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Deku’s Reckless Gamble Against Shigaraki

Shigaraki greatest my hero academia mha villain


  • My Hero Academia chapter 416 focuses on Deku’s attempt to transfer more Quirks to weaken Shigaraki from within.
  • Shigaraki’s defenses are instinctively rejecting Quirk transfers, putting him at a disadvantage in the battle.
  • Eri’s role in MHA chapter 416 is expected to be significant, possibly using her Rewind Quirk power to aid Deku.



My Hero Academia returns this week with chapter 416, and the excitement among the fans is quite high, especially because the series was on a break last week. Of course, breaks at key points in the story only make the fans more anxious as to what will happen going forward, but now that the wait is over, every single fan is counting down the days until My Hero Academia chapter 416 finally drops.


My Hero Academia: Horikoshi Confirms Shigaraki As The Strongest Villain

Shigaraki is confirmed as MHA’s greatest villain by the author himself.

Fans are extremely excited to see how Deku continues his fight against Shigaraki, and what role Eri ends up playing in the upcoming chapter. All that and much more is going to be tackled in My Hero Academia chapter 416.

Deku Attempts To Transfer More Quirks

My Hero Academia Deku charging Shigaraki my hero academia mha 416

Quite easily, the biggest part of My Hero Academia chapter 416 is going to be Deku trying to transfer his Quirk to Shigaraki. This has been the ongoing theme of the last few chapters, and it is highly likely that it will continue in the upcoming My Hero Academia chapter as well. The plan is to weaken Shigaraki from the inside, because otherwise, defeating him in combat would be impossible. To defeat Shigaraki, Deku is attempting to transfer all the Quirks that he has inside him. So far, he has succeeded with just two, and even that was managed barely. En, the sixth user of the One For All, and Kudo, the second user of One For All, have been successfully transferred inside Shigaraki. The former barely managed to get inside, however, the fact that Deku was pushing incredibly hard meant that Shigaraki could not resist this much power and, ultimately, ended up letting one slip inside.

My Hero Academia chapter 416 will see Deku try to pierce through Shigaraki’s defense and attempt to get more Quirks inside his body. While so far, the Quirk transfer has gone quite slow, with the rate being maintained at one Quirk per hit, sticking to that would not only make the story boring, but also take quite a lot of time. To save up on that, Deku would need to open up ways in which he can transfer the Quirks in bulk. He doesn’t necessarily have to transfer all of them at once. However, splitting them into twos or threes will certainly help. What fans know for sure is that more Quirks are definitely going to be transferred inside Shigaraki, regardless of what he does in an attempt to prevent that from happening.

Another thing that fans know for sure is that Banjo is going to be the last person to be transferred to Shigaraki. This means that My Hero Academia chapter 416 will certainly not see him being transferred to Shigaraki. The others are going to be more involved in the Quirk transfer in the upcoming chapter of My Hero Academia. Hopefully, fans could see more than one Quirk be transferred to Shigaraki in the upcoming chapter, which will not only weaken him quite a bit, but also give Deku the opportunity to land some powerful blows on him, and, at the same time, get through to him and make him see why he needs to go down.

Shigaraki’s Ultimate Form Of Defense

shigaraki growing rage vs deku my hero academia mha 416

In the previous chapter of My Hero Academia, Shigaraki started to reject the power of the Quirks based on instinct. Previously, he was trying to steal their Quirks of One For All vestiges because he craved power. In fact, Danger Sense was stolen by him on purpose, and he did mention that he wanted to snatch them all from Deku one by one. However, now, his body is instinctively rejecting a transfer, and this is likely due to the fact that it has recognized the fact that Deku is going to be weakening him by using the quirk transfer process. While Shigaraki might trying to avoid this, he has already had three powers transferred to his body. This means that whatever he does, he is on the losing side of this battle at the moment.


When Will My Hero Academia End?

My Hero Academia’s story reaches its climax and will end soon.

To that end, Shigaraki can only try to shore up his defenses, and that is something that he took steps towards in the previous chapters. My Hero Academia chapter 416 might very well see Shigaraki use the hand-like defenses around him once more, and, in doing so, prevent Deku from landing direct blows on him, at least not easily.

Eri’s Important Role In The Battle

My Hero Academia chapter 416 will most likely also see Eri play some sort of a role. For those who do not remember, Eri was seen towards the end of the last chapter of My Hero Academia. While not much context was given about what she was going to do, what fans do now is that Eri claimed that she was ready. It is quite clear for the fans to see that she plans something big and that she will aid Deku in some way in My Hero Academia chapter 416. As to what way that is, fans do not know. Interestingly, what is clear in the story is that Eri’s relevance is mostly through her Rewind Quirk power. Perhaps, she’s going to make use of her power in some interesting way that will help Deku. Or, she can use her rewind power on someone else, who can then in turn help Deku out. Regardless of what she does, fans should expect big things from her in the upcoming MHA 416.

This is also great for Eri’s very own character. Fans have not seen her play much of a role in the Final War Saga. A character such as Eri certainly needs more time to develop further and entertain the fans. Now, she certainly has her chance, and that is something that Horikoshi seems to have planned for meticulously. Fans will most definitely see her leave a massive mark in the upcoming My Hero Academia chapter 416, and, hopefully, pave the way for Deku to overwhelm Shigaraki, or, at the very least, help him in the attempt to transfer more Quirks inside Shigaraki’s body.

Once the Quirk transfer process is complete, Deku and Shigaraki’s memories will see to it that the latter weakens, and of course, then, it is all up to Deku to land the right blows at him, which would then weaken him to a point where he would be forced to see Deku’s point of view, and understand him for what he truly is. Fans can rest assured that Deku will try to get his message across to Shigaraki, and get him to see why his way of doing things is not right, and why he must take the helping hand that the young hero is providing to him, even though, the helping hand never came in the past.

My Hero Academia is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of My Hero Academia, My Hero Academia chapter 416, is set to be March 10, 2024.


My Hero Academia: Will Deku Be Quirkless Again?

Deku is losing all his quirks against Shigaraki in MHA.



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