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What to do with old computer monitors: 5 useful ideas

setting up two monitors on a desk with photo editing tools open

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Like any piece of technology, monitors have a lifespan. With newer monitors getting cheaper by the day, chances are you’ve bought something to supersede your old monitor. If you’re wondering what to do with that extra monitor you have lying around, here are some ideas.

Use it as a secondary monitor


setting up two monitors on a desk with <a href=photo editing tools open” src=”https://static1.makeuseofimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dual-monitor-setup-on-desk-with-photo-editing-tools-open.jpg” style=”display:block;height:auto;max-width:100%;”/>

One of the best use cases for a monitor is, as you would expect, a monitor. If you have an extra monitor lying around, turning it into a second or even third display on your desk is the best thing you can do for your productivity.

They may not even be the same size or resolution as your newer displays. With a little tweaking (and freeing up space on your desk) you’ll be up and running in no time, and we’ve got a dual monitor setup guide to get you started.

If you already have a dual-display setup, a third monitor can add even more screen space. That said, there are diminishing returns here, so if adding an old monitor to your setup isn’t an option, read on.

Turn it into a second computer

Thomas Dyan \/ DALL-E \/ MUO<\/p>\n”>

scoffed diy raspberry pi laptop on table

Thomas Dyan / DALL-E / MUO

If you have enough monitors on your desk, you can also consider turning your old monitor into a second computer using a Raspberry Pi. Starting at just $50, the Raspberry Pi 5 actually offers enough power to function comfortably as a home or office computer. It won’t let you play the latest AAA titles, but it’s a great choice for surfing the web, writing documents, or running light programs.

If you’re into DIY projects, Linux, or just playing around with computers and/or hardware in general, this is a great way to recycle your monitor, since the Raspberry Pi requires its own monitor and peripherals to be connected. Since you won’t need a high-end monitor with the latest specs, an old monitor is perfect.

Use it as a Lightbox

If you’re a content creator, you know how important good lighting is, and that’s where an old or broken monitor can come in handy. It’s a bit of a lengthy process and you have to tear down the entire monitor to remove the internal circuitry and image diffusion/polarizing layers. But once you do, your old monitor can turn into a handy lightbox for talking head videos or product shots.

Depending on your monitor, the process can vary greatly. For example, this Instructables guide recommends placing a white LED strip in your monitor, while another simply removes the LCD and leaves the backlight on permanently. So you’ll need to do some research before you can get started, but it’s a relatively simple project that will allow you to repurpose a monitor that would otherwise be E-waste.

Smart mirror on the wall


Deconstructed Magic Mirror with frame, mirror and display

Another handy DIY project, and perhaps one of the best ways to recycle an old monitor in my opinion, is to turn it into a smart mirror. You’ll need a Raspberry Pi and some DIY knowledge for the project, but there are plenty of tutorials to get you started. If you need some inspiration, we’ve also compiled a list of the best Raspberry Pi smart magic mirror projects.

In fact, this is such a popular project that entire platforms have been created for the Raspberry Pi to get you started. MagicMirror² is a great example of an easy-to-use, community-driven open source platform that comes with extensive documentation to help you build your first fully functional smart mirror with minimal knowledge or experience required. It even has an API that allows you to extend the functionality of the core platform to practically anything you want.

Sell ​​it or donate it

Facebook Marketplace on MacBook
Ruby Helyer/MakeUseOf

Last but not least, the easiest way to get rid of the monitor is to either sell it for cash or return part of the original investment. You can also gift it to someone who is looking for a different display but can’t afford a new one.

Although monitors aren’t terribly expensive these days (which is why I ended up upgrading to a 4K monitor in 2024), a good monitor can still cost quite a lot. You can list your old monitor on sites like eBay or Facebook Marketplace and get it off your hands quickly.

Even though you may have bought a new monitor, there are still plenty of things you can do with your old one. Storing electronics on a shelf does no good, and with all these ideas you can start an interesting project or help someone else.



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