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Clash Royale: A detailed guide for Magic Items

Clash Royale Magic Items guide

Clash Royale got a major update on 5th April 2021, which introduced a known concept of items called the Magic Items, which was seen in Supercell’s other game Clash of Clans. With the inclusion of the Magic Items, it is helpful for the players to level up their cards instantly or even open chests quickly. In this article, we will look into understanding these Clash Royale Magic Items in detail and also guide you with how you can utilize them the best.

Understanding Magic Items in Clash Royale

Magic items were already a pivotal feature in Supercell’s highly popular mobile strategy game, Clash of Clans, and now have come to guide you in Clash Royale. This makes way for an easy route in the game, as most of the players do not like to wait for a long time during upgrades or opening chests. Magic Items are popular among the masses, and it did help a lot of the player to speed up their upgrade game and focus on other aspects.

Any player at or above King Level 4 can unlock Magic Items. Magic Items come with an inventory limit, and this limit can vary based on the player’s King Level. If you buy Magic Items in the Shop, they can go over the limit. Once the cards get good upgrades, it helps give the player a good edge in a tight battle. You can get them in Chests, Pass Royale, Trophy Road, Challenges, Global Tournament and Shop Offers.

Guide to Magic Items in Clash Royale

Wild Cards

They are used to add upgrade progress to any card. To understand it more deeply, you choose a card that you need an upgrade but missing a few cards to complete. This is where Wild Cards come into the picture. You can use these cards to be used in place of any card you have unlocked. It is limited depending on your King Level and the rarity of the Wild Card.

Clash Royale Magic Items guideClash Royale Magic Items guide
Image via Supercell

They can be obtained from Chests, the Trophy Road, Special Challenges, Shop offers, and Free and Pass Royale. Especially in Pass Royale, players can get plenty of Wild Cards and it can be enough to collect cards to get close to half a complete upgrade. Royal Chests give a good chance to yield Wild Cards, where you are guaranteed to receive Wild Cards from the Legendary’s King Chest.

To Note:

  • If a player is near his/her storage cap and collects a stack of Wild Cards, he/she can collect the wild cards over their storage cap. Similarly, if the player has maxed his/her inventory and collects a stack of Wild Cards, then the cards will be automatically converted to a random card of the same rarity.
  • If that random card is already maxed, then the player will receive the Gold equivalent, similar to how it is now when the player receives cards for any of their maxed cards.

Maximum Wild Card Limits at each Arena

Arena/Wild cards Common Rare Epic Legendary
King Level 4 50 20 2 1
King Level 5 50 20 4 1
King Level 6 50 20 4 1
King Level 7 100 20 10 1
King Level 8 200 50 10 1
King Level 9 400 100 10 1
King Level 10 800 200 20 2
King Level 11 1000 400 50 4
King Level 12 2000 800 100 10
King Level 13 5000 1000 200 20
King Level 14 and 15 5000 1250 200 20


  • Maximum Number allowed: 50-5000

Type of Wild Cards that are used to add upgrades to Common cards. They are challenging to collect as to upgrade Common cards, one will need a lot of them. The maximum limit of Wild Cards that are collectible depends on the Arena the player is at.


  • Maximum Number allowed: 20-1000

Type of Wild Cards that are used to add upgrades to Rare cards. Again, 200 cards are tough to collect, especially considering F2P players. The maximum limit of Wild Cards collectible depends on the Arena the player is at.


  • Maximum Number allowed: 2-200

Type of Wild Cards that are used to add upgrades to Epic cards. The maximum limit of Wild Cards collectibles depends on the Arena the player is at.


  • Maximum Number allowed: 1-20

Type of Wild Cards that are used to add upgrades to Legendary cards. The maximum limit of Wild Cards collectible in the game depends on the Arena the player is at. However, until Hog Mountain (Arena 10), the player has a maximum limit of 1 card only.

Elite Wild Cards

  • Maximum Number allowed: 400,000
Elite Wild Card Clash RoyaleElite Wild Card Clash Royale
Image via Supercell

The Card Evolution update introduced the Elite Wild Cards in the game. It remains part of the Wild Cards but offers a direct hand in getting from Level 14 to Level 15. You can obtain them through Level 14 card overflow, Shop offers, and Special Event Challenges.

The number of regular Cards received from the surplus Shards depends on the rarity of the Card. The card numbers are as follows.

  • Common: 1000 Cards
  • Rare: 250 Cards
  • Epic: 40 Cards
  • Legendary: 4 Cards
  • Champion: 4 Cards

Book of Cards

These Magic Items instantly give you the required number of cards required for an upgrade level. But remember, the upgrade is not free. You should have the Gold to get the upgrade of your choice. The book’s maximum value is when you upgrade cards from Level 12 to Level 13, especially when you have just upgraded the card to Level 12 and want to upgrade to Level 13 instantly.

Clash Royale: A detailed guide for Magic ItemsClash Royale: A detailed guide for Magic Items
Image via Supercell

So, the best advice is to use it on troops/buildings that require a lot of time to upgrade and finish it at their maximum levels. They are also more powerful magic items compared to Wild Cards. You can use only one Book of Cards at a time. Books of Cards are available via Shop offers and are available in Free Royale. 

To Note:

  • The maximum limit does not change at the King levels.
  • If you try to collect a Book and you are over the limit, you’ll get a Warning for the same.
  • If you proceed, your book will be converted to its overflow value.
  • All the books give 100 Gems for overflows.

Book of Books

Clash Royale Magic Items Book of BooksClash Royale Magic Items Book of Books
Image via Supercell
  • Maximum Number allowed: 1

It can be considered as a general representation of the Book of Cards. While the use of Book of Cards has been sorted by rarities, Book of Books is universal and can be used on any troop/building without considering rarity. Again, the user needs to have his required Gold to upgrade that particular card.

Magic Coin

Clash Royale: A detailed guide for Magic ItemsClash Royale: A detailed guide for Magic Items
Image via Supercell

You can say that the Magic Coin is a partner in crime for the Book of Cards/Book of Books. While Book of Cards/Book of Books gives you the cards to complete an upgrade, the former gives you the required amount of gold to complete that upgrade.

In simple words, it provides you the gold to get a card upgrade to its next level without using any of your Gold. To utilize it to its maximum value, it is advised to use the Magic Coin to upgrade a card from Level 12 to Level 13, as it is the final and most costly upgrade level, which is 100,000 Gold.

To Note:

  • The maximum limit does not change at the King levels.
  • If you try to collect a Magic Coin and you are over the limit, you’ll get a Warning for the same.
  • If you proceed, your Magic Coin will be converted to its overflow value.
  • All the books give 100 Gems for overflows.

Chest Key

Clash Royale Magic Items guideClash Royale Magic Items guide
Image via Supercell
  • Maximum Number allowed: 5-10

As of now, Chest Keys do not find themselves to be the most important. Usually, the longest one takes 24 hours to open, and not all players have their chest slots stacked up with 24-hour chests (Legendary Chests and Mega Lightning Chests).

But still, it is a good Magic Item to possess. You can instantly unlock any chest without having to spend gems. Chest Keys can be obtained from Special Challenges, Shop offers, and on both the Free and Pass Royale. Excess Chest Keys are converted into 100 Gold for each.

Maximum Chest Key Limits at each Arena

Arena Chest Key Limit
King Level 4 to 8 5
King Level 9 6
King Level 10 7
King Level 11 8
King Level 12 9
King Level 13 to 15 10

Card Boost Potion

Card Boost PotionCard Boost Potion
Image via Supercell

Our next Magic Item is the Card Boost Potion, which is used to temporarily raise a card’s level to match the King Tower Level for one hour, similar to Pass Royale’s Level Boost. It is pretty rare to obtain them in-game as you can get them only from Special Challenges and Shop offers.

Wild Shard

Wild ShardWild Shard
Image via Supercell

Just like Elite Wild Cards, Wild Shards was also introduced alongside the cards. They serve the same purpose as Evolution shards and can be used for any card you need. They can be used together as well. Wild Shards can be obtained for free in the Shop, Events, and Challenges. 

This is everything covered in this guide on Magic Items in Clash Royale. If there are more added to the game in the next update, we will get this list updated. Until then, this will remain the same.

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