Best Pals That Have One Work Suitability In Palworld
- Variety of specialized Pals are key to a successful base, ensuring each part of production chain is covered.
- Some Pals are better suited for specific tasks like generating electricity or preserving food in Palworld.
- Efficiency in base operation is maximized by assigning specialized Pals like transporters or lumberjacks.
Palworld is a survival crafting game where players can capture wild creatures and put them to work in their base. Pals are suitable for jobs based on their elemental type, so making sure to have a variety of Pals is the key to a successful base in the Palpagos Islands.

Palworld: Best Pals For Generating Electricity
All Electric Pals can generate electricity to develop more advanced tools, but some are better at it than others in Palworld.
While it may seem like keeping Pals that can do multiple jobs is the best way to run a base, keeping specialized Pals as part of the workforce is a good strategy as well. Pals with only one work suitability will only do that one job, ensuring that their piece of the production chain never goes unnoticed.
1 Foxcicle
Early Game Pal For Preserving Food
Foxcicle is an Ice-type Pal that can be captured in the small, snowy region near the middle of the map. Staying cool is important for the player to avoid heatstroke, but the cooling that Foxcicle does at the base is different.
Once players reach Level 38, they can unlock the technology to build a refrigerator to keep food items from spoiling. Berries, wheat, and other food items have a countdown timer until they go bad and are removed from the game, and cooling them in a refrigerator extends that timer by a substantial amount.
2 Teafant
Early Game Water Pal
Teafant is a small, Water-type Pal that looks like a cross between a teapot and an elephant. They can be found around many low-level areas, which makes it ideal for players searching for their first Water Pal.
Teafants can water plants, which is the middle of the three steps to growing crops in the game. Having a Teafant water crops keeps food production up and running while the player is out exploring, or keeps the player from having to stop other tasks to water them. While there are many Water Pals in the game, Teafant is a good choice to assign to the base once players start planting their own berries and wheat.
3 Foxparks
The First Fire Pal For Many Players
Fire Pals are great to have at the base because of the wide variety of tasks associated with the Kindling work suitability. They can cook food, smelt ore in the forge, and tend to heaters. The first Fire Pal that most players encounter is Foxparks because these Pals spawn at low levels in an area near the game’s initial starting point.

Palworld: Best Locations For Catching Fire Pals
Fire Pals are found in warmer areas of the map, especially near lava. That said, some Palworld locations are home to more Fire Pals than others.
While Foxparks only has Kindling Level 1, it can take some time to find and capture Fire Pals with higher Kindling skills. This means that Foxparks is likely the main Fire worker for the first few hours of a new game, making them a vital part of a starter base.
4 Helzephyr
Efficient Pal For Transporting Items
Transporting is an important skill. Harvested crops can’t be eaten until they are moved to a Feed Box, wood cannot be used while it is sitting on the ground, etc. Since many Pals have the Transporting skill, it does not typically take much time for items to be transported.
However, having a Pal that specializes only in Transporting can maximize a base’s efficiency because one Pal can just move items around while the rest of the workforce keeps working their other jobs. Helzephyr is a bird-like Pal that fills this exact role when assigned to a base.
5 Eikthyrdeer
Great Pal For Gathering Wood Early On
Lumbering is an important job, especially early on. It is the only way to get wood without the player having to chop trees down by hand. Eikthyrdeer is a Neutral Pal that can chop trees down fairly quickly with its Level 2 Lumbering skill, and this speed makes up for the fact that chopping trees down is the only job that it can do.
Players can find these deer-like Pals traveling in pairs throughout many early game areas, and so they are ideal lumberjacks for players working on establishing their first base.
6 Broncherry
Speedy Planter To Keep Farms Running
With its Planting skill at Level 3, Broncherry is one of the best Pals at planting seeds. This Grass-type Pal can be found throughout Investigator’s Fork, to the west of the map’s center.
Since growing crops takes three separate skills — Planting, Watering, and Gathering — it helps to have Pals that can focus on each step of the process, especially for larger bases with more crops. Broncherry’s specialization in Planting means that this first step will always be done quickly and allow Water Pals to take over as Broncherry moves on to the next empty plot to sow more seeds.
7 Azurobe
Water Pal That Can Keep Plantations Going
Azurobe is a Water Pal that can only be captured in Wilderness Sanctuary No. 1, an island along the map’s southern edge. Players must ride a flying or swimming Pal to get to this island, but finding unique Pals like Azurobe makes the trek worth it.
Watering is the second step in Palworld‘s crop production, which makes Pals suited for it very valuable. And, unlike Planting and Gathering, Watering is used beyond growing crops since the Crusher and Mill rely on Pals to power them with water. Azurobe, with its Level 3 Watering Skill, can keep plants watered and tend to these other machines without causing a lapse in productivity, which makes it a good one-task Pal at the base.
8 Rayhound
Electric Pal That Is Also A Great Mount
- Generating Electricity Level 2
Generating electricity becomes important as players unlock more advanced technology. Generators, which can be unlocked at Level 26, need an Electric Pal to provide power. These relatively rare Pals can typically be captured in the desert in the game’s Northeastern corner.

Palworld: Best Locations For Catching Electric Pals
Players on the hunt for electric Pals in Palworld should focus on the following locations.
Rayhound is great to have as a mount since players can double jump while riding them. They can generate electricity faster than a Jolthog or Sparkit, which makes up for the fact that this is the only work that Rayhounds are suited for.
9 Felbat
Pal That Can Produce Medicine Quickly
- Medicine Production Level 3
Unlike most Pals, Felbats do not spawn anywhere on the map. Instead, they spawn in a specific dungeon called The Sealed Realm of the Abyssal Nights. The only other way to get a Felbat is by breeding one.
Felbat’s sole work suitability is for Medicine Production, which is one of the least common jobs that Pals can do. Only Felbat and three other Pals have a Level 3 Medicine Production skill, and there are no Pals with a higher skill than them. Since producing medicine takes a very long time, having a Pal who can specialize in finishing the task quickly is a great reward for players who go out of their way to get a Felbat.
10 Mozzarina
Most Reliable Source Of Milk In The Game
Mozzarina is a cow-like Pal that is surprisingly important to a major aspect of the gameplay loop in Palworld. To breed Pals, players have to assign compatible Pals of the opposite sex to a Breeding Farm and then give them a cake. Milk, a resource that is only produced by Mozzarinas, is a necessary ingredient for making cakes.
While players can simply kill Mozzarinas in the wild to obtain Milk, it is much more consistent to use their Farming skills to produce it consistently. By having a Mozzarina at a Ranch in the base, players will never run out of milk and will therefore be able to breed Pals more easily.

- Released
- January 19, 2024
- Developer(s)
- Pocket Pair, Inc.