Home / News / FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Patch Update introduces the Spectator mode and other gameplay improvements

FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Patch Update introduces the Spectator mode and other gameplay improvements


After the last December update, EA has again introduced a massive gameplay update to FC Mobile. The fans have been demanding some significant gameplay changes and their voices have not gone unheard. With the latest FC Mobile 24 April 2024 update, EA brings gameplay changes and introduces the much-awaited Spectator mode!

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FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Patch Update: Spectator Mode and League Matches

Spectator Mode

Introducing the Spectator Mode! It is a brand-new addition to Leagues where you as players can spectate H2H matches within your League in real-time. Now you can watch, spectate, and cheer for your league mates as they battle out in the league. Additionally, you can watch the replays of those matches for an entire week and learn the skills from your league mates.

Spectator mode promises to bring a whole new level of fun to your League, from creating tournaments, sharing gameplay, and building epic rivalries! The Spectator Mode will be available in Leagues as part of the upcoming April 2024 Update!

Image via Electronic Arts

League Matches

League Matches is a brand-new feature for leagues! In League Matches, you can challenge your very own league mates to H2H Matches. Additionally, you can also watch match replays and League matches in real time. Visit the Leagues Tab to access Leagues on your FC Mobile.

From the Leagues Tab, you can check the new League Match section. Here you can start playing, watching, and sharing replays of the League Matches. Of course, you still need to have Account Level 15 to start playing Leagues.

Playing-League-Matches-in-FC-Mobile Playing-League-Matches-in-FC-Mobile
Image via Electronic Arts

How to play League Matches in FC Mobile

Challenge your League members to H2H matches via League Matches

  • Tap on the Play Match button to notify other members that you’re looking to play an H2H match. 
  • Your mates will a notification on their home screen that redirects them to the League Match hub.
  • From there, your league mate can accept your H2H match challenge while others can spectate.  

How to spectate League Matches in FC Mobile

Now you can watch matches while a League Match is in progress from the League Match section by clicking on the Spectate button. During the match, you can choose between different viewing options that will help immerse you in the action by tapping on the Settings menu in the top-right of your screen

The following options are available in the Viewing Settings:

  • Toggle between 5 different camera angles
  • Show the Player Cursor for a single team, both teams or none
  • Mini-map display
  • In-match commentary

How to watch League Matches in FC Mobile

After a match is over, replays of the League match will now show up at the League Match hub for those who missed the action or just want to relive it. Anyone from the League will be able to watch the replay of the matches for up to 7 days.

League-Matches-Spectating-in-FC-Mobile FC Mobile 24 April 2024 UpdateLeague-Matches-Spectating-in-FC-Mobile FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Update
Image via Electronic Arts

To watch a replay, scroll to the match from the League Match hub and press the replay button. You can watch the replay multiple times for the next one week. Additionally, you can share replays of any H2H match with your league by tapping the Share to League button at the end of each H2H match.

FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Patch Update: EA Account Login

Besides the usual Facebook, Google Play, and Guest logins, you can now log in to your FC Mobile account via your EA Account as well! Introducing a new way to link or log into FC Mobile that will allow you to save your game progress!

FC-Mobile-EA-Account-Login FC Mobile 24 April 2024 UpdateFC-Mobile-EA-Account-Login FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Update
Image via Electronic Arts

EA Account will be a new option where players can choose among the existing options available when logging in for the first time. And, if you are an existing player and already have an account you can still log in to your EA Account and link it with your FC Mobile account! You will just need to visit the Settings Page to log in to your EA Account and bind it with your FC Mobile account.

FC-Mobile-EA-Account-Login-Quest FC Mobile 24 April 2024 UpdateFC-Mobile-EA-Account-Login-Quest FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Update
Image via Electronic Arts

Additionally, EA has introduced a brand new Quest as well to celebrate the occasion of linking your EA account to your FC Mobile Account. Once you have bound your accounts, you will be rewarded with 1000 GemsUniversal Rank Players – Mascherano, and an EA SPORTS Logo.

FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Patch Update: Gameplay Improvements

Based on the community feedback over the last few months, EA has introduced numerous gameplay improvements with this FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Update. This update will mainly address Passing and Dribbling responsiveness to level up player movement fluidity and bring better build-up play and more match-scoring opportunities. Additionally, there have been minor tweaks in crossing from the wings and balancing how defenders react to them. 


Passing has been made more reliable and effective to build up your attacks more directly and get into better scoring positions. 

1. Ground Passes

Ground Pass targeting has been improved so that your directed passes will now more effectively avoid opponent defenders. When your players are moving, the receiver will be better led by your passes. Ground Passes now will feel more reliable all over the pitch.

2. Ground Through Passes

Ground Through Passes will now help your forwards enter more advantageous attacking zones in addition to improving targeting. You will see more passes thread through the defender’s lines at tighter angles to create more realistic passing situations and more attacking opportunities. Ground Through Passes have been modified to move your players forward as you move across the pitch.


This April update will bring significant changes to in-game Crossing including adjustments to Crossing accuracy and effectiveness so that they properly reflect player traits and the position of the crosser. This will therefore result in making effective crossing from the wings more challenging. Once the update rolls in, you will need to take more factors into account while making a successful cross thereby making your crosses more rewarding. These factors are the following:

1. Player Crossing Attributes 

This means that the quality, accuracy, and speed of the cross will better reflect your player’s attributes, determined by Crossing. Additionally, the player’s Weak foot will have a greater influence on how effective the cross is.

2. Positioning 

Positioning will now play a major role in determining how accurate your crosses will be. It will be harder to play a solid cross into an attacker if, for instance, your winger is running down the wing at full speed with a defender on his hip and his back to the box. However, there’s a greater chance that you’ll deliver a dangerous cross for your striker to attack if you have the room and time to position your winger correctly for a cross.

3. Crossing Speed 

Crossing Speed has been slightly reduced to allow defenders to better react to crosses and clear them more often. You will notice that crosses will come in slower and with more height to create a better gameplay balance in matches. The Crossing attribute of your players will also affect how quickly you can cross the ball. Regular and Low Crosses will also be impacted by this speed change.

Player Movements

Following the most recent upgrade, you might notice that your players move smoothly and responsively in matches—both with and without the ball. This is because of several advancements:

1. Faster Jogging Dribble Speed 

When your players are not running, they move faster, which makes them feel more nimble when handling the ball and less lethargic overall. Your players will be more agile with the ball, making it easier for them to step into a shot or beat a defender.

2. Dynamic Sprint Dribble 

With the dynamic sprint dribble, players will push the ball forward more quickly on their initial touches to build up speed. They will then switch back to shorter interval touches for more precise control. While subsequent touches will keep the ball closer to guarantee responsiveness and control, the initial touches will kick the ball farther forward, enabling your player to be more explosive.

3. New Deceleration Curve

Every player in motion without the ball may now slow down more quickly and respond to the play taking place around them thanks to the new deceleration curve. As a result, players are less likely to become mired in backpedalling and ball-watching, which makes them more responsive when changing directions. Fewer players will be standing motionless all over the field, particularly while defending crosses in the box, marking midfielders as they go from box to box, or when offensive runs are being made.

3D Player Item

While the premium Star Pass players have all possessed the 3D Gyroscopic look. With the April update these special players will now show off their 3D effects in pack opening and goal-scoring animations!


With the new April update, there have been some additions and changes to the in-game audio that will now create a more immersive sound experience during matches.

  • All new Team Chants: More than 70 New Teams were added to the Team Chants and over 100 teams were refreshed.
  • Post-match replay highlights audio: Your experience of Watching Highlights will now be further enhanced with the introduction of background music, crowd reactions, and stadium announcer commentary.


Vietnamese language has now been added to the game. If Vietnamese is your preferred language, you’ll be able to select it as your in-game language through the in-game Settings.

FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Patch Update: Other Improvements

While the majority of the April Gameplay update is focused on Passing and Crossing, EA is bringing numerous other changes as well. They are:

  • Auto Switch Move Assist: This implies that if you are in an air ball situation and you are switched players either automatically or unexpectedly (in auto or semi settings), the switched player will keep moving towards their targeted attacker to make the switch an assisted switch until you fully take control of the player you selected.
  • Skippable Goal and Offsides Replays: You can now skip both Goals and Offside Replays in H2H matches so that you can get back to the action faster.
  • New Replay Camera Angles: Two new Replay Camera Angles have been added and you can relive those highlights with even more excitement.
FC-Mobile-New-H2H-Substituion-Menu FC Mobile 24 April 2024 UpdateFC-Mobile-New-H2H-Substituion-Menu FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Update
Image via Electronic Arts
  • VS Attack Basic Chances: Basic Chances in VS Attack matches have been adjusted to be more challenging. Now you can distinctly differentiate between the quality of chances in VS Attack matches.
  • Manager Mode Shot Power: Shot power and speed have been adjusted in Manager Mode matches to better reflect attributes and produce more realistic shots.
  • Substitutions Menu: You can now make your Team Substitutions directly from the menu, helping you make those moves faster without missing any of the on-field action.
  • Removing the Quick Sell button: Removed the Quick Sell button from the Trade Market to avoid players from accidentally quick selling their players.
  • Removing the Substitutes from Training, Exchanges, and Rank ups: Removed Substitute Players from selection in Training, and greyed out in Exchanges and Rankup to prevent users from losing those players.
  • Shows Player Prices while using in Training and Exchanges: Added better visibility of the price of each player selected as training materials or player exchanges for more informed decision-making before consuming high-value items.
  • New Exchange Conditions: Introducing new Exchange conditions based on cumulative OVR.

FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Patch Update: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some players won’t jump or jump too early in two-player header situations.
  • Fixed an issue where headed passes would be looping up. Headed passing trajectories are now lower and more effective.
  • Fixed an issue of the Free Kick camera not resetting after a shot or pass made contact with an opposing player.
  • Fixed an issue of Gesture Passes overshooting on deep Free Kicks or Goal Kick.
  • Fixed an issue of the Set Piece Camera preference not being saved for Corner Kicks, deep Free Kicks, and Goal Kicks.
  • Fixed various crashes and reduced in-game network errors.
  • Fixed an issue with downloading commentary where an insufficient storage popup would appear if the download was paused.

That’s all for the FC Mobile 24 April 2024 Update! The devs at EA will continue to look forward to player feedback to further balance and improve gameplay.

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