Home / News / One Piece Characters That Should Have Been Involved In The Egghead Arc

One Piece Characters That Should Have Been Involved In The Egghead Arc

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  • The Egghead arc marks the beginning of One Piece’s final saga, showcasing Egghead Island as a battleground for high-profile characters.
  • Monkey D. Dragon’s lack of involvement in Vegapunk’s crisis raises questions about his true intentions and potential impact on the story.
  • Characters like Smoker, Cavendish, Sabo, Urouge, and Boa Hancock have missed opportunities to make significant contributions to the plot.



The Egghead arc is the first of many in One Piece’s Final Saga. The main focus of the arc has been Egghead Island, which serves as the home of Dr. Vegapunk. It had a slow start, but things escalated quickly, and Egghead became a battlefield.


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Gol D. Roger had to overcome many challenging opponents to become the Pirate King.

Fans have already seen multiple high-profile characters get involved in the war on Egghead Island. While there is no denying that the cast chosen for the arc is solid, there are some One Piece characters who could have improved things further.

6 Monkey D. Dragon

The Leader Of The Revolutionary Army

Monkey D. Dragon saves luffy One piece 1102

Early in the arc, Monkey D. Dragon was seen talking to Shaka, one of Vegapunk’s satellites. This led to a great deal of speculation among fans. Most of them believed that there was a possible connection between the Revolutionary and the scientist. As the story progressed, it became clear that the two knew each other a long time ago.

Given the fact that Vegapunk’s life was in danger, it would have made sense for Dragon to intervene and help him out. However, the leader of the Revolutionary Army doesn’t seem to be bothered by what is happening on Egghead Island. If he did turn up, Dragon could help his son and friend take out one of the Five Elders. This would be a massive leap towards his goal of achieving a peaceful world that would be devoid of the evil Celestial Dragons.

5 Smoker

Marine Vice Admiral

One Piece Smoker Smoking A Cigar

Smoker is a Marine Vice Admiral who nearly caught Luffy before the latter could even enter the Grand Line. He was forced to let the pirate go after Dragon intervened. Over time, Smoker has become somewhat obsessed with Luffy. He has followed him to different islands and tried to catch him again multiple times.


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Over the years, the Straw Hat Pirates have accomplished many great feats in One Piece.

However, Smoker’s screen time has steadily declined after the time-skip. His last meaningful contribution was in the Punk Hazard arc. The Egghead arc would have been a great place for Smoker to make a return. The Vice Admiral would have been a great addition to the arc, and he could have sided with the pirates after learning the ugly truth concerning the World Government. It would have added more depth to Smoker as a character, so it feels like a missed opportunity.

4 ​​​Cavendish

Captain Of The Beautiful Pirates

cavendish one piece

Cavendish was introduced in the Dressrosa arc as one of the favorites to win the tournament being held inside the Corrida Coliseum. Eventually, he joined the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Cavendish is known for being arrogant and haughty. These qualities stem from his beauty, which led to him being kicked out of his kingdom.

What makes Cavendish fascinating is his other personality, Hakuba, who is more cruel. It comes out whenever Cavendish is sleeping. He can cause a great deal of destruction in next to no time. Despite his twisted nature, Hakuba is a valuable weapon in Cavendish’s arsenal. Hakuba can move at lightning-fast speed and take down opponents before they even realize what happened to them. Considering how the Straw Hats were struggling to get off Egghead Island, Cavendish and his crew could have turned up and provided valuable backup. Oda could have also brought in other members of the Grand Fleet to help the crew.

3 Sabo

Dragon’s Right-Hand Man

episode of sabo one piece

Sabo is the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army. He has been part of the organization for a long time, and he has slowly risen through the ranks to the point where Dragon has the most faith in him.


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Luffy has fought many characters in One Piece, but the following have caused him the most problems.

Since the manga is in its final stretch, it would make sense for Sabo to get involved in the Egghead arc. The Celestial Dragons are the biggest enemies of the Revolutionary Army, so getting rid of them is the utmost priority. With a solid team, Sabo could not only have taken down one of the Five Elders, but he would have helped his little brother as well.

2 Urouge

Captain Of The Fallen Monk Pirates

Urouge <a href=using a weapon” src=”https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/urouge-using-a-weapon.jpg”/>

Urouge is the most underused member of the Worst Generation. He was introduced in the Sabaody Archipelago arc, but since then, he has rarely been given any screen time. Urouge has an incredibly strong Devil Fruit that allows him to convert physical damage into power. He used this ability to defeat Charlotte Snack, one of the Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates.

Considering Urouge’s lack of screen time, it would have been a great decision to somehow include him in the Egghead arc. Fans have been kept in the dark about his motives and whereabouts for a long time. If this continues, Urouge will descend into obscurity and lose any hype that he has.

1 Boa Hancock

Ruler Of Amazon Lily

boa-hancock one piece new members of cross guild

Boa Hancock is one of the strongest pirates in the world. She is the sovereign of Amazon Lily and the captain of the Kuja Pirates. Hancock had a turbulent childhood, but she didn’t let it affect her entire life. Hancock is considered extremely dangerous, which is why the Marines wasted no time sending soldiers to Amazon Lily to capture her.

Her strength has been acknowledged by some of the most renowned One Piece characters. Hancock has expressed her desire to be with Luffy, and it could have easily propelled her to get involved in the Egghead arc and meet her beloved. If she had joined the fray, the Straw Hats would hardly have any problems dealing with the Marines and Saturn. Furthermore, it would give Hancock a brilliant opportunity to beat up a Celestial Dragon.

One Piece-9

One Piece

Release Date
October 20, 1999

Toei Animation

Eiichiro Oda



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