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Early Game Tips For Stellaris

Feature Image of Stellaris 7 Best Astral Rifts, Ranked


  • Prioritize the production of valuable resources like consumer goods, energy credits, and alloys to solidify one’s foothold and progress smoothly in the early game of
  • Explore the area near the capital quickly to gain more resources and borders, as tunnel-visioning in building one’s empire can limit players’ later exploration options.
  • Use the market to sell overabundant resources and buy crucial resources for developing one’s civilization, such as alloys and consumer goods.



Optimizing in a grand strategy game like Stellaris is always tricky due to many factors that need to be accounted for by the player. Furthermore, the game is unique in a way that is also a real-time strategy game, which means the player needs to plan one to two further steps while pausing the game for a thinking period.


Stellaris: 7 Best Astral Rifts, Ranked

Stellaris players can take advantage of Astral rifts to gain useful boons and improve their empires even further.

Therefore, the early game in Stellaris is one of the best times for players to try optimizing their starting resources to gain a solid advantage above other space-faring civilizations in the game. By solidifying their foothold in the early game, the player can have their gameplay progressing smoothly.

Updated on February 29, 2024, by Evan Arnoldi: The early game phase in Stellaris is always a tricky thing to navigate, especially with the continually evolving state of the game. It is always important to figure out the next step in the earliest stages of the game to prevent being overrun by neighboring empires, especially the ones that are trigger-happy with their declarations of war, such as a Fanatic Purifier or a Determined Exterminator. Therefore, approaching the early game in the most efficient way made possible is crucial for the player to try building a foundation to win the later stages of the game. This list has been updated with a few more tips to help Stellaris players do just that.

1 Resource Management

Prioritize The Production Of Valuable Resources

A depiction of Stellaris for Resource Management

Resource management can be quite tricky sometimes, especially when the player is still new to the game with lots of information still left to be learned. However, oftentimes, some resources are more than worth to be prioritized than others.


Stellaris: 10 Tips For Beginners

Stellaris can be quite intimidating for new players, but with these tips and tricks, players should find themselves mastering the game in no time.

Those resources include consumer goods for early colony ships, energy credits, and alloys. Both are crucial for a space-faring civilization to be able to keep up with the evolving galaxy. Effectively managing resources early will allow them to ascend as a space-faring civilization in the game.

2 Explorations Are Always Good

Explore The Area Near The Capital Early To Gain More Resources And Expand Borders

A depiction of Stellaris for Explorations Good

Sometimes, players can find themselves tunnel-vision in building their empire by creating buildings on capital planets and prioritizing mining outposts in their starting system. This behavior could be punished as they find themselves starved for areas to explore in later stages of the game.


Stellaris: 13 Best Origins

In Stellaris, an Origin determines the background of a species and empire, but which ones are the best in the game?

It is always worth building 2 to 3 Science Ships to explore and survey nearby star systems to gain information and potential planets to colonize. Meeting a hostile empire would be more likely to have them closing their borders, leading to a limited choice of explorations.

3 Find The Precursors

Discover The Old Empires And Learn Their Secret Quickly

An image of Stellaris: Find The Precursors

In every game of Stellaris, a player’s empire will be guaranteed to have a Precursor Situation that they can resolve to gain insight into an extinct empire far older than the usual Fallen Empires, receiving numerous advantages such as a unique system, bonuses to technologies, and rare resources for some Precursors as well.


Stellaris: Best Precursors, Ranked

Although it can often be difficult, solving a precursor’s mystery in Stellaris can lead to some neat benefits.

By finishing the Precursors situation quickly, a player’s empire can quickly convert the rewards they’ve gotten into a massive advantage against the neighboring empires, especially when getting a reward that synergizes efficiently with the empire’s traits. One good example would be having the Zroni Precursor as a Psionic Empire to exploit the Shroud efficiently.

4 Grab Unique Systems

Unique Star Systems Are Worth Rushing Due To Their Bonuses

An image of Stellaris: Grab Interesting Systems

Among the numerous star systems in a randomly generated galaxy, there is a chance for certain unique star systems to spawn, which can bring numerous bonuses and unique situations for any empire that is able to discover them. In some cases, these unique systems will only grant bonuses when claimed with an Outpost. Finding out which star systems to look out for is certainly worth the effort, since it will give a huge bonus to an empire in the early stages of the game.


Stellaris: 7 Best Unique Systems To Colonize

Among the many unique systems in Stellaris, these offer the best resources and most interesting gameplay opportunities.

Some of these systems can grant huge bonuses, such as huge habitable planets to colonize, or gaining a Legendary Paragon that can elevate an empire to a whole new level. Therefore, rushing these unique star systems is a viable strategy to follow in the earliest stages of the game.

5 Use The Market Often

Sell Overabundant Resources In The Market

A depiction of Stellaris for Use Market Often

While managing their space-faring civilizations, players can also fall into the trap of not paying attention to the market more often. The early Internal Market is still as valuable as the Galactic Market, which can be unlocked in later stages of the game. This market is quite helpful for players to sell off their overabundance of resources.

Moreover, the market can also be utilized to buy resources that are crucial for the players to develop their civilizations, such as alloys for ship buildings and consumer goods for colony ship creation.

6 Expand As Soon As Possible

Building An Early Colony Ship Is A Necessity

A depiction of Stellaris for Expanding Soon

Expanding as soon as possible should be the target for many players of Civilizations who hope to have a chance of winning their game, whatever their objectives may be. An expanding border means more possible areas to explore, planets to settle, and resources to mine such as minerals and energy credits.

However, players also need to keep a close eye on their empire size while expanding, as exceeding the size by a large margin could also lead to the decline of their civilizations. Furthermore, the number of influence they have might not be able to keep up if they expand too rapidly.

7 Aim For Archaeological Sites

When Done Early, These Archaeological Sites Can Be A Game Changer

An image of Stellaris: Aim For Archaeological Digs

Archaeological Sites can sometimes be forgotten since there are numerous things to do and look out for in a game of Stellaris. However, it would be beneficial for an empire to try getting these Archaeological Sites done quickly by capable Scientist Leaders to grab their bonuses as early as possible, since they can bring powerful bonuses in the early game.


Stellaris: 10 Archaeological Sites To Watch Out For

These archaeological sites in Stellaris contain discoveries that can be game-changing for a player’s empire.

These bonuses can range from a huge number of resources, gaining new powerful technologies, and acquiring a Relic that can turn the tide of a galactic war even in the later stages of the game. Aside from the empire-wide bonuses, it can also be a quick way for a Scientist Leader to gain experience quickly as an alternative to exploration, leading a research field, or governing a planet colony.

8 Focus On Increasing Research Speed

Research Technologies That Increase The Speed Of Research

A depiction of Stellaris for Focusing Research

The initial research options for the players can be overwhelming at times, especially when almost all the choices are good. However, it is often more beneficial for the players to choose the option which increases the research speed of its field.

By picking the increased research speed option, players can advance quicker than their rivals in the galaxy to gain more advantages technology-wise, such as gaining early technologies needed for a Megastructure. However, there are some cases where the players would also need to prioritize certain research options, such as resource-increasing options.

9 Great Offense Is Not Necessarily Good Defense

Fortify Defenses Instead of Seeking War

A depiction of Stellaris for Great Offense

For certain spacefaring civilizations, especially the ones that hope to explore the galaxy in peace, great offense in the form of massive fleets with powerful weapons is sometimes not an option in the early game. It is better to build defenses such as defense platforms in their core systems for starters.

However, this might not apply to players who wish to wage war across the galaxy as either Fanatical Purifiers, Determined Exterminators, or a Devouring Swarm. For those players, a great offense is a necessity for their playstyle, since they will be busy attacking instead of defending.

10 Prioritize Pop Growth

Growing The Population Is Important Enough To Rush

A depiction of Stellaris for Prioritize Populations

In grand strategy games, population growth is often a priority due to its boon. More populations translate to more resources to spend, which in turn enables the player to explore, expand, exploit, and in some cases, exterminate the galaxy. The same philosophy also applies to Stellaris, as players in the early game need to rely on their population.

Therefore, it is recommended for players to try prioritizing their population’s growth in the early game, such as researching technologies that increase such growth or expanding by building colony ships and colonizing nearby habitable planets.

11 Focus On Systems With Habitable Planets

Prioritizing Outposts On Habitable Planets Is Preferable To Other Systems

A depiction of Stellaris for Focus Habitable Planets

Instead of simply exploring and expanding further into systems aimlessly, it would be more beneficial for players to try focusing on systems with habitable planets instead. Although an empty system might have more boon with its natural resources such as extra minerals and energy credits, the potential that a habitable planet has can potentially outweigh the empty systems’ benefits.

It is important to note that not all habitable planets are necessarily good to colonize by the players. They still need to pay close attention to the habitability of the planet in some cases, except when they are playing as a species that ignores any habitability, such as synthetics.

12 Keep Friendly Relationships With Neighbors

It’s Far Better To Have Friendly Neighbors Than To War With Them

A depiction of Stellaris for Friendly Relationship

Unless playing as a hostile civilization such as a Fanatic Purifier or Determined Exterminators, it is generally wise to keep the neighbors happy by engaging in diplomacy with them. Exploring the galaxy alone can be tough, and any help that a player can get will help them greatly to survive the harshness of space.

However, even if the player intends to rule the galaxy, it is generally still recommended for the them to try diplomacy with other civilizations if possible, and the early game is the perfect time for it to happen.

13 Resource Traits For Leaders Are Crucial

Leaders Can Act As Free Resource Dispensers With Their Acquired Traits

A depiction of Stellaris for Resourceful Leaders

With the newest addition to the game, where leaders are able to generate resources with their traits, they are now crucial for players trying to optimize their early gameplay in Stellaris. Such leaders will give players a headstart economy-wise, as they can build and expand their civilizations further than others.


Stellaris: 6 Best Traits

In Stellaris, choosing the right traits for a race is key for successful gameplay. Here’s which traits to go for.

Some of these resource generation traits could be Private Mines, which grant a good amount of minerals per month, and Scrapper, which generates some alloys per month, both crucial for the early stages of the game, as it is rather rare to find them in systems, they are difficult to produce, and they’re expensive to buy.



May 9, 2016

4X , Grand Strategy



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