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The best Google Slides templates

The Financial Google Slides template from Powered Template.

You can create beautiful and professional slides from any device with Google Slides. It’s easy to use. It works in any browser, so you can make professional slides even on the best cheap Chromebooks. You’ll find apps for every platform, including iOS. It’s fast and easy to create a presentation when you use one of the best Google Slide templates. Templates offer creative designs and layouts. All you do is add your own words and a few pictures.

As long time Google Workspace users, Android Police’s writers and editors use Google Slides constantly. In this guide, we’ve selected our favorite presentation templates and by task or function.

Best Google Slides templates for professional presentations

When you use Google Slides for work, start with one of the thousands of templates from different industries.

Financial Google Slides Theme from Powered Template

The Financial Google Slides template from Powered Template.

The Financial Google Slides theme from Powered Template has great colors and background graphics. Everything is laid out well, and each slide tells you what to include. Replace the Lorem Ipsum text with your own and let the slide do everything else.

This template has 22 slides, including flowcharts, columns, big idea slides, and maps. Everything is here to impress potential investors or your managers.

Investment Business Plan XL by Slidesgo

The Investment Business Plan XL template by SlidesGo.

The Investment Business Plan XL template from Slidesgo is one of those powerhouse presentations you expect to see from entrepreneurs and startups. It’s minimalist, gets to the point, and is eye-catching.

The slide deck is 60 slides long. The template has 28 extra slides of icons, charts, graphs, and additional resources for your presentation. The template is well-formatted and includes graphs, charts, and imagery. Each slide gives directions about the information to add to make your business plan presentation and your pitch for funding appealing to investors.

Concentric Blue by Slides Carnival

The Concentric Blue template from Slides Carnival.

The Concentric Blue business template from Slides Carnival is a generic, professional-focused presentation you can use for almost anything. It features concentric digital circles in the background of nearly every slide, creating a corporate-style look that’s sure to please professionals.

Each slide has instructions on what to enter. The template includes graphs, columns, tables, maps, and large images for extra impact. This presentation has 23 slides, plus 16 slides filled with icons, graphs, and other resources you can use.

Aqua Marketing Plan by Slidesgo

The Aqua Marketing Plan template from Slidesgo.

Slidego’s Aqua Marketing Plan template is the perfect slide deck for a splashy marketing presentation. It uses subtle pastel blue and green shades to create a happy and vibrant feel, which is what you want with a marketing proposal. It’s also useful for presentations dealing with environmental impact issues.

The template has 54 slides, including 18 slides with icons, graphs, and other resources. Each slide in the presentation guides you through what to include. There are graphs, tables, KPIs, and other elements.

Best Google Slides templates for personal use

You don’t need to run a business to get the most out of Google Slides. These templates are perfect for your personal life.

90s Modern Retro Digital Journal by Slides Carnival

The 90s Modern Retro digital journal template by Slides Carnival.

This 90s Modern Retro digital journal from Slides Carnival harks back to one of the last great decades in modern history. It captures the feel of the 1990s with its focus on emerging digital technology. Hello, Windows 98.

Use the 25 pre-built slides to capture your thoughts and ideas, set your goals, store your contacts, and look back at your favorite memories.

Digital Planner XXIV from Slides Mania

The Digital Planner XXIV displaying the month of January calendar slide.

The Digital Planner XXIV from Slides Mania is an ultra-useful year-long planner with subdued and calming background colors. The layout is unique. It uses tabs along the top and sides to recreate the feeling of a physical binder. This makes navigation more useful than other Google Slides digital planners.

Each month has a week-by-week view. There are tabs for notes, contacts, and birthdays. Inputting text is easy. This is a great digital planner for anyone, especially if you use a Chromebook.

Planning My Trip XL by Slidesgo

The Planning MY Trip XL trip planner template for Google Slides by Slidesgo.

The Planning My Trip XL template by Slidesgo is the perfect Google Slides template if you’re going on vacation. The template is multipurpose. You can adjust it for any holiday. Slidesgo made each slide with curved edges to give the feeling of looking at a map.

There are 60 pre-made presentation slides and 28 slides filled with icons and graphs. The slides include everything from itineraries to reservations to what to pack instructions.

Best Google Slides templates for educators and students

Students can benefit from Google Slides, especially when using a Chromebook. Everything you need is here, from school presentations to homework tracking.

Elegant Education Pack for Students XL by Slidesgo

The Elegant Education Pack for Students XL template by SlidesGo.

The Elegant Education Pack for Students XL by SlidesGo is unique. It includes multiple slides you can use as a background for Google Meet or Zoom calls. It has calming colors that don’t distract from the task, and everything is thoughtfully arranged.

The template comes with most of the things a student needs. Reminders for next classes, classroom rules, homework details, weekly planners, study guides for tests, and more.

Colorful Monsters Presentation by Slides Carnival

The Colorful Monsters Presentation template from Slides Carnival.

Younger students will love this Colorful Monsters Presentation slides template from Slides Carnival. It is fun, cute, and colorful. Thanks to the ubiquity of Chromebooks in the education system, they’ll love creating them.

The template is functional, with big pictures, diagrams, pop-out quotes, and roadmaps. Everything is playful, and text is easy to replace.

Simple Choice Board and Agenda by Slides Mania

The Simple Choice and Agenda template by Slides Mania for Google Slides.

Students and teachers will benefit from this highly interactive Simple Choice Board and Agenda from Slides Mania. It features retro 60s and 70s colors. Each slide is linked to the corresponding slide, so choices take you to the correct destination.

There are 11 slides. Each includes instructions to help you set it up so that your board flows smoothly.

Slide into success with these templates

There are thousands of Google Slides templates to choose from. We sorted through a fraction of what is available and dug out the best from what we saw. You can up your game with these templates. You can use them for your job, business, personal life, and school assignments. When you want to stand out, we have a great article to help you add audio to Google Slides.



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