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Best Locations For a Second Base

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Palworld has been a hit game since its release, and for good reasons. This game, which takes inspiration from many other famous titles, such as Pokemon, is an extremely fun open-world game to explore and capture Pals in.




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A major game feature in Palworld is bases. Bases in Palworld are locations where players will build structures, gather resources, and keep their Pals. The game allows the player to have more than one Base, and here are the ideal locations for a second one after the player has gotten more familiar with Palworld.

The First Base

palworld base

When the player first starts their playthrough of Palworld, one of the first things they will do is build their Pal Box, which will create the area for their base. Now, most players will probably not put that much thought into where they will build their first base, especially if it’s their first time playing this game, and as such, many players might choose lackluster areas for their base.

Now, while the player could move their first base to a different location, the process can be annoying and not worth it for many, so instead, the player can instead wait until they unlock their second base to actually build their dream base, in an area they will be able to use to the full potential.

When Will The Player Unlock a Second Base

To unlock the option to build a second base, the player must simply reach level 10 base for their first base. This can be done by simply following the criteria for leveling up given to the players. Reaching level 10 base shouldn’t take the player that long and can be achieved quickly if the player focuses on that.

It’s important to note that the player can unlock one more base after they build their second one. Meaning, the player will have to think well about where to place the second and third one to maximize resources.

Why Build a Second Base?

Bases in Palworld can be used for multiple reasons, and are an essential part of gameplay.

Firstly, and most importantly, the player will need bases to passively harvest resources from their environment. This is important as the player wouldn’t want to spend all their time in Palworld chopping wood or mining stones. A well-organized base can give the player any resource they need with ease.

Secondly, a base can be useful thanks to the option of fast travel. The player can only fast-travel in specific areas in Palworld, and bases are one of those places. This can significantly cut down travel time and make areas easily accessible.

Additionally, bases are used to store Pals and make them work. When capturing Pals, the player will need a base to keep them at and to let them recover.

Overall, the more bases, the better for the player.

However, one downside of bases is that they need to be protected from raiders. This will require the player to have powerful Pals at their disposal and, perhaps, a good location too that makes it easier to defend.

What to Consider Before Building the Second Base

As previously mentioned, bases have many uses, however, how useful a base is depends on where it is built. A base built in an area with limited resources will be pretty useless as the player won’t be able to harvest many resources, so due to that, the player should, of course, look for a place with a lot of resources to harvest.

The player should also consider not building their base too close to a Plateau. These blue towers are used for fast travel in Palworld, and building too close to it would make a base’s fast travel option less useful. Building it further from a plateau would mean the player has more options when it comes to fast travel.

Another thing to consider when building a base is how easy it will be to defend from Raiders. For example, bases that are built near cliffs will make them easier to defend as there aren’t as many ways for the raiders to invade from.

Best Locations for a Second Base in Palworld

South of the Small Settlement

The player will be able to find a beautiful fall-themed area in the south of the small settlement. This area is not the best if the player’s goal is resource farming, but its location makes it safer and easier to defend than other areas, thanks to being surrounded by cliffs.


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These are the available armors and outfits and Palworld. Crafting them can aid you greatly.

The most common resources the player will find around here are wood and stone, with some ore here and there.

Common Pals found around this area include:

• Vixy

• Caprity

• Rushoar

• Sparkit

• Pengullet

Their level tends to be on the lower side, no higher than level 6.

North of the Rayne Syndicate Tower Entrance

The next location is not too far from the Tower of Rayne Syndicate. This location is relatively safe, having some cliffs around depending on where the player builds their base exactly, but also offers many resources, such as Ore and Paldium fragments. The player will also be able to find wood, stone, and food adequately. This location has plenty of resources and it isn’t too hard to defend, but the player should still expect some enemies to attack.

Some common Pals Players will encounter include:

• Cativia

• Gumoss

• Cremis

• Pengullet

• Chikipi

• Hocartes

• Eikthyrdeer

Around the Hypocrite Hill Area

This area can be full of resources if the player builds in the right area, from ore to Paldium Fragments. However, the player must keep in mind that this area has many Pals over level 20 and so, it might be a risky endeavor, unless the player is at least around that level. Many of the Pals there are also hostile, and will attack the player unprovoked.

Some common Pals the player will bump into in that area are:

• Bristla

• Galeclaw

• Robinquill

• Cinamoth

The player should definitely worry about the Galeclaw and Robinquill, but the Bristla and Cinamoth are not a danger unless attacked first.

If the player decides to build here, it’s preferable to pick an area next to a cliff, and to keep powerful Pals in the base, as it will be a dangerous area.

Gather off the Islandhopper Coast

This area is perfect for a second base as it has plenty of resources but is also in dire need of fast travel points. The player will be able to find plenty of Ore around these areas and have many options. It’s always best to build not too far from a cliff and that’s wildly available here.

Some common Pals players might run into are:

• Lamball

• Melpaca

• Eikthyrdeer

• Cattiva

• Chikipi

Overall, this area will also be easy to defend, making it quite a good option for any base.

Palworld is now available to play on PC and Xbox.



January 19, 2024

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T For Teen Due To Violence


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