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WoW Classic: Season of Discovery

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery WoW SoD Rogue Rune Engravings Runes Ranked

Rogues get lots of great DPS runes in the Season of Discovery, as well as the ability to Tank, making them a great choice for PvP and PvE both.

Rogues in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery may not have everything in their toolkit at Level 25, but in later phases, the class is sure to turn into a powerhouse. But despite historically being a DPS-only class across all three specs, Rogues (along with Warlocks, Shamans, and Mages) are getting brand-new dungeon and raid “specs” in SoD, in this case, the role of the Tank.




WoW Season of Discovery – What Class Should You Play?

All nine classes in World of Warcraft Classic got major updates in the Season of Discovery – but which class should you play in SoD?

In Phase One, there were a total 12 SoD Rogue Runes, available for the Chest, Legs, and Gloves slots. In Phase Two, six more Rogue Runes were added for the Boots and Belt slots, making for a total of eighteen across all five. This guide details both the effects and locations of all Rogue SoD Runes.

Updated March 1, 2024 by Erik Petrovich: Thanks to the cadence of updates that the Season of Discovery has seen so far, the SoD Rogue Rune meta is constantly in flux. Some Runes that might seem useless early in a Phase might become extremely powerful later on thanks to a random SoD patch or hotfix. When you hit max level, it’s a good idea to find each of the remaining SoD Rogue Rune locations before worrying about which Rogue Runes are the best – by having every option available, you can easily adjust to the meta instead of going back to collect skipped Runes. As such, this guide to all Rogue Runes in SoD has been updated to focus on the locations and effects of each Rune, and less on ranking them.

To preserve the sense of mystery intended for the Season of Discovery, each SoD Rogue Rune location is hidden by default. Open the “Click to Reveal” box to show details on how to get all Rogue Runes in SoD. This guide will be regularly updated with details on new Rogue Runes available in future SoD Phases.

All Rogue Chest Runes

Deadly Brew, Just A Flesh Wound, Quick Draw, & Slaughter From The Shadows

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery WoW SoD Rogue Rune Engravings Runes Ranked Chest Icons

Slaughter From The Shadows

Slaughter From The Shadows Effect

  • Reduces the Energy cost of your Backstab and Ambush abilities by 20.


WoW Classic: Season of Discovery – All Warlock SoD Runes

Though players are most excited about Metamorphosis, Warlock runes in WoW SoD are going to be powerful across the board.

Deadly Brew

Deadly Brew Effect

  • When you inflict any other poison on a target, you also inflict Deadly Poison

Quick Draw

Quick Draw Effect

  • Draw your ranged weapon and fire a quick shot at an enemy, causing ranged weapon damage and reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.
  • Awards 1 combo point.
  • Quick Draw benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Sinister Strike.

Just A Flesh Wound

Just A Flesh Wound Effect

  • You take 20% reduced Physical damage while Blade Dance is active. Additionally;
  • The player gains a 6% reduced chance to be critically hit by melee attacks
  • Threat generated by all actions is massively increased
  • Feint is replaced with Tease, which Taunts the target to attack you.

All Rogue Legs Runes

Between the Eyes, Blade Dance, & Envenom

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery WoW SoD Rogue Rune Engravings Runes Ranked Legs Icons


Envenom Effect

  • Finishing move that deals instant poison damage based on your Deadly Poison doses on the target.
  • Following the Envenom attack you have a 75% increased frequency of applying Instant Poison for 1 sec plus an additional 1 sec per combo point
  • One dose is activated per combo point.


WoW Classic: Season of Discovery – All Druid SoD Runes

Druids are a versatile class in WoW Classic, and with these Season of Discovery runes, they have more build options than ever before.

Blade Dance

Blade Dance Effect

  • Finishing move that increases your Parry chance. Lasts longer and grants more Parry chance per combo point.

Between the Eyes

Between the Eyes Effect

  • Ranged Finishing move that causes damage per combo point, increased by Attack Power, and Stuns the target.
  • Cooldown shared with Kidney Shot.

All Rogue Gloves Runes

Main Gauche, Mutilate, Saber Slash, Shadowstrike, & Shiv

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery WoW SoD Rogue Rune Engravings Runes Ranked Gloves Icons


Shiv Effect

  • Instantly attack with your off-hand weapon with a 100% chance to apply the poison from your off-hand weapon to the target.
  • Slower weapons require more energy.
  • Awards 1 combo point.


WoW Classic: Season of Discovery – All Warrior SoD Runes

In WoW Classic, Warriors scale better than any other class, and in the Season of Discovery, they’re getting a lot of new toys to play with.


Mutilate Effect

  • Instantly attacks with both weapons for 100% weapon damage plus additional damage with each weapon.
  • Damage is increased by another 20% against Poisoned targets
  • Awards 2 combo points.

Saber Slash

Saber Slash Effect

  • Viciously slash an enemy for 130% weapon damage, and cause the target to bleed every 2 sec for 12 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Awards 1 combo point.
  • Saber Slash benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Sinister Strike.


Shadowstrike Effect

  • Teleport behind your target and strike, causing 150% weapon damage to the target.
  • Must be stealthed.
  • Awards 1 combo point.

Main Gauche

Main Gauche Effect

  • Instantly strike with your off-hand weapon for normal off-hand weapon damage and increase your chance to parry by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Awards 1 combo point.
  • Main Gauche benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Sinister Strike.

All Rogue Belt Runes

Poisoned Knife, Shadowstep, & Shuriken Toss

WoW Season of Discovery Best Rogue Belt Runes Rune Guide

Poisoned Knife

Poisoned Knife Effect

  • Throw your Off-hand weapon to deal 100% Off-hand weapon damage with a 100% chance to apply the Poison from your off-hand weapon to the target
  • Awards 1 combo point.
  • Poisoned Knife benefits from all talents and effects that modify Sinister Strike


WoW Classic: Season of Discovery – All Hunter SoD Runes

A primarily ranged DPS class, Hunters get some of the most powerful runes in the Season of Discovery – melee Survival could be viable, now.


Shadowstep Effect

  • Reappear behind an enemy within 25 yards
  • Also increases movement speed by 70% for 3 seconds
  • Must be in Stealth to activate

Shuriken Toss

Shuriken Toss Effect

  • Throw a shuriken at a target within 25 yards, dealing damage equal to 15% of your AP
  • Hits up to 4 additional nearby targets within range
  • Awards 1 combo point

All Rogue Boot Runes

Master of Subtlety, Waylay, & Rolling With The Punches

WoW Season of Discovery Best Rogue Boot Boots Runes Rune Guide


Waylay Effect

  • Using Ambush or Backstab on a target increases the time between their melee attacks by 10% for 8 seconds
  • Also reduces the target’s movement speed by 50% for 8 seconds


WoW Classic: Season of Discovery – All Mage SoD Runes

Mages remain a powerful DPS class in the Season of Discovery, but with new Mage runes, they can play the role of Healer too.

Master of Subtlety

Master of Subtlety Effect

  • Attacks made while Stealthed, and for 6 seconds after breaking Stealth, cause an additional 10% damage

Rolling With The Punches

Rolling With The Punches Effect

  • When you Dodge or Parry an enemy, you gain a 6% boost to your HP
  • Can stack up to 5 times, for a total of 30% extra max HP

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World of Warcraft

November 23, 2004

T for Teen: Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence (online interactions not rated)



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