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It is better than other chatbots in these 3 areas

Preparing for an interview in the Meta AI application

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With so many AI chatbots, choosing the right one for different tasks is challenging. Regardless of your choice, it will excel in some areas and fall short in others, so I put the Meta AI to the test to see its greatest strengths.

I have comprehensive experience with AI tools such as Claude, Perplexity and ChatGPT. I got a pretty good understanding of where each was good and where they weren’t, and decided to test the Meta AI in a few everyday contexts. I also experimented based on things I tried elsewhere to see if the Meta AI could improve on what I was seeing.

Knowing a few tips and tricks that actually work, I’ve also tried to be as specific as possible. So where did Meta AI excel compared to other chatbots?

2 Preparing for the interview

You can use ChatGPT for interview preparation along with other chatbots; I wanted to see how the Meta AI did here because one of its first quick suggestions was to do a fake interview. The chatbot started by asking me for the following information:

  • Type of interview (I chose job interview).
  • Industry/Field (I decided to interview for a Content Manager for a SaaS company. I was going to do software development, but I had to use an industry and role I know to judge it properly).
  • Experience level (I told the Meta AI that I have higher level experience).
  • Type of interview (I wanted the interview to be technical and skills oriented).

Given that I could also choose a company to model my interview after, I chose Apple.

Meta AI divided my conversation into sections and gave me feedback. It also asked me questions that a hiring manager or team member might ask in an interview. Everything was transparent, and while I have no interest in ever working in Silicon Valley, I think Meta AI would help me with this kind of conversation.

Preparing for an interview in the Meta AI application

However, I still wouldn’t recommend relying solely on Meta AI. Understanding some of the biggest job interview techniques and how to master them would also be beneficial. Additionally, I would find out what others who have previously worked in a similar job have said.

3 Generating posts on social networks

Since Meta AI is run by the same company that owns some of the biggest social media platforms in the world, it only made sense to see how it fared in generating social media content. I used to use ChatGPT for social media introductions and feedback, but I think it can sometimes sound a bit boring with actual posts.

I wanted to see how Meta AI did when creating content for a Meta-owned platform and something else.

Creating social media posts on a platform owned metadata

First I gave it this challenge for Instagram:

I want to create a post for my Instagram photography account and I need you to generate the text. It should be in a friendly tone, but I don’t want to be overly extroverted. The post will share some photos from a winter trip to Finnish Lapland. We went husky sledding, skiing and feeding reindeer. I want to talk about these experiences and also give my top five tips for someone visiting northern Finland in winter.

Here is the result:

Meta AI Instagram Post Creation

I would also slightly modify the text by adding some emoticons at the beginning and fine-tuning some tips. However, I liked what I got. The second one was a little too blunt, but it was good anyway. Since buying followers on Instagram is a terrible mistake, I will see if Meta AI can help me with my posts in the future and allow me to grow organically.

Creating social media posts for a non-metadata-owned platform

My non-Meta platform was LinkedIn. I’ve enhanced my LinkedIn profile with AI, so why not see if it can help create some interesting posts to share with my followers?

Here is the challenge I gave Meta AI for my LinkedIn post:

I’m creating a LinkedIn post and need you to generate copy for it. The post is about the biggest content marketing mistakes that software companies make; I want it to be concise and engaging. It also needs to have an interesting enough hook to keep people reading. The page they click through to will be an article titled “The 30 Biggest Content Marketing Mistakes SaaS Companies Make and How to Avoid Them”.

The initial one was also too blunt, so I asked for more context. In that regard, what I received was better than the content that ChatGPT and Claude created for me; is more active. I would still change aspects; For example, “but” is used too often. Still, I had a pretty good foundation.

Creating a LinkedIn post with Meta AI

4 Generating emails

I tried the Meta AI image generator but He didn’t interest me. It seemed to be even worse at creating text in images than any other AI tool I’ve used. That’s saying a lot because the AI ​​is generally pretty bad at writing text to images.

I also tried translating my voice, but the Meta AI doesn’t have that ability. So the next thing on my list was to ask the chatbot to generate emails. Since the Meta AI seemed to be pretty good at creating content compared to what I had tried before, I believed it would handle it.

I fed the Meta AI this challenge:

I want you to create an email that is friendly but professional. It will be an informational email asking if a B2B technology company needs a copywriter to help them with an upcoming whitepaper. I have experience creating research papers for SaaS companies in the past and have worked with some large companies; we must emphasize these.

I also want to give them three ideas for blog posts to publish on the back of this research paper, which will be titled “The Future of AI in Content Management.” Give them the option to request my portfolio and call if needed.

The first result was quite long, so I asked Meta AI to narrow it down to 150 words and add more context to the introduction. I was pretty happy with the end result, although I would have made some changes; “compelling narrative” is pretty vague. I would also change the first paragraph to something more inviting.

Creating an informational email in Meta AI

Like other AI chatbots, Meta AI is good in some areas and quite bad in others. I was surprised that it performed poorly when generating images, but I thought it was pretty good when creating content. You can also rely on Meta AI to generate emails and social media posts, although you’ll need to add your own spin after receiving the initial frame.

