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Best Relics, Light Cone, Team Comps, and more

Honkai Star Rail Fugue

  • Previously known as Tingyun, Fugue is now the name she goes by after Ruan Mei revived her
  • Fugue introduces Exo Toughness, enabling double Breaks for massive Toughness damage and synergy with Break DPS units
  • Fugue’s flexibility allows her to replace key roles like sustain or secondary supports, offering creative and powerful team-building options.

The Version 2.7 update of Honkai: Star Rail releases the much anticipated 5-star character, Fugue. Fugue is a Fire character following the Path of Nihility. This Honkai: Star Rail Fugue Build Guide will help you get the most out of her abilities by offering a detailed breakdown of her skills and recommending the best configurations to optimize her performance.

Fugue Gameplay

Fugue is a versatile Fire Nihility character who specializes in weakening enemies, breaking their defenses, and enabling allies to deal significant damage, even against foes who aren’t naturally weak to their attacks. Her kit revolves around applying unique debuffs and enhancing the team’s ability to exploit enemy vulnerabilities.

Basic Attack

Her Basic Attack is straightforward, dealing Fire damage to a single target. In her enhanced Skill state, she deals Fire damage to adjacent enemies.


Fugue applies Foxian Prayer to a designated ally. This buff lasts until it’s applied to another ally and provides two key benefits. Increases the Break Effect of the ally by 15%–33%, making them more effective at reducing enemy Toughness.

Allows the ally to reduce enemy Toughness even if their attack type doesn’t match the enemy’s Weakness Type. This off-type Toughness reduction is equivalent to 50% of the normal value, ensuring consistent Toughness depletion across various scenarios. This effect doesn’t stack with other similar off-type Toughness Reduction effects.

Honkai Star Rail FugueHonkai Star Rail Fugue
Honkai Star Rail Fugue (Image via HoYoverse)

Fugue herself enters the “Torrid Scorch” state for three turns (reduced by one turn at the start of each of her actions). While in this state, her Basic Attack is enhanced, dealing AoE damage. Every time the ally with “Foxian Prayer” attacks, Fugue has a 100% chance to apply a DEF reduction debuff (8%–20%) to the target. This debuff lasts two turns and makes enemies easier to damage.


Fugue’s Ultimate is a powerful Fire AoE ability that scales with her ATK, dealing 100%–220% Fire damage to all enemies. This attack has two additional effects. It ignores Weakness Types for Toughness reduction, meaning it reduces the Toughness of all enemies regardless of their natural resistances or weaknesses.

Honkai Star Rail FugueHonkai Star Rail Fugue
Honkai Star Rail Fugue (Image via HoYoverse)

If any enemies have a Fire Weakness, the Ultimate triggers the Fire Weakness Break effect, which deals significant bonus Fire damage and can apply a burning DoT (damage over time). This makes her Ultimate exceptionally useful for setting up Weakness Breaks and delivering high AoE damage.

Talent and Technique

Her Talent introduces a unique mechanic called “Cloudflame Luster,” which fundamentally changes how Toughness is managed. While Fugue is on the field, all enemies are afflicted with “Cloudflame Luster,” which starts at 40% of their Max Toughness. This is in addition to their standard Toughness bar. As the standard Toughness bar is depleted, “Cloudflame Luster” also reduces.

When it reaches 0, the enemy suffers another instance of Weakness Break damage, effectively doubling the break effects. Additionally, whenever allies attack an enemy that is already Weakness Broken, the Toughness Reduction from those attacks is converted into a single instance of amplified “Super Break Damage,” equal to 50%–110% of the converted Toughness Reduction. This mechanic ensures that Fugue maximizes the value of Weakness Breaks, punishing enemies and enabling high-damage follow-ups.

Fugue’s Technique is a powerful setup tool for battles. Outside of combat, she can Daze enemies in a certain area for 10 seconds. While Dazed, enemies cannot actively attack allies, allowing for safe positioning or pre-combat maneuvers. If Fugue initiates combat against Dazed enemies, Her action advances by 40%, ensuring she acts early in the battle. She also applies her DEF-reduction debuff (the same one from her Skill) to all enemies for two turns.

When leveling Fugue’s abilities, prioritize Skill > Talent > Ultimate > Basic Attack


  • Verdantia Renaissance: After an ally breaks an enemy’s Weakness, the enemy’s action is delayed by 15%
  • Sylvan Enigma: Increases Fugue’s Break Effect by 30%, enhancing her ability to reduce Toughness and trigger Weakness Break effects. After using her Skill for the first time in battle, she immediately recovers 1 Skill Point.
  • Phecda Primordia: When an enemy’s Weakness is broken, teammates (excluding Fugue) gain a 6% Break Effect boost for 2 turns. If Fugue’s own Break Effect is 220% or higher, the Break Effect boost increases by an additional 12%, for a total of 18%. This effect stacks up to 2 times, allowing for a maximum of 36% Break Effect boost for allies.

Among her Traces, priority should be Sylvan Enigma > Phecda Primordia > Verdantia Renaissance

Materials Needed for Fugue in Honkai: Star Rail

Refer to the detailed farming guide for Fugue as we break down her materials and how to obtain them effectively. To summarize the materials in this Honkai Star: Rail Fugue Build Guide

Character Level-Up Materials

  • 65x Searing Steel Blade
  • 15x Immortal Scionette
  • 15x Immortal Aeroblossom
  • 15x Immortal Lumintwig
  • 3x Travel Encounters
  • 3x Adventure Log
  • 289x Traveler’s Guide
  • 888,000x Credit

Trace Level-up Materials

  • 18x Immortal Scionette
  • 69x Immortal Aeroblossom
  • 139x Immortal Lumintwig
  • 41x Fiery Spirit
  • 56x Starfire Essence
  • 58x Heaven Incinerator
  • 12x Regret of Infinite Ochema
  • 8x Tracks of Destiny
  • 3,000,000x Credit

Honkai Star Rail Fugue Best Relics and Planar Ornaments

When choosing relics for Fugue, it’s essential to focus on maximizing her support and survivability capabilities. In this section of Honkai: Star Rail Fugue Build Guide we will discuss what relics, main stats, and planar ornaments you need to focus on for Fugue.

  • Body (Effect Hit Rate)
  • Feet (Speed) 
  • Planar Spear (HP% or DEF%)
  • Link Rope (Energy Regeneration Rate/Break Effect)

Effect Hit Rate is non-negotiable for Fugue’s chest piece. You’ll need this to ensure her debuffs, like DEF reduction and Cloudflame Luster effects, land reliably. The goal is to reach a 67% Effect Hit Rate, which guarantees her debuffs hit consistently. With speed boots alone, she’ll reach 141 SPD, but you should aim for around 160 SPD if possible. While extreme SPD isn’t mandatory, being slightly faster can help her keep up with rotation-heavy teams.

Honkai Star: Rail FugueHonkai Star: Rail Fugue
Fugue in Honkai Star: Rail (Image via HoYoverse)

If you’re focusing on meeting her Break Effect requirements, use a Break Effect rope. This is especially important if you’re struggling to hit her passive thresholds (220% or 250% Break Effect with certain relics). If your Break Effect is already high (for instance, you’re running a Break Effect light cone or Cavalry set and have sufficient passive bonuses), switch to an Energy Regeneration rope. This improves her Ultimate uptime, especially at E2, where her Ultimate gains more utility.

Relic Set

2-pc Thief of Shooting Meteor/2-pc Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge x2 2-Piece Bonus: Increases Break Effect by 16%.
2-Piece Bonus: Increases Break Effect by 16%.
Thief of Shooting Meteor 2-Piece Bonus: Increases Break Effect by 16%.
4-Piece Bonus: Increases the wearer’s Break Effect by 16%. When the wearer inflicts Weakness Break on an enemy, regenerates 3 Energy.

Planar Ornaments

Talia: Kingdom of Banditry 2-Piece Bonus:
Increases the wearer’s Break Effect by 16%. When the wearer’s SPD reaches 145 or higher, the wearer’s Break effect increases by an extra 20%.
Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern 2-Piece Bonus:
Increases the wearer’s SPD by 6%. When the wearer hits an enemy target that has Fire Weakness, the wearer’s Break Effect increases by 40%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Honkai Star Rail Fugue Best Light Cone

Honkai Star Rail Fugue Light ConeHonkai Star Rail Fugue Light Cone
Honkai Star Rail Fugue (Image via HoYoverse)
Long Road Leads Home (Fugue 5* Light Cone) Fugue’s signature light cone and an excellent choice for players who want to maximize her Break Effect and enhance her team’s damage during Weakness Breaks. This light cone boosts her Break Effect by 60%, significantly improving her ability to deplete enemy Toughness. Its “Charring” effect adds another layer of synergy with her kit: when an enemy is Weakness Broken, it gains a debuff that increases the Break Damage it takes by 18% for two turns.

This effect stacks twice for a total of 36% increased Break Damage, making it easy to max out thanks to Fugue’s Exo Toughness mechanic, which allows for repeated Weakness Breaks. While this bonus doesn’t stack with similar effects from other characters or abilities, it’s still a potent team-wide damage boost.

If you’re looking to capitalize on her core mechanics, this light cone is the top choice. However, some players may prefer to invest in other upgrades, such as her E1, which amplifies Super Break Damage for your main DPS and helps trigger more frequent Weakness Breaks.

Solitary Healing (5*) A more niche option that provides a balanced mix of Break Effect and utility for teams that focus on damage over time (DoT). It increases Fugue’s Break Effect by 20% and boosts her DoT by 24% for two turns after using her Ultimate. This is particularly useful when fighting multiple enemies, as her Ultimate’s ability to break smaller targets can trigger a cascading effect of energy regeneration.

For example, defeating four small enemies in a single round could regenerate nearly 50 Energy, enabling her to use her Ultimate more frequently. While its energy regeneration potential is more situational outside of specific team compositions, it still serves as a solid stat stick for boosting her Break Effect.

Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat (4*) Another strong option, especially for players who want to lean into Fugue’s DEF-reduction capabilities. This light cone introduces the “Ensnare” mechanic, which lowers an enemy’s DEF by 12% for one turn. Since Fugue already has DEF-reduction effects in her kit, this light cone boosts her ability to debuff enemies with both her Ultimate and Basic Attacks.

The synergy with DEF Ignore buffs from other sources, like certain Relics or allies such as E1 Ruan Mei, further increases its value. Although it lacks Break Effect, this light cone’s focus on DEF reduction makes it ideal for teams looking to amplify their overall damage output through vulnerability.

Before the Tutorial Mission Starts (4*) Emphasizes energy regeneration and Ultimate uptime. It increases Fugue’s Effect Hit Rate by 20%, improving the chances of her debuffs landing consistently. Whenever Fugue attacks DEF-reduced enemies, which is easily achievable thanks to “Foxian Prayer“, she regenerates 4 Energy.

This makes it an excellent choice for players running E2 Fugue or looking to spam her Ultimate more often. While it doesn’t directly enhance her Break Effect, it indirectly supports her by ensuring she can contribute more frequently with her AoE Toughness-reducing Ultimate.

Fermata (4*) The most basic option available and serves as a stat stick for Break Effect. It increases Break Effect by 16% and provides a 16% damage boost to enemies affected by Shock or Wind Shear, as well as other DoTs.

While it may sound decent, Fugue doesn’t naturally inflict Shock or Wind Shear, limiting its potential unless paired with specific teammates who do. In most cases, it’s outclassed by options like Solitary Healing or Before the Tutorial Mission Starts, which offer additional utility beyond raw stats.

Best Team Comps for Fugue in Honkai Star Rail

Fugue is a versatile unit that can fit into many Break-focused teams, either as a replacement for key roles or as a unique enabler. Her ability to reduce Toughness, ignore elements, and boost Super Break damage makes her a valuable addition to any team aiming to maximize Break effectiveness. In the final section of this Honkai: Star Rail Fugue Build Guide, let’s dive into her ideal team compositions.

Fugue as a Break Support

Fugue can replace Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, or even sustain units in certain cases. She excels in teams where you want to trigger multiple Breaks and maximize Toughness damage.

Firefly serves as the primary Break DPS. Fugue enhances Break damage with her Exo Toughness mechanic, allowing multiple Breaks. Boothill benefits immensely from Fugue’s ability to trigger multiple Breaks early, enabling him to stack Pocket Trickshots quickly and unleash massive damage. Ruan Mei adds Weakness Break efficiency and boosts the team’s overall Break output. Sunday or Bronya can provide buffs or extra turns for better synergy.

Sustainless Break Teams

Fugue’s Toughness delay and Exo Toughness mechanics make sustainless teams viable in many scenarios. These teams focus on breaking enemies quickly to minimize damage received.

Firefly breaks Toughness bars and deals follow-up damage. Lingsha can serve as a pseudo-sustain unit while dealing Break damage. Ruan Mei and Harmony MC together amplify Break efficiency and energy regeneration, keeping the team rotating quickly.

Honkai Star Rail FugueHonkai Star Rail Fugue
Honkai Star Rail Fugue (Image via HoYoverse)

Rappa, Fugue, Ruan Mei, Harmony MC

With Fugue, it’s now possible to create two Break-focused teams for content requiring multiple teams, such as Memory of Chaos. Rappa thrives with Fugue due to her Exo Toughness mechanic, doubling his Break charges for devastating output.

Himeko, Fugue, Ruan Mei, Sunday

Fugue pairs exceptionally well with units like Himeko and other older Break DPS units that gain extra benefits from frequent Breaks. Himeko’s talent benefits from back-to-back Breaks, and Fugue ensures consistent triggering of her follow-up attacks. Ruan Mei and Sunday round out the team with damage amplification and SP management.

Final Thoughts

Fugue’s kit offers exceptional versatility, making her a valuable addition to Break-focused teams now and in future patches. Her ability to ignore Toughness, apply Exo Toughness for double Breaks, and provide innate Super Break multipliers positions her as a top-tier Break support. She synergizes well with both established and emerging units, ensuring her relevance as the meta evolves. While she shines brightest in Break teams, her flexibility allows for creative team-building, including sustainless setups and dual Break compositions. As future content likely demands more efficient Break strategies, Fugue’s unique mechanics will continue to make her a standout choice.

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