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Best RPGs On PS Plus Extra & Premium

Harry in Disco Elysium

Rising out of PS Now’s ashes, Sony’s new PlayStation Plus rolled out in 2022, and it has been a reasonable success by all accounts. Split into three tiers, the service’s Extra and Premium subscriptions grant users access to hundreds of games covering a wide spectrum of genres. Yearning for a fright? PS Plus has plenty of horror delights. Want to play with a friend? Local co-op options are not lacking.

Unsurprisingly, role-playing games are not an exception, and that includes Western and Japanese projects. PS Plus has action, turn-based, shooter, open-world, and tactical RPGs, so there should be something for just about everyone. As the service’s library is so vast, here is a rundown of the best RPGs on PS Plus Extra, along with a few genre classics that are available as part of the Premium tier.

As not everything is included with a PS Plus Extra subscription, each entry states whether the game is part of that tier. If it exists, a game’s Amazon listing page has been included in case someone prefers to pick up a physical copy.

Each game’s average length is based on their main story average on

Disco Elysium – The Final Cut

Metascore: 89

Harry in Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

October 15, 2019


Disco Elysium is unlike pretty much any other PS Plus RPG, and this uniqueness might put off some people if they go in completely blind. However, the latter will result in a better experience since this is one adventure that should not be spoiled as much as possible. Basically, ZA/UM created a game that revolves heavily around dialogue, which acts as a replacement for a combat system.

Players will spend most of their playthrough reading text or listening to the (well-done) voice acting, to the point that Disco Elysium can feel like a visual novel at times. Throughout these sections, players will regularly have to make choices that impact not only the overall story but also the protagonist’s personality and ideology.

Sea Of Stars

Metascore: 87

sea of stars-2

Sea of Stars

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

August 29, 2023


How Long To Beat
28 Hours

Garnering near-universal praise, Sea of Stars is a throwback to yesteryear’s JRPGs that can stand alongside the genre’s greatest all-time offerings. Launching directly on PS Plus Extra, Sabotage Studio’s title follows a duo of heroes as they go on an adventure within their island, which proves to be far bigger and more diverse than initially might seem apparent. Naturally, they make a few friends along the way who are more than happy to fight alongside them, and they will need all the help they can get.

Even though 16-bit pixel graphics games have been done to death, particularly when it comes to RPGs, Sea of Stars nevertheless manages to impress with its art style and visuals. Sabotage’s indie project might not have realistic AAA graphics, but it is still one of 2023’s most gorgeous releases. The turn-based combat system is fine-tuned to encourage fast and strategic play, and it goes out of its way to ensure that every character feels important.

Scarlet Nexus

Metascore: 80

Scarlet Nexus protagonists and supporting cast

Scarlet Nexus

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

June 25, 2021

How Long To Beat
25 Hours

Scarlet Nexus was a pleasant surprise as the JRPG genre does not frequently produce new IPs with relatively big budgets, particularly ones that garner a positive reception. Bandai’s game takes place in an alternate reality where empowered humans are tasked with fighting off threats known as the Others. Players can pick from two protagonists, both of whom have different combat styles and storylines. While there is a fair amount of overlap, two playthroughs are required to experience the full story.


16 Best Combat Systems In JRPGs, Ranked

Most JRPGs are classic video games from Japan. Here are the best examples, from the cream of the crop, of their in-game combat systems.

The action JRPG plays out like a hack and slash game akin to something like the Tales series, although players cannot swap between their party members. The combat system is fast-paced, flashy, and surprisingly deep, even if it takes a while to unveil all of its mechanics. Narratively, Scarlet Nexus is also a success, and the game leaves enough room for a potential sequel. While it might not have the name recognition of Final Fantasy or Elder Scrolls, Scarlet Nexus is one of the best PS Plus Extra JRPGs.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Metascore: 84

Screenshot from Deus Ex Mankind Divided showing Adam Jensen hiding from a patrolling enemy.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

August 23, 2016

How Long To Beat
16 Hours

Deus Ex is among the most important RPG franchises of all time, largely thanks to the brilliant original game that helped set the standard for immersive sims. The sequels are all over the place in terms of quality, but Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are at least good enough to proudly carry the license’s name. The latter finds Adam Jensen infiltrating a secret organization responsible for a string of terrorist attacks. Narratively, Mankind Divided hits the mark and delivers a captivating tale with interesting and relevant themes.

Deux Ex is synonymous with player choice, something reflected by the 2016 release. Adam can approach scenarios in a variety of ways; players can opt for stealth or blast every enemy in sight. Although the game does somewhat advise players to try and keep a low profile, it does not significantly punish those who prefer to treat the campaign like a first-person shooter. Choices also impact the progression of missions, which means players will want to at least play through the story twice to get the full experience.

Tales Of Arise/Vesperia

Metascore: 87/81

tales of arise and vesperia

  • Tales of Arise Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition
    PS Plus Availability Extra & Premium Premium
    Platform(s) Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox One Switch, PS4, PC, Xbox One
    Released 2021-09-10 2019-01-11
    Developer(s) Bandai Namco Studios Namco Tales Studio
    How Long To Beat 40 Hours 45 Hours

Even if it does not have Final Fantasy‘s name recognition, Tales is a huge deal in the Japanese RPG world, particularly when it comes to real-time combat. Except for maybe Star Ocean, Bandai Namco’s series is the definitive action JRPG franchise, a reputation forged from decades of solid releases. While everyone has their favorites (Tales of Graces f and Abyss are fantastic in certain areas), Symphonia, Vesperia, and Arise represent Tales‘ peak(s), and they are quite different experiences in their own right. Fortunately, all three titles are available on PS Plus Premium, with Arise also being part of the Extra tier. Although probably the most “classic” entry in the series, Symphonia shows its age in many places, and the remastered version barely tries to remedy that. Just to be clear, the game is still worth playing, but someone’s mileage will likely vary.

Despite originally launching in 2008, Vesperia is far more accessible in this day and age, and the Definitive Edition lives up to its title. This project came out at a time when the franchise was transitioning to a full 3D battle system, and while simple compared to subsequent entries, Vesperia‘s combat is still fun for the most part. The story is slow to get going but transforms into something fantastic once it picks up momentum.

Finally, there is Tales of Arise, the most modern release in the series (not counting remasters). Complete newcomers who are not sure which game to start with should pick Arise as it is the most well-rounded option on PS Plus, delivering good combat, visuals, characters, and storytelling. That said, Arise does not support co-op, which is otherwise considered a staple of the franchise. Therefore, Symphonia and Vesperia would be better options for a group of players.

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

Metascore: 78

A player casting a spell in Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

April 23, 2013

How Long To Beat
33 Hours

Capcom confirmed that Dragon’s Dogma 2 will be debuting on March 22, 2023, on the PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S. Although not as well known as Dark Souls or Elder Scrolls, this action RPG property nevertheless has a loud and passionate fanbase that never stopped hoping that a sequel could eventually become a reality. While it ended up taking more than a decade, the previews have been encouraging, and there is hope it will not only live up to expectations but even exceed them.

For complete newcomers who are unfamiliar with Capcom’s franchise, they should try out Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen while it is available on PS Plus Extra. Except for perhaps the PC version, the PS4 remaster is probably the best way to experience this modern cult classic, and many of its ideas will likely be explored further in the upcoming sequel. Now, the game is rough around the edges and has a fairly weak opening few hours, so expectations should be tempered slightly to avoid disappointment. The story is nothing more than fine, and the open-world can be frustrating until players reach the first major city.

For all its flaws, Dragon’s Dogma generally improves as the campaign progresses, and the game really hits its stride once players start to come to grips with the combat system. The latter has a lot of depth and flexibility, which also means it comes with a pretty steep learning curve. The same can be said for the world’s approachability, which can seem unforgiving at the start but becomes quite easy later on.

Dragon Quest 11 S: Echoes Of An Elusive Age

Metascore: 91

Dragon Quest 11 S

Dragon Quest 11

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

September 4, 2018

How Long To Beat
60 Hours

While Final Fantasy is better known in North America, Dragon Quest is undoubtedly the king of RPGs in Japan. After a long stretch away from Western home consoles, the franchise made its international comeback with Dragon Quest 11, a glorious throwback to early JRPGs that proves the formula is not broken.


Best PS5 Games On PlayStation Plus Extra & Premium (February 2024)

Sony’s PS Plus Extra and Premium tiers have hundreds of titles, including some of the best PlayStation 5 games.

Dragon Quest 11 S adds a handful of quality-of-life improvements to the base game, along with a few neat additions such as a 16-bit mode. Offering a lengthy campaign, beautiful visuals, endearing characters, and straightforward but enjoyable turn-based combat, this Square Enix project might be the best JRPG on PS Plus Extra.


Metascore: 92

bloodborne ps4 hunter


PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

March 24, 2015

How Long To Beat
33 Hours

Bloodborne is a dark fantasy RPG inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft, Bram Stoker, and other classical horror authors of the early 20th century. It is developed by FromSoftware, the same studio behind the Dark Souls franchise and Elden Ring.


8 Creepiest Towns In Horror Games

Horror games are filled with creepy locations, but these terrifying towns are some of the most bone-chilling.

Bloodborne was released as a PlayStation exclusive, though, and is included with PS Plus Premium and Extra. It’s one of the most challenging RPGs ever made, and its uniquely disturbing visuals paired with incredibly fine-tuned gameplay make it a classic every PlayStation owner should try at some point.

Demon’s Souls
is available on PS Plus Premium, while its remake is also on PS Plus Extra.

The Legend Of Dragoon

Metascore: 74

the legend of dragoon trophy support

The Legend of Dragoon

PS Plus Availability

June 14, 2000

How Long To Beat
50 Hours

A cult PS1 classic, The Legend of Dragoon debuted late in the console’s lifespan, limiting its reach and potential. Nowadays, this JRPG is rather difficult to find, especially since the project was never ported to any other systems. Consequently, its addition to PS Plus Premium is a big deal since it marks the first time in a long while that this fan-favorite is widely accessible.

The Legend of Dragoon is similar to other 3D JRPGs released during the late-’90s such as Square’s Final Fantasy entries. The game features turn-based combat, random enemy encounters, and a lengthy storyline. Although not far removed from its contemporaries, Legend of Dragoon introduced a range of unique ideas, including input prompts during battle.

NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139…

Metascore: 83

Nier faces off against a gigantic Shade in NieR: Replicant

NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139…

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

April 22, 2021

Cavia , Toylogic

Action RPG

Although Drakengard and 2010’s NieR garnered a cult following, this universe really exploded in popularity with the release of NieR: Automata. The latter proved to be such a resounding success, Square Enix opted to remaster its loosely-tied predecessor, focusing on the PS3 and Japanese version called NieR Replicant. Although this features a different protagonist than the 2010 Western release, Replicant still, for the most part, delivers the same experience, and it is an easy recommendation for fans of Automata.

Newcomers should be aware that NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139…‘s combat system is not quite as satisfying as Automata‘s. That said, they are both RPGs that feature fast-paced hack and slash action, so they are not worlds apart either. Replicant‘s action is just considerably more straightforward, and it can get repetitive after a while.

Ultimately, a NieR game’s selling point is its storytelling, and Replicant knocks it out of the park in this area. A slow-burner at first, the campaign eventually evolves into something truly special as it explores mature themes alongside a healthy dose of weirdness.

Dark Cloud 2

Metascore: 87

Max from Dark Cloud 2

Dark Cloud 2

PS Plus Availability

February 17, 2003


How Long To Beat
50 Hours

A PlayStation 2 classic, Dark Cloud 2 is a charming JRPG that has aged beautifully over the last two decades. As Max and Monica, players explore dungeons in search of items that allow them and their village to grow. Rather than leveling up the protagonists, Dark Cloud 2 ties progression to weapons; the more a sword or gun is used, the stronger it becomes.


Best PS1, PS2, & PSP Games On PlayStation Plus Premium (January 2024)

Although PS Plus Premium does not have the most expansive lineup of PS1, PS2, and PSP games, Sony’s service has some great titles.

Level-5’s portfolio is filled with great JRPGs, but even in that competitive scene, Dark Cloud 2 still manages to stand out as being something extra special. This PS2 title is one of the best RPGs on PS Plus, and nostalgia has nothing to do with it.

Dark Cloud
is also available on PS Plus Premium.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Metascore: 79

The Player character, Cartman, and friends with costumes in South Park The Fractured But Whole

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

October 17, 2017

Ubisoft San Francisco

How Long To Beat
20 Hours

South Park: The Stick of Truth and The Fractured but Whole are both on PS Plus Premium and Extra, and any fan of Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s series owes it to themselves to play through these RPGs. Although not too far removed from its predecessor, the sequel fine-tunes just enough aspects to be a clear improvement.

The Fractured but Whole is a parody of superheroes, particularly their domination of the film industry. The grid-based combat system is solid, while the game looks exactly like the show. Hopefully, there will be future South Park games.

Shadowrun Trilogy

Metascore: 76


Shadowrun Returns

July 25, 2013

Harebrained Schemes

Action RPG , Tactical

How Long To Beat
12 Hours

Harebrained’s Shadowrun games are all pretty good tactical RPGs that try to be fairly accessible to newcomers to the genre. The trilogy consists of Shadowrun Returns, Dragonfall, and Hong Kong, and the compilation includes a few improvements to make the overall experience more consistent.

Set in a fascinating cyberpunk world and telling character-driven stories, the series offers reliable tactical gameplay, engaging lore, and a decent range of customization options. These projects tend to be at their best on PC, and while that holds true for Shadowrun, the games were ported well to consoles.

Metascore: 94

Elder Scrolls Oblivion Imperial City

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

PS Plus Availability

March 20, 2006

How Long To Beat
30 Hours

The Elder Scrolls series has remained somewhat stagnant since the release of The Elder Scrolls Online almost eight years ago. Fans hold out for the eventual sequel to Skyrim, though, thanks to the everlasting playability of the Elder Scrolls franchise. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is the game that popularized The Elder Scrolls series before Skyrim made it a household name.

While the graphics may feel dated nowadays, Oblivion‘s story, gameplay, and overall atmosphere are still as impressive as they were on release. The music of the game is regularly praised as the best in the series, and the environments of Cyrodiil are as lush as they are teeming with secrets. If someone has only ever played Skyrim, they will like its predecessor too.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
are also available on PS Plus Premium and Extra.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade

Metascore: 89

intergrade yuffie

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

June 10, 2021

How Long To Beat
33 Hours

Final Fantasy 7 was a landmark release for the RPG genre, and the 1997 game holds up after all these years. That classic is without question one of the best JRPGs on PS Plus, however, the same claim can also be made regarding its remake. Square Enix has opted to retell this iconic story through a modern lens, one that provides a lot more than just a graphical upgrade. Utilizing an action-based battle system with a couple of turn-based options, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade delivers fast-paced and addictive combat across a plethora of playable characters.


10 Character Stories That Need To Be Expanded On In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

With fans eagerly awaiting the release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth in 2023, there’s no denying that certain characters need their stories expanded.

Intergrade is the PS5 version that includes Yuffie’s “Intermission” DLC, and it is a substantial addition that features unique bosses and mechanics. The PS4 vanilla version of the game is also on PS Plus Premium and Extra, so a subscriber does not need Sony’s latest console to play this title. As Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the second part of the remake initiative, is on the way, this is the perfect time for newcomers to jump into the first game.

The following
Final Fantasy
games are also on PS Plus Premium and Extra:

  • Final Fantasy 7
  • Final Fantasy 7 Remake (PS4)
  • Final Fantasy 8 Remastered
  • Final Fantasy 9
  • Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD
  • Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age
  • Final Fantasy 15: Royal Edition
  • Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

Stranger Of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Metascore: 72

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Void Knight

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

March 18, 2022

How Long To Beat
18 Hours

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin deserves an honorable mention as its polarizing reputation might inspire people to skip it, particularly if they are not big fans of the original Final Fantasy or Square Enix’s franchise. However, Team Ninja’s hack and slash RPG has many positives that justify a recommendation for both die-hard fans and folks who have never touched a Final Fantasy game. Split into fairly linear levels, Stranger of Paradise prioritizes its action above everything else, and the campaign tries to avoid throwing out too many distractions outside some unintentionally (or intentionally, it can be hard to tell) hilarious cutscenes. Unsurprisingly, considering the developer behind the spin-off/prequel, the combat is fast-paced, deep, and stylish.

Stranger of Paradise also provides an interesting twist on Final Fantasy‘s decorated Jobs system. Jack unlocks a plethora of professions throughout the campaign, and he upgrades them by actively using them. He can have two Jobs equipped at a time, and they significantly change the combat’s rhythm. With 28 Jobs (or classes), the gameplay offers plenty of variety and replayability, even if the stages are a bit unspectacular.

Disgaea 5: Alliance Of Vengeance

Metascore: 80

Disgaea 5 Alliance of Vengeance

Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

October 6, 2015

Nippon Ichi Software

How Long To Beat
40 Hours

RPGs come in many styles and flavors, and the same holds true for JRPGs. Ranging from old-school turn-based classics to fast-paced action epics, PS Plus Extra and Premium highlight the genre’s diversity. Compared to other classifications, tactical JRPGs are less common since they are a bit more niche. That said, PS Plus covers this area with Disgaea.

Disgaea 5 is the franchise’s crown jewel in terms of gameplay. While the story is nothing to write home about, the fifth entry has by far the best gameplay in the franchise, and that includes Disgaea 6. The grid-based combat is accessible but also deep, mainly due to the game’s awesome class system.

PS Plus Premium has the following

  • Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
  • Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten
  • Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness

Wild Arms 3

Metascore: 78

Fighting a battle in Wild Arms 3

Wild Arms 3

PS Plus Availability

October 15, 2002

Media Vision

How Long To Beat
32 Hours

Even though the selection isn’t extensive, PS Plus Premium’s Classics Catalog has a number of old favorites from across PlayStation’s history. Wild Arms and Wild Arms 3 are both available as part of the subscription, and these JRPGs are considered classics for a reason. The original entry in the franchise has aged pretty well and is likely to hit the mark for fans of PS1-era RPGs; however, Wild Arms 3 is arguably the superior game of the two.

Visually and narratively, Media.Vision’s title is just as impressive nowadays as it was in the early 2000s. While conventional in many ways, the combat system is great for the most part and requires enough strategic thought to remain engaging throughout the majority of the campaign.

Ys 8: Lacrimosa Of Dana

Metascore: 85

Ys 8 Lacrimosa of DANA fight

Ys 8: Lacrimosa Of DANA

Only PS4 Version

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

September 12, 2017

Nihon Falcom

How Long To Beat
38 Hours

Nihon Falcom’s Ys has been a staple of the action JRPG scene for decades, particularly on PCs. Although not the first entry to garner attention in Western countries, Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana helped expand the franchise’s visibility since it features graphics that did not look as dated as its predecessors’ visuals. More importantly, the action JRPG has a fast-paced and awesome combat system that is accessible but also hides a fair amount of depth.


10 Games To Play If You Liked Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

Those who enjoyed Nihon Falcom’s Ys IX: Monstrum Nox should make sure to check out these other action-heavy games, many of which are RPGs.

Set on a reasonably sized island filled with monsters to slay and discoveries to be made, Lacrimosa of Dana strikes a healthy balance of battles, character-building, and exploration. One of the most fun JRPGs on PS Plus Premium and Extra, Ys 8 should not be missed.

Ys 9: Monstrum Nox
is also available on PS Plus Premium and Extra.

Kingdoms Of Amalur: Re-Reckoning

Metascore: 72

Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning poster

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning

PS Plus Availability

February 7, 2012

38 Studios , Big Huge Games

How Long To Beat
25 Hours

Originally released during the PS3 era, Kingdoms of Amalur fell into obscurity due to a complicated behind-the-scenes situation, before making a resurgence through the Re-Reckoning remaster. The game is fondly remembered for its action combat system, which takes a few pages from the hack and slash genre. Players are encouraged to experiment with weapon types, and they are showered in loot.

Although its story is nothing special, Amalur‘s Faelands is a vibrant world that is fun to explore. The game’s age does show in places, but the gameplay is still enjoyable enough to justify a recommendation.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Metascore: 76

Tiny Tina - Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

March 25, 2022

How Long To Beat
16 Hours

While not unheard of, FPS RPGs are not especially common, and PS Plus subscribers do not have many options at their disposal. However, they can at least play the most recent entry in arguably the mashup’s definitive IP: Borderlands. Even though the numbered projects are not included, PS Plus Extra has Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, a spin-off that serves as a pretty good entry point into the franchise. Guided by Tiny Tina’s storytelling, players find themselves going on a classic D&D-style adventure, courtesy of an in-universe tabletop game called Bunkers & Badasses. Unlike Borderlands‘ sci-fi setting, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is soaked in fantasy imagery and tropes, giving the campaign a unique feel compared to the mainline entries. That said, the gameplay sticks very close to Gearbox’s established blueprint, even if the weapon types are modified to fit the premise.

As a looter shooter, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands lives up to its franchise’s reputation, and the same can be said for its RPG mechanics. Considering it is inspired by tabletop classics, the spin-off unsurprisingly emphasizes its classes, offering players six options that each support a fairly wide assortment of build options. Players are also not tied to a class’s skills, so they can create unique characters that complement their playstyles. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is a blast as a single-player experience, and it does not overstay its welcome either; however, the game is better in co-op. That statement extends to nearly every Borderlands project, but it is especially true in this instance since co-op is such a natural fit for the story.

Children Of Morta

Metascore: 80

Children Of Morta Yajouj’Majouj In Trial 9

Children of Morta

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

September 3, 2019

Dead Mage

How Long To Beat
14 Hours

Children of Morta might not have the name-recognition of some other RPGs on PS Plus, but the game scratches an itch that very few titles reach for. The roguelike casts players as the Bergson family, who are tasked with fighting their way through Mount Morta as it has become corrupted. Initially, two characters will be playable, but more family members are unlocked as the campaign progresses. While the levels are randomly generated and defeat sends players back to the family’s base, the story does develop in between runs, so a loss does not result in a full restart.



Best Local Co-Op & Split-Screen Games On PlayStation Plus Extra & Premium (February 2024)

There are a lot of awesome local co-op & split-screen games available on PS Plus. Here’s a look at some of the best.

Children of Morta is a fun single-player experience that has a surprisingly effective storyline, at least for a roguelike. However, the game is at its best when played in co-op since this takes advantage of the roster’s complementary traits. As each character plays differently, players are granted a wide range of options as they experiment to find the party setup that works best for them.


Metascore: 81

Fighting a boss in Moonlighter


PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

May 29, 2018

Digital Sun

How Long To Beat
14 Hours

Role-playing titles can be stressful, both in terms of their narratives and gameplay. For people who want something a touch more relaxing and laid-back, Moonlighter is a valid option. The game is split into two sections: shop management and dungeon crawling. The latter serves as a way to acquire resources and loot that can be invested in the former.

This loop is addictive and rewarding, while still offering enough of a challenge to test players. Moonlighter‘s pixel art style is gorgeous, and the visuals really bring to life the game’s setting and the monsters that populate its dungeon.

Child Of Light

Metascore: 82

Aurora in Child Of Light

Child of Light

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

April 30, 2014

How Long To Beat
11 Hours

Every once in a while, Ubisoft develops a game that makes people question “wait, is that really by Ubisoft?”. Child of Light might be the best example of this phenomenon. A turn-based RPG that incorporates platforming sections, this title is imaginative, endearing, and does not overstay its welcome.


The 15 Best Western RPGs That Ape Final Fantasy’s Turn-Based Combat

Final Fantasy has perfected turn-based combat but these Western RPGs handle it even better.

As Aurora, players traverse the kingdom of Lemuria in order to defeat the Queen of the Night. Along the way, she meets a few quirky heroes who join her team, helping her fight off a colorful range of enemies. Child of Light is one of those PS Plus RPGs that can paint a permanent smile on a player’s face.

Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, & Fallout 4

Metascore: 87 (Fallout 4)

fallout new vegas intro

Fallout 4

PS Plus Availability
Extra & Premium

November 10, 2015

How Long To Beat
27 Hours

The Fallout series has fallen slightly from its high graces following the release of Fallout 76, but the sheer quality of past titles in the franchise is the reason Fallout fans are holding out. The Fallout games from the early 2010s don’t look great compared to today’s graphics, but no one is going to deny that both Fallout 3 and New Vegas are deeper, more complicated games that give players tons of freedom to change the world as they see fit.

Fallout 4 is considered by fans to be a worthy addition to the franchise, though it wasn’t received as well on launch as it followed the huge critical success of New Vegas.



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