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This AI tool helps me solve complex math and science questions

The level includes a multiple choice question

Gone are the days of chasing after friends or professors to understand complex concepts. Now you can solve all your queries from the comfort of your home using AI tools. While there have been countless times when ChatGPT goes wrong, I have found the tool to handle complex math and science questions much more efficiently.

Simplifying complex problems with MathGPT

MathGPT is an AI tool I recently discovered and is by far the most accurate AI resource I’ve used to study. Currently, MathGPT contains four different sections: MathGPT, PhysicsGPT, AccountingGPT and ChemGPT.

I’ve always been a fan of studying visually. Therefore, whenever I have a question, I usually turn to YouTube first before resorting to an AI tool. But in reality, YouTube doesn’t always have the answers I need.

While it’s easy to find videos on key topics, the chances of you coming across my exact question are slim. This is where AI tools can help – all you have to do is type in your question and the tool will generate a detailed solution within seconds. For example, I couldn’t figure out how to solve this multiple choice accounting question.

The level includes a multiple choice question

I put it in MathGPT and voila!

MathGPT solutions to multiple choice accounting questions

Even if I find an exact question on the internet, the solutions are often full of complicated notations and symbols, and sometimes just looking at them makes me want to stop studying for the day. However, AI takes a different approach.

MathGPT breaks down complex problems into steps. You can also intervene Generate Video Explainer button to create a script and video explaining the solution in minutes. Although it’s basically the same solution, the steps are timed with on-screen explanations, which really helped me.

The best thing about MathGPT is that the video solutions are tailored to your needs. For example, in my Calculus class, my professor solved a question using an equation I hadn’t seen before. I sat empty trying to follow but nothing was clicking. Once the class was over, I asked MathGPT to solve the same question, stating that I wanted to solve it using a method I knew.

MathGPT derivation of the integration reduction formula

Within seconds, MathGPT worked its magic and I finally understood the problem through the video explanation he created! You can see the video he made on this website.

MathGPT generating video explanation for deriving the integration reduction formula

Generate custom practice problems instantly

I have always believed that solving practical questions once you understand the concept is the only way to crack STEM subjects.

While using an assigned textbook to practice is one option, college level textbooks often have hundreds of questions and finding the ones that best match what you need to practice can be overwhelming. This is where MathGPT is a huge help. My exams often contain questions similar to those tested in my assignments. So I usually upload a few of my problems and ask MathGPT to generate similar ones for me, either at the same or higher difficulty level.

MathGPT generating chemistry practice questions

Additionally, when I ask MathGPT to explain a concept or question to me, I ask it to create similar questions right after to make sure I fully understand the concept.

MathGPT creates integration questions that use the reduction formula

This saves me time going through endless questions and allows me to focus on the topics I struggle with the most. If I get stuck on a question, just ask MathGPT to solve it for me!

Let AI check your work

We’re all guilty of making silly mistakes like multiplying two numbers incorrectly. When this happens to me, I spend minutes staring at my solution trying to determine where I went wrong. This can be frustrating, especially on long questions where I understand the concept but am lost in my work because of a simple calculation mistake I made.

Another thing MathGPT can help you with is checking your solutions and identifying errors. For example, I put in a physics question about kinematics with my work and asked MathGPT to verify my solution because my final answer was incorrect.

I am asking MathGPT to review my work

The AI ​​tool solved the problem and pointed out that the error stemmed from a miscalculation of the flight time. This happened because I accidentally split two numbers wrong when I was in a hurry.

MathGPT identifying a mistake I made in my physics question

Not only does this save me a lot of time that I could spend on more challenging problems, but it also helps me strengthen my understanding of the concepts.

MathGPT has quickly become a tool I can’t imagine living without. It’s the best AI tool to solve math problems and reinforce your concepts, and since it’s not just limited to math, I highly recommend exploring the website if you’re a student.



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