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Ragnarok: Monster World Ragmon Tier List

Ragnarok Monster World Nidhoggr's Shadow

Ragnarok: Monster World is a strategy game where you pose as the Nexus and two Guardians protect you from the opponent’s Ragmons attack. ZERO X and PTE. LTD offers the game. In such a gameplay, it’s important to equip the right Ragmons. Hence, follow our Ragnarok Ragmon Tier List to acquire and equip the best Ragmon cards in the deck.   

There are a variety of Ragmon cards in this game with certain class divisions and rarities. As I’ve said, the right Ragmons can significantly damage your opponent. The speed and damage amount matter as the result will be in your favor. Also, check our Ragnarok redeem codes piece for gifts and the character class tier list for choosing the right class for you. 

Ragnarok: Monster World Ragmon Tier List

The Ragmons in Ragnarok: Monster World belong to either of the four classes namely Ranged, Tanker, Building, and Melee battle type. The Ragnarok Ragmon Tier List below gives you the exact idea of the best Ragmons of each class. They are further categorized into 5 major tiers: S, A, B, C, and D.

Tier Ranged Tanker Melee Building
Strong (S) Nidhoggr’s Shadow —— Baphomet, Maya, Zenobia ——
Good (A) Medusa King Alligator Chimera Scorpion King
Average (B) Sohee, Banshee, Dracula, Holden, Hornet Deviruchi Leaf Cat Steam Goblin
Fair (C) —— Kobold Leader Desert Wolf Baby, Disguise, Goblin(Axe), Harpy Savage Babe, Grizzly, Peco Peco
(D) Coco, Creamy, Kobold Archer, Yoyo —— Chonchon, Lunatic, Poring, Stainer ——

Best Ranged Ragmon – Nidhoggr’s Shadow

Nidhoggr’s Shadow, created from Nidhoggr’s dark energy, is the most powerful Ranged Ragmon in the game. It shoots strong breaths when summoned. Also, it HP of 1600, Damage of 1000, Attack Speed of 4.2, Range of 8.5, and Damage Radius of 6 targeting the Air and Ground. It has two main powers:

Ragnarok Monster World Nidhoggr's ShadowRagnarok Monster World Nidhoggr's Shadow
Ragnarok Monster World Nidhoggr’s Shadow (Image via ZERO X AND PTE. LTD.)
  • Dragon Fear: It stuns all enemies within a certain range for a fixed duration based on the enemy hit by a basic attack. The Effect type is Stun, the Effect Target is All Enemy, the Radius is 6.0, and the Duration for the attack is 1.7.
  • Darkness Breath: When it is deployed, it breathes fire penetrating all enemies, and targeting the nearest guardian or the Nexus. The Effect type is Area Damage, the Effect Target is All Enemy, and the Effect Value is 410.

Best Tanker Ragmon – King Alligator

King Alligator is a powerful beast that when moves a certain distance without interruption, becomes an inevitable rampage tank. The King Alligator hits any enemy so the enemy receives 2x damage. It has an HP of 750, a Damage of 160, an Attack Speed of 1.1, a Range of 2.2, and a Critical chance of 25% targeting the Ground. It has one main power:

Ragnarok Monster World King AlligatorRagnarok Monster World King Alligator
Ragnarok Monster World King Alligator (Image via ZERO X AND PTE. LTD.)
  • Rush Attack: After moving a certain distance, the King Alligator moves towards the enemy quickly. The enemies it hits using the Rush Attack take damage equal to twice the basic attack power. 

Best Melee Ragmon – Baphomet

Baphomet is a legendary demon that brings terrible fear to its enemies from the moment you summon it. Every third attack of Baphomet deals powerful wide-area splash damage. It has an HP of 3200, a Damage of 600, an Attack Speed of 2.6, and a range of 3.2, aiming for the Ground. It has two main powers:

Ragnarok Monster World BaphometRagnarok Monster World Baphomet
Ragnarok Monster World Baphomet (Image via ZERO X AND PTE. LTD.)
  • Load of Darkness: When Baphomet is deployed, all the enemies are in a state of fear for a certain period. It means that they’re all stunned. The Effect type is Stun, the Effect Target is All Enemy, the Attack radius is 54.0, and the Duration for the attack is 4.0.
  • Brandish Spear: Every third attack is a special attack instead of the basic attack, swings a scythe. This deals damage to all enemies in a wide area. The Effect type is Area Damage, the Effect Target is All Enemy, the radius is 12.0 and the Effect Value is 420.

Best Building Ragmon – Scorpion King

Scorpion King is the best building type Ragmon you can have in the game, Ragnarok. It has a hard and solid shell. It sprays concentrated poison around it while moving targeting only the Guardian or the Nexus. Also, it has an HP of 4300, a Damage of 270, an Attack Speed of 2.5, and a range of 2.5 targeting the Building. It also has one special skill:

Ragnarok Monster World Scorpion KingRagnarok Monster World Scorpion King
Ragnarok Monster World Scorpion King (Image via ZERO X AND PTE. LTD.)
  • Poison Break: It releases poison while moving which deals great damage to enemies around it. The attack happens in regular intervals after deployment until it is killed. The Effect type is Area Damage, the Effect Target is All Enemy, the Radius is 10.0, and the Effect Value is 49. 

How to get Ragmons in Ragnarok: Monster World

By now, you must have a clear idea of how significant a Ragmon is on the battlefield. They dictate the major fight with powerful and top-tier Ragmons making a very high impact. To get hold of them from the game, Ragnarok: Monster World, there is no definite gacha system. So, the real question is, how do you acquire them? Well, it’s no complex rather really simple to obtain a handful of Ragmons at once.

You can only collect the Ragmon cards from various kinds of Ragmon Chests. There will be a certain number of Ragmon chests which when activated, give you some Ragmons as rewards.

Ragnarok Monster World Ragmon Chest rewardsRagnarok Monster World Ragmon Chest rewards
Ragnarok Monster World Ragmon Chest rewards (Image via ZERO X AND PTE. LTD.)

While the chests reward you after a few hours you can open them instantly in exchange for some Crystals. You’ll surely get 5x Common and 2x Rare Ragmons and the probability of getting an Epic, Legendary, and Mythic Ragmon is 73%, 20%, and 7% respectively.

After reaching up to 15 Mileages, you’ll obtain an Epic, Legendary, or Mythic ragmons. Other chests like Magic Chests and the ones you receive after completing certain daily and weekly tasks also reward you with Ragmon cards. Talking about regularity, when your character upgrades to a higher level, you’ll get a chest to unlock numerous Ragmons. You can purchase a Ragmon chest from the Shop as well in exchange for some Crystals.

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