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If you fall victim to a phishing email, the following occurs

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Most people receive a lot of spam emails, calls and other messages every day. These are usually some sort of phishing attempt, and no matter how hard you try, you’ll probably end up in a sketchy position by mistake – it’s not your fault; it happens to everyone.

If you do get phished, it’s important not to worry too much. Although it’s annoying, you can mitigate the damage if you realize the mistake quickly enough.

What should I do if I download malware?

Now, there is a slight distinction to be made here: downloading and installing malware are different issues.

If you suspect you’ve downloaded malware through a phishing link, try to find and delete the offending file. If you can’t, don’t worry too much. Malware files often hide themselves; it’s more of a quick check to see exactly what you’re dealing with. Basically, it’s good to have a quick look, but don’t waste too much time looking.

Whether you find it or not, run a full antivirus scan and see what comes up. It should find any downloaded malicious files and allow you to view them and see if you recognize them. You will then be able to quarantine and delete suspicious files.

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If you’ve clicked on and installed a malicious file, you’re probably dealing with some serious malware. You may need to try reformatting your hard drive or looking into a more specialized rootkit scanner. In the absolute worst case scenario, you might have to buy a whole new hard drive, but obviously this is a last resort. When you discover malware, there are several steps you can take to help contain and remove the infection.

Under no circumstances should you ever respond to further requests from the person or organization you downloaded the malware file from. This malware is often used as part of a ransomware scam where the scammer offers to “unlock” or “return” your information in exchange for money.

Even if it wasn’t, nothing good will come of engaging with them. Just block them and report them as scams.

What if my credentials have been stolen?

Most phishing emails are more concerned with stealing your information, using a fake website or logging into an app to get your credentials.

If you think your credentials have been stolen, you need to act fast. Begin changing all account passwords associated with the compromised email address on another device. If you suspect your primary device is infected, it may have a keylogger installed that steals your data as you type. You can also try to detect the keylogger on your smartphone.

This can be a lengthy process— although it’s much faster if you use a password manager —So start with the most important accounts first, like your bank account and other accounts that may contain your credit card or bank account information.

If you suspect that your credit card information has also been compromised, do not hesitate to contact your bank; it’s a relatively hassle-free process to get them to deactivate your existing credit or debit card and issue you a new one. This could lead to an uncomfortable few days where you may have to withdraw some cash, but it’s often better to be safe than sorry.

In addition, ordering a new credit card has some side benefits; it will clear any subscriptions or memberships you may have forgotten about, if nothing else.

How can I avoid phishing scams in the future?

It is important to note that email is an inherently dangerous medium for communication. It’s all too easy for bad actors to mess with you with scam emails or offers like this one:

A banner ad from a scam email that claims the user has won a

Always have a healthy skepticism about anything that comes from email. If possible, do not click on any links inside the email. Instead, double-check that the URL points to a legitimate website using a URL checker. Then manually go to that website instead of using a link that might redirect you somewhere else entirely.

Treat all files with equal care. Before downloading anything, verify that the sender is trustworthy, and only do so if absolutely necessary—for example, for papers you need to sign to start a new job.

Avoiding most scams requires vigilance. Go slow, read them, look for anything suspicious, and always take the least risky steps possible to complete your objective. Interacting with a link or download coming from an email address, especially one you don’t know, is usually a bad idea.



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