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King’s Choice: Knight Upgrading Cost Guide and Tips

King's Choice Knights

In King’s Choice, knights are crucial to nearly every aspect of the game, from increasing your State Power to excelling in events like Chessboard, Nibelungen Treasure, and War of the Lions. To maximize their potential, it’s essential to understand which knights are the best, how they function effectively, and how much it cost in upgrading a knight in King’s Choice.

In this article, we will mainly focus on the cost of upgrading a knight. So that you can make informed decisions about knight selection. If you are recently starting with the game, make sure to go through our King’s Choice Beginners Guide and Mount Food Guide to make yourself familiar with all the game’s basic tips and tricks, and also go through our guide on how to win the Knights Paradeunlock the Pets bloodline in King’s Choice and how to utilize them in Pets Race event.

King's Choice Knights
King’s Choice Knights (Image via ONEMT)

Cost of Upgrading each Level of Knight in King’s Choice

Housecarl Knight (Level 1-50)

The total cost to upgrade a knight to level 50 is 894,850 silver coins. This amount might look big during the game’s early days of the game but becomes negligible with time. A Housecarl Knight, till level 50, is not eligible for Arena battle.

Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost
1 0 11 1250 21 5850 31 16850 41 37250
2 102 12 1507 22 6612 32 18417 42 39922
3 162 13 1802 23 7442 33 20082 43 42722
4 231 14 2136 24 8341 34 21846 44 45651
5 314 15 2514 25 9314 35 23714 45 48714
6 412 16 2937 26 10362 36 25687 46 51912
7 530 17 3410 27 11490 37 27770 47 55250
8 669 18 3934 28 12699 38 29964 48 58729
9 834 19 4514 29 13994 39 32274 49 62354
10 1026 20 5151 30 15376 40 34701 50 66126
Total 4280 Total 29155 Total 101480 Total 251305 Total 508630

Housecarl Knight (Level 51-100)

The total cost to upgrade a knight from level 50 to level 100 is 12,265.74K silver coins. This amount might look huge during the game’s early days of the game but becomes insignificant with time. Housecarls, above level 60, are eligible for arena battles. However, it’s not recommended to upgrade 2* and 3* knights to level 60.

Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost
51 70050 61 118.25K 71 184.85K 81 272.85K 91 385.25K
52 74127 62 124.04K 72 192.64K 82 282.95K 92 397.95K
53 78362 63 130.01K 73 200.65K 83 293.29K 93 410.93K
54 82756 64 136.17K 74 208.87K 84 303.88K 94 424.18K
55 87314 65 142.52K 75 217.32K 85 314.72K 95 437.72K
56 92037 66 149.07K 76 225.99K 86 325.82K 96 451.54K
57 96930 67 155.81K 77 234.89K 87 337.17K 97 465.65K
58 102000 68 162.76K 78 244.03K 88 348.79K 98 480.06K
59 107240 69 169.92K 79 253.4K 89 360.68K 99 494.76K
60 112660 70 177.28K 80 263.01K 90 372.83K 100 509.76K
Total 903.48K Total 1465.83K Total 2225.65K Total 3212.98K Total 4457.8K

Novice Knight (Level 101-150)

The total upgrade cost of a knight from level 100 to level 150 is 52.08M silver coins and Novice Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor (one each). And for upgrading a knight to a Novice Knight you will receive 200 talent EXP for that knight and the talent level limit will increase to 80.

You can upgrade some 3* knights into a Novice Knight (In case you have already invested huge resources in that/those knights). However, it’s not recommended, hence, stop upgrading those 3* knights and focus on 4* and higher knights.

Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost
101 525.05K 111 695.25K 121 898.85K 131 1.1389M 141 1.4183M
102 540.66K 112 714.06K 122 921.17K 132 1.165M 142 1.4485M
103 556.57K 113 733.21K 123 943.85K 133 1.1915M 143 1.4792M
104 572.79K 114 752.69K 124 966.9K 134 1.2184M 144 1.5103M
105 589.32K 115 772.52K 125 990.32K 135 1.2458M 145 1.5418M
106 606.17K 116 792.69K 126 1014.2K 136 1.2735M 146 1.5737M
107 623.33K 117 813.21K 127 1038.3K 137 1.3016M 147 1.6061M
108 640.82K 118 834.09K 128 1062.9K 138 1.3302M 148 1.6389M
109 658.64K 119 855.32K 129 1087.8K 139 1.3591M 149 1.6722M
110 676.78K 120 876.91K 130 1113.2K 140 1.3885M 150 1.7059M
Total 5990.13K Total 7839.95K Total 10037.49K Total 12.6125M Total 15.5949M
King's Choice knight Upgrading Iteams required 100-150-200
Knight Upgrading Cost and Promotion in the range of 100-150 and 150-200 in Knight’s Choice (Image via ONMET)

Iron Knight (Level 151 – 200)

The total upgrade cost of a knight from level 151 to level 200 is 139.07M silver coins and Iron Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor (one each). And for upgrading a knight to an Iron Knight you will receive 400 talent EXP for that knight and the talent level limit will increase to 120.

You can upgrade your 4* knights into an Iron Knight to get support in various daily activities and events.

Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost
151 1.7401M 161 2.1073M 171 2.5229M 181 2.9899M 191 3.5113M
152 1.7747M 162 2.1466M 172 2.5672M 182 3.0395M 192 3.5665M
153 1.8098M 163 2.1865M 173 2.6121M 183 3.0897M 193 3.6224M
154 1.8454M 164 2.2268M 174 2.6575M 184 3.1405M 194 3.6788M
155 1.8814M 165 2.2676M 175 2.7034M 185 3.1918M 195 3.7358M
156 1.9178M 166 2.3089M 176 2.7498M 186 3.2436M 196 3.7933M
157 1.9548M 167 2.3507M 177 2.7967M 187 3.296M 197 3.8515M
158 1.9922M 168 2.393M 178 2.8442M 188 3.349M 198 3.9103M
159 2.0301M 169 2.4358M 179 2.8922M 189 3.4025M 199 3.9696M
160 2.0685M 170 2.4791M 180 2.9408M 190 3.4566M 200 4.0296M
Total 19.0148M Total 22.9023M Total 27.2868M Total 32.1991M Total 37.6691M

Bronze Knight (Level 201 – 250)

The total cost to upgrade a knight from level 201 to level 250 is 704.27M silver coins and the Bronze Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor (one each). And for upgrading a knight to a Bronze Knight you will receive 600 talent EXP for that knight and the talent level limit will increase to 160.

Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost
201 4.2946M 211 7.3304M 221 11.136M 231 15.813M 241 21.47M
202 4.5664M 212 7.6746M 222 11.562M 232 16.332M 242 22.094M
203 4.845M 213 8.0266M 223 11.998M 233 16.862M 243 22.729M
204 5.1304M 214 8.3866M 224 12.442M 234 17.402M 244 23.376M
205 5.4229M 215 8.7544M 225 12.896M 235 17.952M 245 24.033M
206 5.7225M 216 9.1304M 226 13.359M 236 18.512M 246 24.702M
207 6.0293M 217 9.5146M 227 13.83M 237 19.082M 247 25.383M
208 6.3434M 218 9.9071M 228 14.312M 238 19.663M 248 26.075M
209 6.6649M 219 10.308M 229 14.802M 239 20.255M 249 26.779M
210 6.9938M 220 10.718M 230 15.303M 240 20.857M 250 27.495M
Total 56.0132M Total 89.7507M Total 131.64M Total 182.73M Total 244.136M
King's Choice Knight Upgrading Cost 200-250-300
Knight Upgrading Cost and Promotion in the range of 200-250 and 250-300 in Knight’s Choice (Image via ONMET)

Silver Knight (Level 251 – 300)

The total cost to upgrade a knight from level 251 to level 300 is 2588.51M silver coins and the Silver Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor (one each). And for upgrading a knight to a Silver Knight you will receive 800 talent EXP for that knight and the talent level limit will increase to 200.

You should only upgrade very selected 4* knights like Dante to silver knights and focus more on 5* and higher star knights.

Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost
251 28.223M 261 36.192M 271 45.504M 281 56.292M 291 68.694M
252 28.963M 262 37.061M 272 46.514M 282 57.457M 292 70.029M
253 29.716M 263 37.943M 273 47.54M 283 58.639M 293 71.381M
254 30.481M 264 38.839M 274 48.58M 284 59.837M 294 72.751M
255 31.258M 265 39.749M 275 49.635M 285 61.051M 295 74.139M
256 32.048M 266 40.672M 276 50.705M 286 62.282M 296 75.546M
257 32.851M 267 41.61M 277 51.791M 287 63.531M 297 76.97M
258 33.666M 268 42.562M 278 52.893M 288 64.796M 298 78.414M
259 34.495M 269 43.528M 279 54.01M 289 66.078M 299 79.875M
260 35.337M 270 44.509M 280 55.143M 290 67.377M 300 81.356M
Total 317.038M Total 402.665M Total 502.315M Total 617.34M Total 749.155M

Golden Knight (Level 301 – 350)

The total cost to upgrade a knight from level 301 to level 350 is 6.42B silver coins and the Golden Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor (one each). And for upgrading a knight to a Golden Knight you will receive 1000 talent EXP for that knight and the talent level limit will increase to 250.

As the upgrading cost has increased significantly, therefore, you should be very selective in the case of upgrading knights. It’s recommended to upgrade only your main knights to Golden Knights and beyond. However, you can upgrade your Holly Sword Knights, Crown Knights, and 6* VIP Knights to golden knights

Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost
301 82.855M 311 98.927M 321 117.07M 331 137.44 341 160.2M
302 84.374M 312 100.65M 322 119.0M 332 139.6M 342 162.62M
303 85.912M 313 102.39M 323 120.96M 333 141.79M 343 165.06M
304 87.469M 314 104.15M 324 122.94M 334 144.01M 344 167.53M
305 89.046M 315 105.93M 325 124.94M 335 146.25M 345 170.02M
306 90.643M 316 107.73M 326 126.96M 336 148.51M 346 172.54M
307 92.259M 317 109.56M 327 129.01M 337 150.8M 347 175.08M
308 93.896M 318 111.4M 328 131.08M 338 153.11M 348 177.66M
309 95.552M 319 113.27M 329 133.18M 339 155.45M 349 180.26M
310 97.229M 320 115.16M 330 135.29M 340 157.81M 350 182.89M
Total 899.235M Total 1069.167M Total 1260.43M Total 1474.77M Total 1713.86M
King's Choice Knight Upgrading Items required 300-350 and 350-400
Knight Upgrading Cost and Promotion in the range of 300-350 and 350-400 in Knight’s Choice (Image via ONMET)

Platinum Knight (Level 351 – 400)

The total cost to upgrade a knight from level 351 to level 400 is 81.11B silver coins and the Platinum Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor (one each). And for upgrading a knight to a Silver Knight you will receive 2000 talent EXP for that knight and the talent level limit will increase to 300.

We highly recommend you upgrade, only the main knights to Platinum Knights. If you try to upgrade many knights to Platinum level you will face a scarcity of silver and knight’s equipment. Therefore, it is suggested that you plan accordingly from the beginning.

Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost Level Cost
351 185.54M 361 619.52M 371 1.1744B 381 1.8682B 391 2.7204B
352 223.98M 362 669.28M 372 1.2372B 382 1.9459B 392 2.8152B
353 263.49M 363 720.27M 373 1.3015B 383 2.0253B 393 2.9117B
354 304.06M 364 772.5M 374 1.3671B 384 2.1063B 394 3.0101B
355 345.72M 365 825.98M 375 1.4342B 385 2.1889B 395 3.1104B
356 388.5M 366 880.75M 376 1.5027B 386 2.2732B 396 3.2125B
357 432.39M 367 936.81M 377 1.5728B 387 2.3592B 397 3.3166B
358 477.42M 368 994.18M 378 1.6443B 388 2.4469B 398 3.4226B
359 523.61M 369 1.0529B 379 1.7174B 389 2.5363B 399 3.5305B
360 570.97M 370 1.113B 380 1.792B 390 2.6275B 400 3.6404B
Total 3715.68M Total 8585.19M Total 14.7436B Total 22.3777B Total 31.6904B

Total Cost Till 400 Level

Class Level Cost
Housecarl 0-50 894.85K
Housecarl 51-100 12.27M
Novice Knight 101-150 52.08M
Iron Knight 151-200 139.07M
Bronze Knight 201-250 704.27M
Silver Knight 251-300 2.59B
Golden Knight 301-350 6.42B
Platinum Knight 351-400 81.12B
TOTAL Level 0-400 91.04B

So, we can see from the above table a total of 91B (approx) silver is needed to upgrade a knight from level 0 to level 400. Whereas 90% of upgrading cost is hidden in Platinum Knight (351-400). But wait don’t rush to upgrade every other knight to level 350.

There is another thing you need to upgrade a knight which is the Knight’s instruments (Badge, Weapon, and Armor). If you deliberately use these items, you will face a huge scarcity of these instruments in the game and hence you have to wait a long when you need to upgrade your main knight/s the most.

Read our other articles on King’s Choice:

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