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Tips to defeat the new in-game enemies

Genshin Impact Version 4.6 enemies

Genshin Impact has introduced a brand new patch Version 4.6 Two Worlds Aflame, the Crimson Night Fades releasing the last expansion of the region Fontaine, and with it comes an assortment of new classes of bosses and enemies to defeat and farm materials.

The enemies discussed today can be farmed by following the Adventurer’s Handbook. The new mobs are all classified as high-tier Elite enemies. This means it may prove to be difficult to fight especially if the bosses are put in the Spiral Abyss. In this guide, we will give tips and tricks to navigate and defeat the new enemies of Version 4.6 in Genshin Impact.

How to defeat new enemies in Genshin Impact Version 4.6

Here we have listed the new enemies in the Genshin Impact version 4.6 update with tips to defeat them.

Fatui Operatives

What is Bond of Life

In combat, these enemies will use the Hunt Down skill to attach a Life Bond to characters they hit. While Life Bond is active, the character will take continuous DMG, and Hunt Down will deal more DMG to them.

Fatui Operatives: Wind Operative

An elite agent among the Fatui. “Operatives” have no ordinary military rank among the Fatui. Based on their orders and the content of their missions, they can work in concert with other soldiers, work alone, or in tandem with the “tacks” hidden and scattered across the world.

Genshin Impact Version 4.6 enemiesGenshin Impact Version 4.6 enemies
Image via HoYoverse

They spy, conduct counter-espionage, protect, assassinate, and conduct other tasks. To effectively carry out missions of a more special nature, “Operatives” also need to master all kinds of other skills and even various arts and talents.

  • Materials Dropped: Old Operative’s Pocket Watch, Operative’s Standard Pocket Watch, Operative’s Constancy 
  • Classification: Fatui Operatives
  • Damage inflicted: Anemo

Attack Patterns and Abilities

  • Fakeout: Raises a barrier in front of herself. If attacked from the front while the barrier is active, the DMG deal will be nullified and the Operative will teleport to the player’s location and strike down with her cane, dealing Anemo DMG. The strike-down can also be triggered if the Wind Operative is attacked multiple times.
  • Spikefield: Marks an area around the player and deals Anemo DMG in that area. 
  • Galeshot: Consecutively fires 1, 1, and 2 wind orbs at the player. Each orb deals 50% ATK in the first 2 waves and 60% ATK in the final wave respectively as Anemo DMG on hit. If the player gets too close during the first shot, the Wind Operative will follow up with Spikefield.

Hunt Down: Sacrifices 5% of her Max HP (or 25% of current HP if HP percentage is under 20%) to initiate Hunt Down: Locks onto the player, teleports her cane above the player which then strikes down, dealing Anemo DMG. 

  • If the first hit connects, the cane will then release a wind blast, dealing 100% ATK as Anemo DMG.
  • If the player is hit by the first hit of this attack, they will receive a Life Bond equal to 16% of the Operative’s ATK.
  • As long as this Life Bond is active, it will also be affected by a Corrosion status which drains 0.4% Max HP + 72 every second.
  • If the affected character is off-field, they cannot be brought below 5% Max HP by this Corrosion. However, on-field characters can die.
  • If the Hunt Down attack hits a character affected by this Life Bond, it will deal 250% of its original DMG. This Life Bond is stackable. This Life Bond lasts for 10 minutes if not cleared.

Fatui Operatives: Frost Operative

An elite agent among the Fatui. Selected while still children, they can only become an “Operative” after many long years of training and teaching, after countless rounds have winnowed the field. They are the most outstanding soldiers among the Fatui, with extraordinary skill and unswerving loyalty.

Genshin Impact Version 4.6 enemiesGenshin Impact Version 4.6 enemies
Image via HoYoverse
  • Materials Dropped: Old Operative’s Pocket Watch, Operative’s Standard Pocket Watch, Operative’s Constancy 
  • Classification: Fatui Operatives
  • Damage inflicted: Cryo

Attack Patterns and Abilities

  • Blinkchase: Teleports near the player and thrusts forward, dealing Cryo DMG.
  • Spinslash: Performs a spinning slash, dealing Cryo DMG.
  • Swiftblade: Performs a cross slash, fires an ice blast, and performs a blackflip slash, dealing Cryo DMG.

Hunt Down: Sacrifices 5% of her Max HP (or 25% of current HP if HP percentage is under 20%) to initiate Hunt Down: Locks onto the player, teleports her cane above the player which then strikes down, dealing Cryo DMG. 

  • If the first hit connects, the cane will then release a wind blast, dealing 100% ATK as Cryo DMG.
  • If the player is hit by the first hit of this attack, they will receive a Life Bond equal to 16% of the Operative’s ATK.
  • As long as this Life Bond is active, it will also be affected by a Corrosion status which drains 0.4% Max HP + 72 every second.
  • If the affected character is off-field, they cannot be brought below 5% Max HP by this Corrosion. However, on-field characters can die.
  • If the Hunt Down attack hits a character affected by this Life Bond, it will deal 250% of its original DMG. This Life Bond is stackable. This Life Bond lasts for 10 minutes if not cleared.

How to defeat Wind Operative/Frost Operative in Genshin Impact Version 4.6

To defeat the Wind and Frost Operative, focus on exploiting weaknesses by attacking from behind or using abilities that penetrate barriers, while staying mobile to avoid Spikefield and Galeshot attacks. Make use of i-frames and dash accordingly to dodge the attacks.

Coordinate with a balanced team, prioritize clearing the Life Bond debuff inflicted by her Hunt Down ability, and capitalize on openings to deal significant damage. Against the Frost Operative, break her Glacial Barrier quickly, and interrupt her attacks with crowd control abilities. The best way to remove the Bond of Life is to heal yourself from the debuff.

Xuanwen Beast

Xuanwen Beasts, named for the dark patterns on their bodies, are fierce creatures that inhabit the mountains of Chenyu Vale. In the region’s folklore, these beasts were the servants of an Adeptus in ancient times, tasked with vanquishing evil and protecting the region. However, they devolved into brutal creatures after Adeptus passed away. 

Genshin Impact Version 4.6 enemiesGenshin Impact Version 4.6 enemies
Image via HoYoverse

These legends cannot be verified, and no one knows the true identity of this Adeptus. This much is for sure, however — one should stay away from these aggressive creatures for one’s safety. For over a thousand years, these beasts have lost a tremendous amount of territory that once belonged to them to relentless human encroachment. These days, they can only occasionally be spotted in the remote mountains of Chenyu Vale.

  • Materials Dropped: Feathery Fin, Lunar Fin, Chasmlight Fin
  • Classification: Mystical Beasts
  • Damage inflicted: Anemo & Hydro

Attack Patterns and Abilities

  • Double Swipe: Swipes its claws for two melee strikes, dealing Anemo DMG
  • Charged Swipe: Forms a vortex around its claw and performs a single swipe, dealing Anemo DMG
  • Windblade: Performs a flip, launching a wind blade from its tail towards the player, Anemo DMG on hit. 
  • Orb Volley: Conjures 4 water orbs and fires them at the player, each dealing Hydro DMG on hit. 
  • Chase: If the player is far away, charges at the player and attacks twice with its claws, dealing Anemo DMG.

How to defeat Xuanwen Beast in Genshin Impact Version 4.6

The beast moves very quickly, slashing and making swift attacks on your character. Make use of i-frames and dashes to maneuver yourself from the attacks. The Xuanwen Beast has high Hydro and Anemo resistance so it’s best to use other Elements besides these. The most effective way to deal with the mob is to use Elemental Reactions to freeze it and use Shatter, Melt, and other Elemental Reactions to break the ice, rendering it immobile temporarily.

Praetorian Golem

Genshin Impact Version 4.6 enemiesGenshin Impact Version 4.6 enemies
Image via HoYoverse

A moving statue shaped like a warrior who will swing their sword at all who dare trespass upon the area under their guardianship. It is unclear if it is a soul or magic that powers them. They say that legions of golems once conquered the nations that called the High Sea home, and this might have been among their number. The great towers and palaces that now sleep beneath the waves once bore witness to the fate of those who stand in the path of the wheel of fate.

  • Materials Dropped: Ruined Hilt, Splintered Hilt, Still-Smoldering Hilt
  • Classification: Mystical Beasts
  • Damage inflicted: Pyro & Geo

Attack Patterns and Abilities

The Praetorian Golem is protected by a Geo shield that increases its resistance to all DMG by 50%. The shield is weakest against Blunt Attacks. If the shield is destroyed, the Praetorian Golem will become paralyzed for 8 seconds before regaining its shield.

  • Double Swing: Swings its greatsword twice, dealing Pyro DMG.
  • Triple Swing: Performs three spinning slashes, dealing Pyro DMG.
  • Downward Cleave: Charges towards the player if far away. Cleaves down with its greatsword, dealing Pyro DMG.
  • Heatblade: Slashes downward to launch a vertical blade at the player, dealing Pyro DMG on hit.
  • Heated Field: Inserts its greatsword into the ground and creates a field at the player’s location. The field detonates 8 times, dealing 40% ATK for the first 7 detonations and 80% ATK for the final detonation as Pyro DMG.

How to defeat Praetorian Golem in Genshin Impact Version 4.6

Luckily, the size of the boss makes their moveset style slow and pronounced. As such players can effectively dodge their attacks by taking advantage of i-frames and dashing on time. Due to the Geo shield on the enemy, it is best to remove the shield by using blunt attacks (use Claymore attacks or use Geo characters). Once the shield is down the Praetorian Golem will be paralyzed for 8 seconds.

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