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Undawn: The Complete Roles Guide and Tips

Undawn Roles

Undawn is an outstanding survival–based RPG game that focuses keenly on the survival aspects which are important in real life too. This helps out the players to connect well with the game. Roles are one of the most important sections in the game as it teaches about some of the most important skills that a character must master if it wants to survive with the best knowledge. Thus, let us know more about these Roles in detail and how they help the players with this Undawn guide. 

To master all the basics, check our Beginners Guide. Don’t forget the Redeem Codes piece too, will help you get some amazing assets. Make sure to check other essentials like Craft, Survival, and Storage guides, which will help you have in-depth knowledge about them. If you face any bug/issue, report it to Customer Support and get it fixed. Don’t miss our Controller Guide if you want to enjoy your adventure with your controller.

Different Roles in Undawn

There are 10 Roles in the game which are required to be mastered by the players so that their character masters all the skills and upgrades them as well. Thus here is the list of the Roles:

1. Logger

The role of the Logger helps players learn the skill of carpentry. This thus helps players to get knowledge about crafting necessities things with the help of wood, metal particles, sawdust, and many more. By mastering this skill players can easily upgrade their Homestead and have one of the finest Homesteads on the server. 

Undawn Roles
Image via Level Infinite

The main skills that will be learned by the characters from this section:

  • Logging Skill
  • Durable Clever
  • Professional Carpenter
  • Carpenter Blueprint

2. Miner

The role of the miner helps the players to mine out minerals such as Iron Ore and Copper Ore and then later use them to craft materials made out of them. Extracting this ore and then carving essential items helps the players a lot in their mode of survival and thus the skill of mining adds up a major value in the skillset of a character. 

Undawn RolesUndawn Roles
Image via Level Infinite

The main skills that will be learned by the characters through mining are:

  • Mining Skill
  • Super Pickaxe 
  • Artisan Spirit
  • Furniture Blueprint

3. Gatherer

The skill of a Gatherer helps the players to gather the most important natural items players can get from the island. The seeds, fruits, vegetables, and many more essential commodities are thus required by the players in many factors such as cooking food, preparing medicines, and other required ways too. Thus this also enhances the idea of the players for using the items properly and for the right purpose.

Image via Level Infinite

The main skills learned by the role of a Gatherer are:

  • Gathering Skill
  • Plant Furniture
  • Expert herbalist
  • Decoration Blueprint 

4. Hunter

Hunters are one of the finest people to hunt down their prey with the best set of skills and thus the role of a hunter must be played crucially by the players over the land of Undawn. Hunting down animals like Deer and Bears helps the players collect tattered animal skins and other essential components which later help in crafting guns and ammo as well.

Thus players must master the skill of a hunter and hunt down their prey to have a wholesome amount of required essentials. Skills to be learned from this Role are:

  • Hunting Skills
  • Excellent Fitness
  • Wilderness Survival
  • Comprehensive Specimen 

5. Chef

Being the finest chef can help players to maintain quite a healthy diet with the best set of flavors in their food. The skills of a Chef can boost the health and metabolism of the character as well if the proper knowledge and raw materials are used to make the best out of the items present in their hands.

Thus, the role of a Chef is very crucial for the character’s physical traits because of the only fact that food is the ultimate source of energy for the human body. The skills to be acquired through this role are:

  • Cooking Secrets
  • Fresh Kitchen Delicacies
  • Double Cooking
  • Special Recipes

6. Angler

Fishing is considered an art in itself and thus it can also be a great source of income for the players. Players can enjoy a leisurely life wearing a fishing hat or they can use their experience and skills to become a conqueror of the sea.

Also, fishing will add up to a great protein source for the player’s meal and hence it will help the character gain ample energy through its food. The skills adapted through this role are:

  • Fishing skill 
  • Auto-Fishing 
  • Unique Fish Bait 
  • Delicious Fish species

7. Scavenger

Wandering the filthy city streets and rat-infested sewers and scraping out a living through one’s special skills: only by surviving the characters can become legendary scavengers over the land. They go wherever they want and can adapt to the habitat and surroundings. Thus, players won’t be under someone’s control and wander throughout the island with the best survival skills as well. 

Undawn RolesUndawn Roles
Image via Level Infinite

This role will help out players to learn the skill sets of:

  • Beggars Can’t be Choosers
  • Vagabond 
  • Vagabond Soul
  • Exposed to the Elements

8. Firearms Master

The Firearms Master role helps players with the best set of skills to craft guns and weapons that will help them hunt down the zombies and the animals present throughout the map. This skill is a lot useful because players need to fight against a lot of zombies and strong weapons are indeed required for that. The main skills learned from here are:

  • Firearms skills
  • Firearm Blueprints 
  • Metallurgy skills

9. Highwayman

A skill that will mostly help players to settle down and adjust themselves at the junkyard in the desert. Fighters by nature have a lead maverick’s life which includes racing, looting, and indulging in the arts of modification and graffiti and thus they are considered as wild and terrific. The skills to be learned from this role are:

  • Survival skills
  • Adaptability traits 

10. Troubadour

This role leads to the search for the lost music score and playing moving melodies. With nothing but a guitar on their backs, troubadours stroll through the green city parks, bringing consolation to people in this miserable world through music. Thus, the musical skills acquired through this role are:

  • Musical Blueprints 
  • Creative Exploration 

How to unlock Traits for Roles in Undawn 

Unlocking the traits in every role is quite very easy to do in the game. Players have to just follow these easy steps and thus they can easily call off the skill in their character. 

  • Open the game and move to the menu section, there go for the Role section
  • In the Role section, tap on the particular Role for which you want a trait to unlock
Apprentice MinerApprentice Miner
Image via Level Infinite
  • After that, players will thus move into that Role and get to see the traits in it, tap on the trait and unlock them with the help of Silvers. 

Remember that traits first unlock after reaching a certain level and completing a particular mission. After that players can thus buy the trait with the help of Silvers. 

Final Thoughts

Undawn is an outstanding survival-based game that allows certain roles in the game. These roles help players learn some of the great survival skills that further help them to live properly over the filthy land. Thus, follow up on this guide and learn about all the roles and skills in detail. 

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