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Urban Heat Beginners Guide and Tips

Black Market in Urban Heat Beginners Guide

Urban Heat is a multiplayer first-person shooter title from OneUp Games. The game is now available for early access in select regions. It is set in a gang-controlled urban environment, players engage in 3v3 and 5v5 PvP deathmatch battles across various locales such as Vista Bay, Venice Bay, Dead End, and Dragon’s Nest. In this Urban Heat Beginners Guide, we will be giving you an overview of the game and provide you with some tips and tricks that will give you an upper hand.

If you are new to the game and want to progress as early as possible, then you should check out our Redeem Code article to grab some free items that can give you a headstart. After playing Urban Heat for several days, I can clearly say that this game has the potential to become something big. If you like FPS shooting games then you should try Urban Heat.

Gameplay Overview

At the start of the game, Urban Heat provides a generic experience where you get a character from each of the three Gangs. The names of the gangs are Carbons, El Coco, and Golden Coppers. Currently, each gang has four characters. Every gang offers a different set of weapons and other consumables.

The missions of Urban Heat are called Contracts. You will get cash once you complete those contracts. You can spend that cash in the Black Market, the shop of the game. The main currency of the game is the Universal Key. You can buy that currency with real money.

Black Market in Urban Heat Beginners Guide
Black Market in Urban Heat (Image via OneUp Games)

In the beginning, you will only get to play 5v5 PvP deathmatches. Once you start the match, you will notice that the power meter of the character’s Ultimate Skill has started. Once it reaches 100, you will be able to use the Ultimate Skill. Each character possesses different Ultimate Skills with various features. The character progression will unlock different skill sets, perks, and consumable items. Most of the characters max out at level 13.

Various progressions make the game more engaging

Character progression happens through Character XP gained in battles. You will have to perform well in battles by completing objectives, earning kills, and assisting. Character progression will also unlock new abilities, loadout slots, and level-ups.

Another important thing is the Rank Progression system. You can make progress by playing well. Rank goes up or down based on winning or losing games, and in-game performance, such as achieving high scores, and contributing to team victories. Rank Progression unlocks Reputation Points (RP) used for gang development.

Gang Progression, Urban Heat game progression
Gang Progression in Urban Heat (Image via OneUp Games)

Gang Progression plays a crucial role in Urban Heat as it is directly connected with the upgradation of your gameplay. You can unlock gang levels using Reputation Points to gain access to new perks, characters, weapons, and abilities. As we have already discussed, you upgrade your gang rank using Reputation Points. You can earn these by increasing the ranks of characters and weapons. It unlocks new gang-specific characters, weapons, perks, and consumables.

Weapon Modules can massively boost weapons

Weapon Modules are necessary for weapon upgradation. Modules come in four different rarity levels, which affect their stats, appearance, and set bonuses. Let’s take a detailed look:

  • Uncommon: Basic modules available early in weapon progression.
  • Rare: New designs without bonus stats, these are obtainable from loot crates.
  • Epic: Feature 1-2 bonus stats, Weapon Empower mechanics, and unique set visuals.
  • Legendary: This class features 2-3 bonus stats, Weapon Empower, Ultimate mechanics, and enhanced set visuals.

How to obtain modules

You can level up your weapon to unlock modules through progression. You may purchase weapon blueprints which are weapon camos with modules directly from the in-game market. We can also open weapon-specific crates to acquire modules. Players should keep one thing in mind Epic and Legendary modules are only available through weapon-specific crates.

How to open Weapon Crates

The primary way of opening a weapon-specific crate is by using Weapon Keys. You can use Universal Keys to open crates for any weapon in your collection. You can earn these keys by leveling up weapons past the max level and by purchasing keys in the game shop. The potential module rewards can be viewed from each weapon crate when pressing the info sign.

Urban Heat Gameplay Basics

Gangs and Characters offers diverse gameplay

Just like clans and leagues, this game has a feature called ‘gangs‘. You can choose from three gangs, each with its style, aesthetic, and thirty unique characters. The names of the gangs are: El Coco, Carbons, and Golden Coppers. Each gang offers several playable in-game characters. Each character possesses different skills and attributes.

Weapon customization makes the game more interesting

Multiple different class weapons in Urban Heat give us a lot of options to choose from. We can even upgrade and customize these weapons using the modules. After combining all the modules and weapons, we can get almost 500 weapon configurations. For instance, a normal handgun in Urban Heat has seven customization slots.

Different Maps opens up various gameplay scenarios

Urban Heat gameplay, Urban Heat action gameplay
Urban Heat gameplay (Image via OneUp Games)

Currently, Urban Heat has a total of three maps. Those are: Venice Bay, Dead End, and Dragon’s Nest. Each map provides us different game style and pace. Venice Bay offers an open, beach-style location. Whereas the Dead End map gives us a vibe of intense urban firepower. Lastly, the Dragon’s Nest is based on Asian Architecture which the flankers of the team will find very comfortable due to various angles and spots.

Urban Heat Beginners Guide: Tips and Tricks

1. Upgrade your characters and enjoy the perks

In the beginning, you should always focus on upgrading the in-game character you are playing. Upgrading characters will give you many benefits such as different consumables, perks, and lastly the Ultimate Skill. It will also help you in character progression and leveling up. Also, do not forget to select the right character which will balance your team.

2. Customize your weapon to get the upper hand over enemies

As discussed above, weapon upgradation plays a crucial role in successfully utilizing the planned gameplay. When you upgrade your weapon, you will unlock customization slots, weapon empowerment, etc. This will also boost your gameplay and enhance the team game.

3. Join the gang and rule the streets

Urban Heat currently has three gangs. Those are El Coco, Carbons, and Golden Coppers. The benefits of gang progression have already been discussed. So, it should be on the top of your to-do list once you start playing the game.

Final Thoughts

Just playing the game for almost two weeks, I can clearly say that it will surely succeed in the future if the developers put in effort consistently. Features like weapon customization and diversity in characters distinguish Urban Heat from other FPS games.

Players are already liking this game and it only increases once they bring more weapons and characters to the game. At first, this game may feel quite complex but if you follow this Urban Heat Beginners Guide thoroughly, then you will surely understand the mechanics of it and will have a smooth and pleasant experience with the game.

Read our other game guides:

That’s all for our Urban Heat Beginners Guide! Did you find our Urban Heat Beginners Guide useful? Let us know in the comments below!

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