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How to Fix Windows Stop Code Memory Management BSOD


Have you experienced the “Memory Management” blue screen of death in Windows? This common Windows stop code is frustrating, but there are a few simple fixes for the Windows Memory Management error.

What is Windows Memory Management?

Every Windows computer uses memory management to manage system memory. I know the clue is in the title, but properly functioning memory management is important to the health of your system. When the memory management feature of Windows stops working, your computer will start throwing BSODs like nothing tomorrow.

Windows 10 and 11 memory management keeps track of every memory location on your system, managing the allocation, migration, and processes available and stored in your system RAM. So when you open a program, memory management allocates RAM to it, and when you close it, it tells your system that the memory is now free for use.

So why does Windows 11 memory management BSOD occur?

In short, you will see a memory management BSOD screen, which means that a critical memory management error has occurred. Windows 11 will crash and you may see the memory management stop code 0x0000001A (it doesn’t always appear, but the words “MEMORY_MANAGEMENT” will definitely be somewhere on your screen).

There are several known causes of memory management errors, including:

  • Faulty RAM
  • Issues with new hardware such as a graphics card
  • Faulty drivers
  • Software problems, including corrupted system and operating system files
  • Disk errors

Sometimes, if it’s a one-off memory management bug, a quick system reboot will fix the problem and you’re good to go. Sometimes you may need to dig deeper to fix a memory management error.

1. Basic repairs

Before you get into the detailed fixes, try going through these quick fixes. One might solve your memory management problem before you spend more time solving it.

  • Have you tried turning the computer off and on again? This simple fix can solve all kinds of Windows problems, including the Windows memory management stop code.
  • Next, try updating Windows. Outdated system files can cause unexpected errors. Checking for a pending update is a quick and easy way to see if it’s causing your problem.
    • Windows 10: Press Win+Ithen head to Update & Security > Windows Update. Install any pending updates.
    • Windows 11: Press Win+Ithen head to Windows Update. Install any pending updates.
  • You can also try to reseat the system hardware in case something slipped slightly out of the port or socket. If you’ve recently moved your computer or bumped something or someone into it, there’s a small chance that your RAM has become free, which can lead to a memory management error.

There’s no guarantee these basic fixes will work, but they’re worth a try.

If the Windows memory management error persists, it’s time to run Windows Memory Diagnostics to check your system’s specific RAM error. The tool runs after Windows 11 restarts, checks RAM for errors, and creates an error log for analysis.

  1. Input windows memory diagnostics in the Start menu search bar and select the best match.
  2. Now you have two options: reboot now or check for problems after the next system reboot. As it sounds, the reboot option immediately restarts the computer and runs the diagnostic tool. However, please note that the diagnostic tool may take hours to run and your computer will be down during this time.
  3. Catching problems later is often the best option because you can continue to use your computer (regardless of memory management BSODs) and then schedule the memory scan to run overnight, maximizing uptime.

Once done, you can check the Windows Memory Diagnostic event log for errors. However, the log file does not appear after restarting Windows.

  1. Press Win+X and select Event Viewer from the Power menu.
  2. IN Event Viewerselect Event Viewer (Local) > Windows Logs > System.
  3. In the right column, select Find and type Memory diagnostics into the box. Hit Find more.

The results of your diagnostics will be displayed at the bottom of the window.

3. Run MemTest86



Now, while the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool scans and checks for RAM errors, it doesn’t always catch everything. Many people swear by another tool when it comes to checking RAM: MemTest86.

The main difference between the two tools is that you run MemTest86 from a bootable USB flash drive. Like Windows Memory Diagnostic, MemTest86 takes a long time to complete a single pass, taking hours depending on the amount of RAM installed in your system.

Do you want to try it? See “Step 7: Check your RAM with MemTest86” in our guide to fixing an unrecoverable WHEA error. Contains all the instructions you need!

4. Update your drivers

Update your graphics driver

Another quick and useful potential memory management BSOD fix is ​​to update your system drivers. New software or hardware may come with new drivers and your system may not receive this message. Driver errors are less common than in the days of PCs past, especially since Windows 10 and 11 handle driver updates, overall. But that doesn’t mean they don’t happen.

Windows 10

  1. Press Win+I open the Settings panel and then select Update and security > View update history. All driver updates can be found here.
  2. Now enter device manager in the Start menu search bar and select Best Match. Scroll down the list and look for the error symbol. If there is nothing, the state of your driver is probably not the source of the problem.
  3. If you see a driver with a yellow or red warning, right-click on the problematic driver and select Update the driverand then follow the on-screen instructions, usually select an option Search for drivers automatically.

Windows 11

  1. Press Win+I open the Settings panel of Windows 11. Go Windows Update > Update History.
  2. Scroll down and expand Update drivers section. It will show you all recently updated Windows 11 drivers.
  3. Now press Win+X open the Power Menu and select Device Manager. Scroll down the list and look for a yellow or red error symbol. If there are no error symbols, it is unlikely that a misconfigured driver is causing the Windows 11 memory management problem.
  4. If you see a driver with a yellow or red warning, right-click on the problematic driver and select Update the driverand then follow the on-screen instructions, usually select an option Search for drivers automatically.

This means you can use a third-party tool to update all your system drivers at once. Check out this list of free tools you can use to fix Windows problems. The first two options— IOBit’s Driver Booster and Snappy Driver Installer —do exactly this.

5. Update your GPU drivers

A common theme in memory management BSOD threads and forum posts is that they are occasionally outdated or brand new GPU drivers can cause BSODs. Although we are focusing on the memory management stop code, there is also a stop code specific to video memory management. The video memory management internal stop code is 0x0000010E and may indicate a faulty GPU driver.

To update your GPU drivers, you need to go to the manufacturer’s website and download the latest update. For most users, it’s either Nvidia or AMD.

dxdiag display information

If you’re not sure what GPU you’re using, write dxdiag in the Start menu search bar and select the best match. When the DirectX Diagnostic Tool opens, select the Display tab. Here you will find your GPU.

Nvidia GPU owners also have the option to install Nvidia GeForce Experience – but is it worth it?

6. Run CHKDSK and SFC

CHKDSK is a Windows system tool that verifies the file system and, with certain settings, fixes problems on the fly. You run CHKDSK from the command line and it has a lot of handy features.

  1. Type command line in the Start menu search bar, then right-click on the most appropriate and select Run as administrator. (Alternatively, press Windows key + Xand then select Command Line (Admin) from the menu.)
  2. Enter next chkdsk /r and press Enter. The command will scan your system for errors and fix any problems.

Running CHKDSK can help with several Windows errors, including the DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION stop code.

Still managing memory? System File Checker is another Windows system tool that checks for missing and damaged Windows system files. Sounds like CHKDSK right? SFC specifically checks Windows system files, while CHKDSK checks the entire disk for errors.

command line sfc scannow

However, it is best to double-check that it is fully functional before running the SFC command.

DISM stands for Deployment Image Servicing and Management. DISM is an integrated Windows tool with a wide range of functions. In this case, the DISM Restorehealth command will ensure that our next fix will work properly. First, do the following steps.

  1. Type Command Line (Admin)in the Start menu search bar, then right-click and select Run as administrator open an elevated command prompt.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter: DISM /online /clean-image /restorehealth
  3. Wait for the command to complete. The process may take up to 20 minutes depending on the state of your system. The process seems to get stuck at certain times, but wait for it to complete.
  4. Once the process is complete, enter sfc /scannow and press Enter.

Now wait for the scan to complete.

7. Resetting Windows (last option)

Windows 10 reset recovery options

Okay, are you still tearing your hair out? Sometimes nothing other than resetting Windows will solve your problem completely. Windows Reset replaces your system files with a completely new set of files. In theory, this will remove lingering memory management error issues while leaving most of your important files intact.

Windows 10

  1. Get out Settings > Update & Security > Recovery.
  2. Under reset this computer choose Get started.
  3. Your system will reboot as soon as you press the button, so back up all important files beforehand. Your system will reboot then you can select Keep my files or Delete everything.

Windows 11

  1. Press Win+Ihead to System > Recovery.
  2. Select from there Reset this computer. You can keep or remove your personal files and then reinstall Windows 11.

Memory management BSODs are difficult to deal with. So many variables can lead to a memory management error, which is exactly why diagnosing a direct problem is sometimes problematic. However, one of the fixes above will bring your system back from the brink, so you can continue your work without any BSODs for now.



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