Home / News / 1999 Version 1.5 update titled “Revival! The Uluru Games” is set to release on April 18th

1999 Version 1.5 update titled “Revival! The Uluru Games” is set to release on April 18th

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 free pulls

The highly anticipated Reverse: 1999 Version 1.5 update features the revival of the ancient games, titled “Revival! The Uluru Games“, which is set to launch on April 18th. Since its October release, this strategic Role-playing game has amassed an impressive number of downloads and has consistently held top positions in charts across more than 160 countries.

The game’s 1.5 update brings forth a substantial storyline that revolves around the revival of an ancient game and introduces new arcanist companions: Spathodea, Ezra, Dessert Flannel, and Ulu. Together, they embark on an adventure to a location filled with surprises and unexpected twists.

Reverse: 1999 Version 1.5 update features

You can anticipate the arrival of four formidable arcanists – four intriguing personas take center stage at Uluru: a fiery athlete, a selfless researcher, the embodiment of sacred fire, and an unstoppable hunter, weaving their narratives within the crimson terrain.

This update also introduces new story companion missions, abundant rewards including pulls, and a myriad of in-game activities, marking it as the most substantial update yet. Additionally, new players will have the chance to earn up to 80 free pulls in this latest version.

14 Free pulls

Version 1.5 of the game introduces a generous opportunity for you with the “Collection of Uluru” event, offering a total of 14 free pulls through two sign-in events. This event allows you to log in daily and receive Unilog x14 for free, providing a chance to expand your roster and enhance your gameplay experience. The event spans specific dates, ensuring that you have ample time to participate and claim your rewards.

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 free pullsReverse 1999 Version 1.5 free pulls
Image via Bluepoch

I find these free pulls to be a fantastic way for you to acquire new characters and resources without spending in-game currency. It adds excitement and motivation to log in daily, especially with the additional rewards offered through the “Collection of Uluru” event. These types of events not only benefit existing players but also attract new players like you to join the game and enjoy its content.

Four new characters

In the latest Reverse: 1999 Version 1.5 update, four captivating characters are ready to join your ranks and redefine your gameplay experience. Each character brings unique abilities and strategic advantages and excitement to your journey. Let’s dive into the details of these new additions:

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 new charactersReverse 1999 Version 1.5 new characters
Image via Bluepoch
  • Spathodea: Specializes in single-target burst damage with the Beast Afflatus, synergizing with Crit/Burn-oriented supports.
  • Ezra Theodore: Provides mass buffs and shields as a shielder of the Star Afflatus.
  • Desert Flannel: Focuses on healing, countering, and debuffing as a support with the Beast Afflatus.
  • Ulu: Utilizes burn mechanics and debuffs as a support with the Mineral Afflatus.

These additions bring a diverse range of abilities to the game, enhancing gameplay strategies and offering exciting new options for players to explore.

New Companion Mission

The Spathodea Companion mission, titled “Reunion of Fires,” delves into the story of a brave child holding the flame, symbolizing a bodiless collection of heat. It unfolds with a long journey, an ancient call, and a cocoa-scented dream, depicting the beginnings of two small flames coming together. It’s a captivating tale that adds depth to Spathodea’s character, and completing it offers valuable Growth Materials and Clear Drops as main rewards.

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 companion missionReverse 1999 Version 1.5 companion mission
Image via Bluepoch

Similarly, the Ezra Companion mission, titled “As the Driven Snow Falls,” provides insight into Ezra’s character as a model of pure humanity, sensible yet innocent like a bright sparkle on a snowy mountaintop. The narrative showcases Ezra’s determination to reach the mountain’s peak, highlighting his unwavering resolve. Participating in this mission not only reveals more about Ezra but also rewards players with Growth Materials and Clear Drops, making it a worthwhile endeavor.

New Events and contents

The latest Reverse: 1999 Version 1.5 update brings an array of exciting events and new content for you to delve into. One of the highlighted events is “Revival! The Uluru Games,” available in both Story Mode and Hard Mode, offering challenges and tasks for you to earn Ancient Flame and exchange for rewards in the event shop.

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 new eventsReverse 1999 Version 1.5 new events
Image via Bluepoch

Additionally, you can participate in “Red Land Trace,” completing tasks in the Hotspots Exploration event story to unlock character logs and receive extra rewards like Eucalyptus Pod and Insight Materials. Another event, “Red Soil Cave,” allows you to exchange Ancient Flame for various rewards, including new 6-star Psychubes and advanced materials.

For those looking for seasonal events, “Harvest Season” offers limited buildings and Clear Drops by signing in for seven days during the event period. Moreover, the “Challenge Events” series includes “Mane’s Bulletin” and “Hypothesis of Exhibition,” providing rewards like Thoughts in Entirety and Resonance Materials upon completing tasks related to the main story.

Additionally, you can enjoy new character stories through the “New Anecdote: Reverse Anecdotes” event featuring Dikke and Erick Er. These events, tied to completing the main story “In Our Time,” offer intriguing narratives and rewards like 5-star Psychubes and Greed.

Overall, these events and contents provide you with diverse gameplay experiences and ample opportunities to earn valuable rewards. Personally, I find these events to be a great way to keep the game engaging and rewarding, offering a mix of challenges and stories to explore.

New Cosmetics and Wilderness items

In the Roar Jukebox, limited-format Fire Heart and RM Roar Juke formats have arrived. During the event, Timekeepers can level up Decibel by completing tasks in the Roar Jukebox, earning abundant rewards like Dikke’s limited garment, “The Pointy End Up,” and Unilogs. By unlocking the Collector’s Edition, you can obtain Dikke’s limited garment, Clear Drops, and Picrasma Candy, while reaching Decibel level 30 unlocks the Deluxe Edition, granting a limited portrait and additional rewards.

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 new cosmeticsReverse 1999 Version 1.5 new cosmetics
Image via Bluepoch

Additionally, the Wilderness Theme Pack introduces the “Leap Over Red Sands” theme pack in the Wilderness Shop for a limited time. Furthermore, new garments are available in the Garment Shop, including Tooth Fairy’s “Ace Through the Bagel” and Pavia’s “The Leap of a Wolf” from the Red Land Series Garments.

These new cosmetics and items not only add flair to your character’s appearance but also provide opportunities to unlock exclusive rewards and customize your gameplay style. Personally, I’m excited about these additions as they offer a refreshing change and encourage exploration within the game’s diverse content.

Final Thoughts

The Reverse: 1999 Version 1.5 update has brought exciting new features to the game. The “Revival! The Uluru Games” storyline and new companions like Spathodea, Ezra, Dessert Flannel, and Ulu are some exciting additions. You can also earn free pulls in the “Collection of Uluru” event and enjoy new events and cosmetics. Overall, it’s a great update that adds more fun and rewards to your gaming experience.

What are your thoughts about the Reverse: 1999 Version 1.5 update? Let us know in the comments below!

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