upon exiting their area. Here are the basic wild Pokémon along with the values they give and description:

  • Lillipup– (2 Poképoints) – easy to kill; there is only one on every side of the map located in the middle lane between Ludicolo and Tauros.
  • Aipom– (2 or 5 Poképoints) – easy to kill; there are a lot scattered on the side lanes.
  • Audino (6 Poképoints)- has a lot of health but deals minimal damage; can be located on the sides of the bottom and top lane.
  • Vespiquen and Combee (6 Poképoints and 2 Poképoints respectively)- hardest camp to kill among Basic Wild Pokémon since they come in groups. Moreover, they can usually be located in the middle of the side lanes, though they can move deeper into the lanes when a goal is captured.
  • Corphish (3 Poképoints)- easy to kill, has melee attacks and evolves to Crawdaunt (4 Poképoints) dealing slightly more damage and having more health at a certain time of the game. They can be located all over the middle lane and a few on the side lanes.
  • Ludicolo (4 Poképoints and Blue Buff)- fairly hard to kill compared to the others, also, has a “Water Gun” ability that knocks enemies back and stuns them. Additionally, this Pokémon can be located in the middle lane, and there is only one on every side of the map. Also, Blue Buff still has no details inside the game but it seems like it makes your Pokémon Moves recharge faster.
  • Tauros (4 Poképoints and Red Buff)- also has the same features as Ludicolo but has a “Skull Bash” ability instead. Just like the other buff, Red Buff also has no details inside the game but it seems like it makes your basic attacks slow and burns the enemy.

Special Wild Pokémon

Pokemon Unite: The complete Map GuidePokemon Unite: The complete Map Guide

Special Wild Pokémon are called “special” for a few reasons, they give unique benefits to the team that defeats them and generally require teams to group up to get those benefits. Additionally, they only spawn at a certain point in time in the game.

  • Zapdos (30 Poképoints)- this mighty Pokemon has a series of AoE knock-ups and attacks every couple of seconds. It is difficult to defeat and requires the team to group up due to its strong attacks and huge health. Moreover, it can be located in the arena in the middle of the map and spawns on the Final Stretch. At least one Pokémon must be inside its arena or else it regenerates its health. Defeating Zapdos not only drops 30 Poképoints but also provides 20 team Poképoints. Additionally, defeating Zapdos removes the defenses on all Enemy goals for a minute.
  • Rotom (20 Poképoints)- has the weakest attack among Special Wild Pokémon. Moreover, it can be located on the top side of the top lane. Also, Defeating Rotom puts him on your side of the team, attacking nearby enemy Pokémon and disabling a goal’s defenses when it gets in range and a few Poképoints. It can spawn for a second time
  • Drednaw (20 Poképoints)- has a series of attacks; ranged and melee, and an AoE knock-up every couple of seconds but much weaker compared to Zapdos. Moreover, it can be located on the beach part of the bottom lane, spawns 7 minutes into the game, and disappears on the Final Stretch. Defeating Drednaw provides Poképoints, along with experience and a shield for the team that lasts for a minute. Just like Rotom, it can also spawn for a second time.

Jumping Pads

The main purpose of these is to launch playable Pokémon to a distance, and there are two types of jumping pads:

  • Spawning Pool Jumping Pad– it can be located near the spawning pool and can launch playable Pokémon to all the Goals and 2 areas in the middle lane. Also, it only appears 5 minutes into the game.
  • Standard Jumping Pad– there is a total of 4 of these on the map. Compared to the other one, a standard jumping pad can only launch to a specified location depending on where it’s placed, and the distance is not that far. However, it can take you over a huge wall. Also, it takes a couple of seconds to charge and successfully launch, and getting damaged while attempting to charge will cancel it.


Some Berries are located on the map and give positive effects to playable Pokémon that pick them up. There are two types of berries in the game:

  • Healing Berry– there is a total of 4 of these berries on each side of the map. These berries provide health and they can be located behind the two first goals. Additionally, these berries respawn once every minute, and capturing any of the two first goals will not make the berries respawn anymore.
  • Movement Speed Berry– there are only two of these berries on the entire map and they can be located in the middle of the map near the Zapdos arena. Moreover, these berries provide a short movement speed boost and also respawn once every minute.


That is all! Thank you and congratulations on finishing the Pokemon Unite map guide. We hope that this information helps you out. Also, we have a Beginner’s guide which can provide more information about Pokemon Unite so make sure to check that out as well.

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