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How I Turn Boring Google Slides into Engaging Slideshows

Change the order of objects in Google Slides.

Creating a presentation in Google Slides is easy, but it takes some know-how to make it look good. We’ve all been there – working on a project that looks functional but lacks the flair to grab attention. Using a few clever techniques, it’s easy to turn bland, predictable images into visually engaging presentations that will not only engage, but retain your audience.

1 Use a professional template

Creating an attractive presentation from scratch in Google Slides can end up taking hours. When I’m pressed for time or stuck on a task, I download a Google Slides template and adjust it to fit my presentation.

Templates save time because they already have consistent formatting and elements like images, transitions, and animations.

I usually get my templates from websites like Slides Go, Slides Carnival and PresentationGo. These sites have different templates to suit many scenarios be it education, business, events, marketing or any other purpose.

2 Add a full screen background image

Instead of a bland white background, I sometimes like to insert a background image and let it cover the entire frame. This instantly creates a cohesive theme and makes the presentation immersive and engaging.

If the image doesn’t work for the entire presentation, I’ll at least provide a cover page that engages the audience from the start.

To do this, after inserting the image, select it and click Organize > Order > Send to Back in the menu to bring the text to the front.

Then right click on it and select Format options in the menu. In the panel on the right, expand Editing section and tune Brightness and Contrast to make the text more visible.

Editing images in Google Slides.

For example, if I want to use white text and the image is light, I will lower the brightness and increase the contrast until I can see the words clearly.

Dark background to make white text appear in Google Slides.

3 Layout is key

Before I dive deeper into slide design, I’ll choose a layout that will be used throughout the presentation to keep things consistent. If the content isn’t well laid out or is all over the place, other design choices won’t matter.

Since Google Slides has some great pre-made layouts, I don’t waste time creating my own layouts. To select one, select the image in the left panel and click Slide > Apply Layout, and then select a layout from the drop-down menu.

Change the layout in Google Slides.

4 Create a color palette and stick to it

To create great color palettes, you need a knowledge of color theory. Alternatively, you can save time by using the color palette generator. These generators use the power of AI to create visually appealing color palettes.

Make sure the color palettes you create work with the theme of your presentation. For example, a presentation about nature works well with earthy and grounded colors such as forest green, brown and beige.

Once the colors are ready, add them to the presentation theme. To do this, select the image and click Slide > Edit Theme in the top menu and then click on Colors on the toolbar at the top.

The Colors option on the top toolbar when editing a theme in Google Slides.

IN Theme colors panel on the right click on Choose a theme color drop-down list and select the theme color you want to change (e.g. Text and background 1, Accent 1or Link).

Choosing a theme color to edit in Google Slides.

Then enter the hexadecimal code or RGB value of the custom color from the palette. Do this for all the colors you need in the palette until you have a good color scheme.

Color selection section when editing the theme color in Google Slides.

You can see a preview of what it looks like in the image editing area on the right.

When you create new slides and insert content, things like text, backgrounds, and links will automatically adopt your color scheme.

5 Select the correct font

Just like colors, there is a lot of theory behind choosing a font. But generally, a good rule of thumb is to choose one or two fonts.

The fonts you choose depend on the presentation. For example, if it is a professional presentation, fonts like Arial, Calibri or Helvetica work best because they are legible, clean and modern looking. Fonts like Comic Sans, Lobster or Pacifico work best for fun presentations.

6 Add transition and animations

I also like to add transitions and animations to make my presentations more dynamic and engaging. To add a transition to Google Slides, right-click on a slide in the left panel and select Transition in the menu.

Transition option when right-clicking on a slide in Google Slides.

In the panel on the right, click the down arrow next to it No in Slide transition section. Then click the drop-down menu and select a transition (e.g. Dissolve, Mingleor Swipe left).

Selecting a slide transition in Google Slides.

Click if you want all slides to have the same gradient
Apply to all images

You can also add various animations to objects (such as text, images, and shapes) on the slide. To do this, right-click on the object and select Animate in the menu. IN Object animations part of the panel on the right, you will see two drop-down menus.

A selection of object animations in Google Slides.

The top dropdown is Animation typeand allows you to choose how elements move in and out of the frame. You have options like Show up, Mingle, Approach from the left, Zoom inand Spin.

The bottom dropdown is Starting conditionand allows you to set what triggers the animation. There are options When clicked, After the previous oneand With the previous one.

You can animate as many objects as you want and add more than one animation to an object.

to preview the transition and animations.

7 Add images, music, videos and GIFs

Adding the right media can bring your presentation to life, keep your audience’s attention and reinforce your message. Fortunately, Google Slides lets you add several types, including the following:

  • Pictures: Images can break the monotony of the text and show some examples. You can create your own or download them from copyright and royalty free image sites.
  • GIFs: These can be used to inject humor into your images or to demonstrate a process. You can find tons of free GIFs on sites like GIPHY, or you can turn your videos and images into GIFs.
  • Music: Great for setting the mood for presentations. You can easily calm or energize an audience with the right type of music.
  • videos: Can be used for short explanations, demonstrations and testimonials.

To add them, click “Insert” at the top and select the desired media –Image (which includes GIFs), Soundand Video.

Inserting media into a slide in Google Slides.

8 Keep it to a minimum

Designing a presentation can be fun, but I always remind myself not to overdo it. I keep it as simple as possible to eliminate visual noise and make the content stand out.

Here are some things to keep in mind when designing to make the presentation clean and professional:

  • Avoid complex layouts.
  • Don’t cram too many subjects into one frame.
  • Do not use too bright colors as they can be distracting.
  • Don’t add unnecessary images (eg inserting an image when a simple shape would do).
  • Give your content room to breathe with white space.

Although Google Slides offers many more features, these tips are the easiest ways to quickly create an engaging presentation. By implementing even a few of these strategies, you’ll create presentations that engage your audience and get your message across effectively.

