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Plague of Z Beginners Guide and Tips


Fascinated about what a zombie apocalypse, its survival, and destruction would be like? Maybe, just for an adventure and strategy planning against it. Then, Plague of Z brings to the gamers a platform for setting up their survival, making their heroes and champions defeat the infected; the zombies, repairing the damage occurred, and even solving some puzzles which might be sometimes tricky but always reward worthy. It was presented by TG Inc. Here in this beginners guide, we will share the tips, tricks, and strategies that will guide a player throughout the game journey of Plague of Z.

Getting Started in Plague of Z

Commencing the game, the players are needed to mold themselves into a commander who is responsible to protect the city, make the food supplies available, make necessary upgrades for the protection and make a precise choice of heroes as well as tools for the attack as well as the defense. Commander has aspects such as Talents, Ranking, Equipment, Detail, and Equipment Inventory which can be upgraded by the players as they keep upgrading on the levels. Accompanying the Commander, the game provides the players with heroes in order to make the gameplay more strong and effective.

In the Detail section, the players are able to glimpse at the power, attacking speed, construction power, commander power and even the summary of the battles won and lost. The Ranking segment makes the players aware of the Hero Ranking, Commander Power Ranking, Alliance Power Ranking, etc which makes them aware of the competition to be faced.

Plague of Z Beginners GuidePlague of Z Beginners Guide
Plague of Z

The Talent is restricted to Commander level, as when the players keep on upgrading a level they earn 1 Talent point, only with which they can study or research on different talents of the commander. The game allows the players to just study one talent at upgrading of a level. Equipment Inventory comes to players as a bonus point which provides them with apparatus as well as much hardware which definitely proves to be back-breaking for the opponents.

Stroke of Luck for the early-bird– As a learner, the players are not much aware of the attacks they might face, for which they are provided with a 3-day protection shield on their city that protects the city from any attack from the fellow players.

Alliance and Other Attributes

Joining an alliance in Plague of Z is similar to joining a clan that players must have come across in other games, players might have come across. Players can join an alliance, from the options offered by the game itself or even search for an alliance same, which they may be known to.

Plague of Z Beginners GuidePlague of Z Beginners Guide
Plague of Z

Not only do the players get a company of other players in the gameplay but also they are rewarded with 500 gems upon joining an alliance for the first time, easy access to Alliance gifts, Alliance Science Buffs, and even Alliance Shop. Not just this, but also it aids the player to launch an alliance war against Boss monsters and enemies. Coming up to the different attributes of the game categorizing from troops to war equipment as well.


It is the sight where the players can recruit heroes and also claim activity rewards. As common in all other attributes, it can also be enhanced which as a result helps the players to get more leveled up heroes for stronger gameplay.


As the player is responsible for the well-being of the city and it is not possible without the food supplies, therefore the players are provided with a Farm where they can produce food supplies.


With the production, coming up is the question of storage, which is done at the Warehouse. It is not designed to just store food but also petroleum, electricity, and ores.


It is the place where the players can make tributes also referred to as donations, in return of which they are rewarded.


Not only the character selected in the army need to perfect but also their preparation. For this, the players can train the Infantry in Barrack. Upgrading on levels not just brings rewards but also makes the players unlock different infantry.

Research Centre

To make the city effective in not just force but also technology, players need to carry on necessary research. At the Research Centre, players can make research on Military, Alliances, Advancement, etc.

Plague of Z Beginners Guide: Tips and Tricks

Plague of Z as a game can be pretty hard for new players, but don’t worry we have got you covered. Here are some of our tips and tricks on how to progress in the game easily as an amateur in the initial stages of the game.

1. Keep checking your food and energy supplies

Other than maintaining the food reserves, players should also keep a check on the energy supplies, repairing of the safe zone, generator repairing which is proven effective at the time of zombie attack.

2. Always complete your Quests

Keeping an update on Quest should be a ‘must’ for the players, as here they are provided with the Daily Rewards, Chapter Rewards, and Main Quest Rewards which are in the form of food resources, electricity supply, etc.

3. Earn treasures by solving Puzzles

Not just the attacking and defending has the main point of this game, but also it allows the players to exercise their ming by solving mysterious puzzles in different city coordinates. Cities such as City Ruins, Secret Tunnels, Secret Cave, No Man’s Land, etc are present on the map. Many cities are locked at the initial stage but keep unlocking with the upgrade in the level. Here, the players are designed to solve some kind of puzzle in order to reach the treasure and earn it.

4. Trade in your gems for the best deals in the Benefits center

At the Benefits Center, the players can make purchases in exchange for cash as well as gems, for grabbing the best deals which are updated daily.

Plague of Z Base ConstructionPlague of Z Base Construction
Plague of Z

5. Connect with your friends

In the Menu of Plague of Z, the option of Friends appears where the player can connect with their play-mates and even connect with other players out there. The game also provides the option of putting a friend, you have been connected with, who is possessing a miscellaneous into the blacklist. This restricts them from making any connection with you.

6. Tap on the item option for leftover treasures

The rewards earned at the daily rewards and different quests, are not always possible to be used at the moment. Therefore, the player can find it in the item option in the Menu section where they can find all the collectibles and treasures for using or opening them respectively.

That’s all for today folks! Go ahead and give it a try and if you are finding trouble, don’t hesitate to fall back to this Plague of Z Beginners Guide for tips!

That’s all for today’s Plague of Z beginners guide. Did you find our Plague of Z beginners guide and tips useful? Do let us know in the comments below!

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