Home / News / Clash of Clans February 2024 update introduces Overgrowth Spell, new Siege Machine levels, Chat UI, and more

Clash of Clans February 2024 update introduces Overgrowth Spell, new Siege Machine levels, Chat UI, and more

Overgrowth Spell CoC

Clash of Clans unveil upcoming enhancements in the February 2024 update including a new spell in Overgrowth Spell, upgraded Siege Machine levels, a revamped Chat User Interface (UI), the return of the progression bar, and more features which I will discuss in this article.

Clash of Clans Upcoming February 2024 Update: All new features explained

New Spell: Overgrowth

Finally, after a long wait, a new spell has been added. The Overgrowth Spell, unlocked at Town Hall level 12 in Clash of Clans when upgrading your Dark Spell Factory to level 6, introduces exciting new strategic possibilities. When activated, this spell causes enemy defenses to become invisible, invulnerable, and frozen for a set period. As a result, attacking troops will disregard affected buildings and defenses.

Overgrowth Spell CoCOvergrowth Spell CoC
Clash of Clans Overgrowth Spell (Image via Supercell)

Although targeting both Ground and Air, It’s important to note that the Overgrowth Spell doesn’t impact heroes or troops housed in the Clan Castle, nor does it prevent Clan Castle troops from deploying. Additionally, upon expiration, the spell leaves behind small debris pieces, which defending players can clear by tapping them, akin to tombstones left by fallen units.

Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Spell Duration TH Level
1 N/A N/A 22s 12
2 125K DE 10d 24s 12
3 250K DE 12d 26s 14
4 350K DE 16d 28s 16
Clash of Clans Overgrowth Spell Stats

New Hero Equipment

Before mentioning this part, we will have a feature where we can use Elixir for the upgrading of Blacksmith for your Hero Equipment. I remember expressing disappointment when the Hero Equipment was announced in the December 2023 update. But finally, Royal Champion is getting new gears to equip.

New Hero Equipment Royal ChampionNew Hero Equipment Royal Champion
Image via Supercell

The first one to be introduced is the Hog Rider Doll unlocked at Blacksmith Level 7. This addition summons a squad of Hog Riders to bolster your forces in battle. The second is the Haste Vial, available at Blacksmith Level 8. This potent elixir provides a temporary boost to both movement and attack speed, allowing you to maneuver swiftly and strike with unprecedented agility on the battlefield.

New Building Levels

More new levels are going to be introduced, surely to bring more to the table for the Town Hall Level 16. Here is a quick overview below of the new levels.

New Collector Levels

All three home village collectors are getting an extra upgrade level.

Building Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time HP Production Rate Capacity TH Level
Elixir Collector 16 2M Gold 4d 1350 7000/hr 385K 14
Gold Mine 16 2M Elixir 4d 1350 7000/hr 385K 14
Dark Elixir Drill 10 6M Elixir 8d 1550 180/hr 4200 14

Other Building Levels

Building Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time HP DPS TH Level
Dark Spell Factory 6 5M Elixir 8d 950 N/A 12
Hidden Tesla 15 20M Gold 14d 1550 170 16
Inferno Tower 10 22M Gold 14d 12h 4400 120/2600 16
Scattershot 5 22.5M Gold 15d 5410 190 16
Seeking Air Mine 6 14M Gold 12d 12h N/A 3000 16

New Troop Levels

A few of the troops are getting the much-needed upgrades. Siege Machines are also set to receive new levels. Siege Barracks and Log Launcher are set to receive new upgrades, with both reaching Level 5. Both of these are pretty popular, and a new level can help increase the firepower they already have.

Troop Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time HP DPS TH Level Lab Level
Minion 12 320K DE 14d 120 78 16 14
Hog Rider 13 350K DE 14d 12h 1380 213 16 14
Bowler 8 350K DE 15d 600 126 16 14
Baby Dragon 10 20M Elixir 15d 2100 165 16 14
Siege Barracks 5 18M Elixir 12d 4800 + 1 PEKKA 16 14
Log Launcher 5 18M Elixir 12d 5500 220 16 14

New Electro Owl (Pet) Levels

The pet gets five new levels of upgrades recieved.

Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time HP DPS TH Level Pet House Level
11 230K DE 8d 2600 150 16 9
12 250K DE 8d 2700 155 16 9
13 265K DE 8d 2800 160 16 9
14 285K DE 8d 2900 165 16 9
15 300K DE 8d 3000 170 16 9

Progression Bar returns

Another important feature coming is the Progression Bar, making its return. So, speaking about the progression bar, it helped indicate how close troops, buildings, or heroes were to reaching their maximum level. For example, a level 10 Barbarian King dealing 100 damage would fill half the bar, indicating a maximum potential of 200 damage. This visual aid helped players prioritize upgrades effectively.

CoC Progress BarsCoC Progress Bars
Image via Supercell

Currently, we can only see a simple numeric increase when upgrading in a block system, making it harder to assess which upgrades are most beneficial. I say the new one isn’t bad, eats less space, and is simple but isn’t very informative or appealing. Hence, we will be returning these bars soon, and thus a feature loved by many will remain permanent.

Clan Chat UI

Another important update is the Chat UI. Well, I would have liked this to be implemented long back but it is never too late for changes. Leaders and co-leaders can now pin important messages at the top, with an exclusive tab for easy access. You can also react to messages with emojis and see how others are reacting. If you ask me, this is kinda a mini-social media for me. Not that I’m complaining tho.

CoC February 2024 Balance Changes

Ability Adjustments

Giant Arrow Ability

  • The Giant Arrow now travels a longer distance to ensure it crosses the entire village.

Spirit Fox

  • Frost has been removed from Spirit Fox attacks.

Summoner Units

  • Summoners who have reached the maximum cap for summoned units will now summon new units quicker after falling below that cap.

Troop Balance Changes

Super Archer

  • Level 11 hit points reduced to 575 from 600.
  • Level 12 hit points reduced to 600 from 650.

Root Rider

  • Level 1 hit points reduced to 6650 from 7200.
  • Level 2 hit points reduced to 7050 from 7600.
  • Level 3 hit points reduced to 7400 from 8000.

Super Barbarian

  • Level 10 hit points reduced to 1200 from 1250.
  • Level 11 hit points reduced to 1300 from 1400.
  • Level 12 hit points reduced to 1350 from 1500.

Builder Base Drop Ship

  • Increased attack range from 0 to 50.
  • Reduced active ability’s damage radius from 300 to 225.

Clan Capital Super Miner

  • Level 1 hit points decreased to 3300 from 3700.
  • Level 2 hit points decreased to 3500 from 3900.
  • Level 3 hit points decreased to 3700 from 4100.
  • Level 4 hit points decreased to 3900 from 4300.


  • Level 11 hit points increased to 5300 from 5200.

Electro Dragon

  • Level 6 hit points increased to 5200 from 5100.
  • Level 7 hit points increased to 5500 from 5300.

Super Dragon

  • Level 10 hit points increased to 7200 from 7100.
  • Level 11 hit points increased to 7600 from 7400.

Builder Base Night Witch

  • Level 9 hit points increased to 750 and Bat Swarm bats to 7.
  • Level 10 hit points increased to 750 and Bat Swarm bats to 7.
  • Level 11 hit points increased to 830 and Bat Swarm bats to 7.
  • Level 12 hit points increased to 830 and Bat Swarm bats to 8.
  • Level 13 hit points increased to 915 and Bat Swarm bats to 8.
  • Level 14 hit points increased to 915 and Bat Swarm bats to 8.
  • Level 15 hit points increased to 1000 and Bat Swarm bats to 8.
  • Level 16 hit points increased to 1000 and Bat Swarm bats to 9.
  • Level 17 hit points increased to 1100 and Bat Swarm bats to 9.
  • Level 18 hit points increased to 1100 and Bat Swarm bats to 10.
  • Level 19 hit points increased to 1220 and Bat Swarm bats to 10.
  • Level 20 hit points increased to 1220 and Bat Swarm bats to 11.

When will the Clash of Clans February 2024 update release

We don’t know when these updates will come to fruition, so, wait till the next CoC update for confirmation! It is highly possible this will release with the next season or before it. Stay tuned for official updates.

What are your thoughts on the new Clash of Clans February 2024 update surrounding Overgrowth Spell, Siege Machine levels, Chat UI, and more? Drop in your thoughts below!

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