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The ultimate Cooking guide with all the recipes

Tower of Fantasy recipes, Tower of Fantasy cooking, ToF recipe

Fried Mushrooms x2 Mushroom Recovers 5 satiety
Recovers 10% + 1,500 HP Crispy Grilled Fish x1 Silver Bass Recovers 10 satiety Wholegrain Bread x 2 Homi Grain Recovers 10 satiety Sizzling Meat x2 Game Meat Recovers 10 satiety Lettuce Salad x2 Lettuce
x1 Salad Dressing Recovers 5 satiety
Recovers 10% + 1,500 HP Fried Egg x2 Poultry Egg Recovers 5 satiety
Recovers 10% + 1,500 HP Seaweed and Egg Soup x2 Laver
x1 Poultry Egg Recovers 7 satiety
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Breakfast Cereal x2 Homi Grain
x1 Milk Recovers 14 satiety Crispy Chicken Burger x1 Homi Grain
x1 Poultry Meat
x1 Lettuce Recovers 7 satiety
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Egg Fried Rice x2 Rice
x1 Poultry Egg Recovers 14 satiety Golden Egg and Tomato x2 Thornmato
x2 Poultry Egg Recovers 7 satiety
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Mushroom Soup x2 Mushroom
x2 Lettuce Recovers 7 satiety
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Steamed Conch x2 Conch
x1 Lettuce Recovers 7 satiety
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Meat and Potato Stew x1 Potato
x1 Game Meat Recovers 14 satiety Fries x1 Potato
x1 Salad Dressing Recovers 14 satiety Vegetable Salad x1 Fallen Fruit
x1 Thornmato
x1 Lettuce
x1 Salad Dressing Recovers 7 satiety
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Fried Chicken x2 Poultry Meat
x1 Homi Grain Recovers 7 satiety
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Honeyed Fruit Juice x2 Fallen Fruit
x1 Honey
x1 Carbonated Water Recovers 300 stamina
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Iced Orchid Surprise x2 Ghost Mushroom
x1 Milk
x1 Carbonated Water Recovers 300 stamina
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Stir-Fried Broccoli x2 Broccoli Recovers 14 satiety Meat Bun x2 Homi Grain
x1 Game Meat Recovers 14 satiety Sliced Fish with Mushroom x2 Mushroom
x1 Silver Bass Recovers 7 satiety
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Dandelion Mushroom Soup x1 Dandelion Seed
x2 Mushroom Recovers 7 satiety
Recovers 12% + 3,300 HP Surf and Turf x1 Darby’s Sturgeon
x2 Poultry Egg Recovers 8 satiety
Recovers 13% + 10,000 HP Red Wheat Bread x2 Brown Rice Recovers 16 satiety Firecap Mushroom Soup x2 Firecap
x2 Lettuce Recovers 400 stamina
Recovers 13% + 10,000 HP Black Moss Soup x2 Black Moss
x2 Lettuce Recovers 8 satiety
Recovers 13% + 10,000 HP Seafood Soup x3 Conch
x2 Scallop
x1 Lettuce Recovers 10 satiety
Ice Attack +1%
Ice Attack +45
Duration 900 sec Spicy Burger x3 Homi Grain
x2 Rear Hock
x1 Lettuce Recovers 10 satiety
Physical Attack +1%
Physical Attack +45
Duration 900 sec Steamed Crab x2 Portunid
x2 Lettuce Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 15% + 20,000 HP Iced Strawberry Soda x2 Strawberry
x2 Honey
x1 Carbonated Water Recovers 10 satiety
Flame Resistance +10%
Flame Resistance +170
Duration 900 sec Thundercloud Blueberry Soda x1 Small Blueberry Jar
x2 Honey
x1 Carbonated Water Recovers 10 satiety
Volt Resistance +10%
Volt Resistance +170
Duration 900 sec Simple Power Salad x1 Broccoli
x1 Thornmato
x1 Lettuce
x1 Poultry Egg
x1 Salad Dressing Recovers 10 satiety
Physical Resistance +10%
Physical Resistance +170
Duration 900 sec Steamed Egg with Sea Urchin x2 Sea Urchin
x2 Poultry Egg Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 15% + 20,000 HP Jam on Toast x1 Small Blueberry Jar
x1 Strawberry
x3 Homi Grain Recovers 10 satiety
Volt Attack +1%
Volt Attack +45
Duration 900 sec Tomato and Fried Egg Pasta x4 Thornmato
x3 Homi Grain
x1 Poultry Egg Recovers 10 satiety
Flame Attack +1%
Flame Attack +45
Duration 900 sec Fruit Cake x2 Strawberry
x1 Homi Grain
x1 Fallen Fruit
x1 Poultry Egg Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 15% + 20,000 HP Boiled Scallops x2 Scallop
x3 Lettuce Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 15% + 20,000 HP Roast Rump x2 Rear Hock Recovers 500 stamina
Recovers 15% + 20,000 HP Fiddlehead Pie x2 Fiddlehead
x2 Brown Rice Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 16% + 34,000 HP Chocolate Bread x2 Cocoa Beans
x2 Brown Rice Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 16% + 34,000 HP Balloon Fruit Salad x2 Balloon Fruit
x2 Thornmato
x1 Salad Dressing Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 16% + 34,000 HP Fiddlehead Soup x2 Fiddlehead
x4 Lettuce Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 16% + 34,000 HP Spicy Eel x1 Electric Eel Recovers 10 satiety
Volt Resistance +10%
Volt Resistance +290
Duration 900 sec Eel and Mushroom Soup x1 Electric Eel
x2 Firecap Recovers 10 satiety
Volt Attack +1%
Volt Attack +80
Duration 900 sec Sea Crab Soup x2 Hermit Crab
x4 Mushroom Recovers 10 satiety
Flame Resistance +10%
Flame Resistance +290
Duration 900 sec Sweet Pomegranate Juice x2 Phosphogranate
x2 Honey
x1 Carbonated Water Recovers 600 stamina
Recovers 16% + 34,000 HP Cocoa Milk x2 Cocoa Beans
x2 Honey
x1 Milk Recovers 10 satiety
Ice Resistance +10%
Ice Resistance +290
Duration 900 sec Firedragon Fruit Tea x2 Firedragon Fruit
x2 Honey Recovers 10 satiety
Flame Attack +1%
Flame Attack +80
Duration 900 sec Barnacle Stew x2 Barnacle
x4 Lettuce Recovers 10 satiety
Physical Resistance +10%
Physical Resistance +290
Duration 900 sec Barnacle Seafood Pizza x1 Barnacle
x2 Brown Rice
x1 Onion Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 16% + 34,000 HP Snow Azalea Tea x1 Snow Azalea
x1 Milk
x2 Honey Recovers 10 satiety
Ice Attack +1%
Ice Attack +80
Duration 900 sec Pine Cocoa x1 Pinecone
x1 Cocoa Beans
x2 Milk Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 16% + 34,000 HP Caviar Sushi x1 Caviar
x2 Rice
x2 Laver Recovers 10 satiety
Recovers 16% + 34,000 HP Caviar Potato Balls x1 Caviar
x2 Potato Recovers 10 satiety
Physical Attack +1%
Physical Attack +80
Duration 900 sec Nut Tea x1 Hazelnut
x2 Pinecone
x2 Honey Recovers 20 satiety
Recovers 20% + 60,000 HP Purple Yam Pie x1 Purple Yam
x3 Brown Rice Recovers 20 satiety
Volt Attack +2%
Volt Attack +150
Duration 1200 sec Snow Lotus Soup x1 Snow Lotus
x2 Honey Recovers 800 stamina
Recovers 20% + 60,000 HP Truffle Fried Rice x1 Black Truffle
x1 Onion
x2 Rice Recovers 20 satiety
Physical Attack +2%
Physical Attack +150
Duration 1200 sec Caterpillar Fungus Noodles x1 Caterpillar Fungus
x3 Brown Rice Recovers 20 satiety
Recovers 20% + 60,000 HP Grilled Steak x1 Prime Cut Recovers 20 satiety
Volt Resistance +15%
Volt Resistance +675
Duration 1200 sec Steak with Sauce x1 Prime Cut
x3 Firecap Recovers 20 satiety
Flame Attack +2%
Flame Attack +150
Duration 1200 sec Braised Meat x1 Fatty Cut Recovers 20 satiety
Ice Resistance +15%
Ice Resistance +675
Duration 1200 sec Juicy BLT x1 Fatty Cut
x2 Brown Rice
x2 Poultry Egg Recovers 20 satiety
Flame Resistance +15%
Flame Resistance +675
Duration 1200 sec Salmon Sashimi x1 Lake Bass Recovers 20 satiety
Ice Attack +2%
Ice Attack +150
Duration 1200 sec Snail Baked Rice x1 Carrion Snail
x2 Rice Recovers 20 satiety
Physical Resistance +15%
Physical Resistance +675
Duration 1200 sec


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