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Best Greataxes In Elden Ring

Elden Ring player using Ghiza's Wheel on left, player using Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear in middle, player using Prelate's Inferno Crozier on right


  • Greataxes in Elden Ring deal high damage but sacrifice speed, making them vulnerable in combat.
  • Best Greataxes offer unique Weapon Skills for creative fighting styles, not to be confused with one-handed axes.
  • Players seeking the top Greataxes should prioritize stats, scaling, and special effects to optimize their build.



Greataxes are two-handed weapons in Elden Ring that typically require a high Strength stat to be wielded. They are capable of dealing incredible damage, although this is at the cost of attack speed, meaning players will be vulnerable when swinging. This also makes them less desirable for players who want to input as many actions as possible.


Elden Ring: 22 Best Strength Weapons, Ranked

Strength Weapons deal the heaviest damage of Elden Ring’s arsenal, but some of these hard hitters rise above the rest.

The best Greataxes in Elden Ring not only have high damage and fantastic scaling, but they also have unique Weapon Skills that offer players creative ways to play out fights. In addition, Greataxes should not be confused with standard one-handed axes in Elden Ring. These are more versatile alternatives for axe lovers but come at the cost of a reduction in damage.

Updated February 24, 2024 by Joe Grantham: With a gameplay trailer released for the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, the hype has returned to the Lands Between with many an eye on Elden Ring.

As players get excited to jump into a new adventure, many will be looking to brush off their dusty combat skills or perfect their build. Players looking to craft a build around the best Greataxes in Elden Ring will thus be glad of even more examples, including all their stats, scaling, and special effects. It is also important that players know where to find Elden Ring’s best Greataxes.

7 Crescent Moon Axe

Max Base Damage: 357

Elden Ring Crescent Moon Axe (Greataxe)

Stat Requirements

Str: 25

Dex: 15

Max Scaling (+25)

Str: D

Dex: C

Max Damage (+25)

Physical: 357


Dropped by Exile Soldiers in Stormveil Castle

Upgrade Materials

Smithing Stones

Unique Effect Or Weapon Skill

War Cry (Skill)

The Crescent Moon Axe is one of the best Greataxes for the early stages of the game in Elden Ring as it can be acquired easily at Stormveil Castle. The axe is dropped by certain Exile Soldiers who wield the weapon, with two of these enemies being found in a Stonesword Key room near the Rampart Tower Site of Grace, and another two near the Limgrave Tower Site of Grace.

The axe itself has good base damage but with a Strength scaling stat of D, it does get outshone by other weapons as the game progresses. The War Cry skill is nothing to boast about either, especially when compared with the unique skill of the Axe of Godrick, for example. It simply boosts attack power and also changes strong attacks to charging attacks.

6 Axe Of Godrick

Max Base Damage: 347

Elden Ring Axe of Godrick (Greataxe)

Stat Requirements

Str: 34

Dex: 22

Max Scaling (+10)

Str: C

Dex: C

Max Damage (+10)

Physical: 347


The Roundtable Hold after killing Godrick the Grafted

Upgrade Materials

Somber Smithing Stones

Unique Effect Or Weapon Skill

I Command Thee, Kneel (Skill)

One of the Elden Ring bosses with the most tragic lore is Godrick the Grafted, who also happens to possess one of the game’s best Greataxes. After players defeat him fairly early on in the game at Stormveil Castle, they can head to the Roundtable Hold and give the Remembrance of the Grafted to Enia. In return, they can receive the Axe of Godrick.


Elden Ring: 13 Best Catacombs

While exploring the Lands Between in Elden Ring, players should check out these interesting catacombs for some worthwhile rewards.

This Greataxe has good base damage which can be improved with Somber Smithing Stones, and average scaling for both Strength and Dexterity. However, it makes up for this with one of the best weapon skills, I Command Thee Kneel! When Tarnished use this unique skill, they will smash the Axe of Godrick into the ground, sending out two colossal shockwaves that deal AOE damage and can potentially knock enemies off their feet.

5 Longhaft Axe

Max Base Damage: 357

Elden Ring Longhaft Axe (Greataxe)

Stat Requirements

Str: 24

Dex: 8

Max Scaling (+25)

Str: C

Dex: D

Max Damage (+25)

Physical: 357


Dropped by Misbegotten

Upgrade Materials

Smithing Stones

Unique Effect Or Weapon Skill

Greataxe (Skill)

The Longhaft Axe is a good option for players who want to wield a traditional Greataxe in the early stages of the game, as one can be dropped by a Misbegotten in Castle Morne. However, as this is a rare drop, players will likely have to keep going back to the nearest Site of Grace to reload the enemy and hope that they will drop it next time.

The relatively low strength requirement of 24 means this Greataxe is accessible to lower-level players. For Strength builds, players should consider upgrading it with a Heavy Affinity Ashes of War to get the most out of its Strength scaling.

4 Rusted Anchor

Max Base Damage: 360

Elden Ring Rusted Anchor (Greataxe)

Stat Requirements

Str: 26

Dex: 9

Max Scaling (+25)

Str: B

Dex: E

Max Damage (+25)

Physical: 360


Dropped by Scaly Misbegotten, Morne Tunnel

Upgrade Materials

Smithing Stones

Unique Effect Or Weapon Skill

Barbaric Roar (Skill)

Aesthetically and due to its name, the Rusted Anchor is arguably the weirdest Greataxe in Elden Ring, but nevertheless, it is a fantastic source of damage. With a max Strength scaling rating of B, it is on par with the Executioner’s Greataxe in terms of potential for players with high Strength. However, it does have slightly less base damage.


Elden Ring: Greatswords Tier List

Greatswords tend to be a high-risk, high-reward endeavor in Elden Ring, offsetting slow attack animations with massive damage and stagger chance.

The Rusted Anchor can be found early on in the game, by heading south to the Weeping Peninsula region and locating the Morne Tunnel. It is dropped as a reward for defeating the Scaly Misbegotten boss inside this tunnel. This makes it one of the best early-game weapons in Elden Ring.

3 Executioner’s Greataxe

Max Base Damage: 367

Elden Ring Executioner's Greataxe

Stat Requirements

Str: 34

Dex: 8

Max Scaling (+25)

Str: B

Dex: E

Max Damage (+25)

Physical: 367


Dropped by Skeletons, Church of Irith Graveyard

Upgrade Materials

Smithing Stones

Unique Effect Or Weapon Skill

War Cry (Skill)

While the Executioner’s Greataxe is a step down in raw damage from the Great Omenkiller Cleaver and the Gargoyle’s Black Axe, it does have great Strength scaling, making it one of the better options in the hands of strong Tarnished.

Found in the inventories of some Skeletons in the Church of Irith Graveyard, this is also one of the Greataxes that can be accessed earlier in the game, in the Liurnia of the Lakes region. Players will want to make sure they use the weapon’s War Cry skill before they enter combat, to give them a buff to Attack Power and Strength scaling.

2 Great Omenkiller Cleaver

Max Base Damage: 402

Elden Ring Great Omenkiller Cleaver (Greataxe)

Stat Requirements

Str: 23

Dex: 12

Max Scaling (+25)

Str: C

Dex: D

Max Damage (+25)

Physical: 347

Hemorrhage: 55


Dropped by Omenkiller, Volcano Manor or Perfumer’s Grotto

Upgrade Materials

Smithing Stones

Unique Effect Or Weapon Skill

Wild Strikes (Skill)

Thanks to its Hemorrhage-applying passive, the Great Omenkiller Cleaver has the second-highest max base damage out of all the Greataxes in Elden Ring. Therefore, despite average scaling, players will be able to make even the biggest bosses bleed.


Elden Ring: The Best Colossal Weapons, Ranked

Colossal weapons are one way to handle the god-like enemies of Elden Ring, but which of the best are worth getting?

To get their hands on the Great Omenkiller Cleaver, players either need to kill the Omenkiller at Volcano Manor or the one that is found at the Perfumer’s Grotto. As both of these locations are in the Atlus Plateau region, this is a mid to late-game weapon.

1 Gargoyle’s Black Axe

Max Base Damage: 539

Elden Ring Gargoyle's Black Axe (Greataxe)

Stat Requirements

Str: 24

Dex: 8

Fai: 22

Max Scaling (+10)

Str: C

Dex: E

Fai: D

Max Damage (+10)

Physical: 245

Holy: 294


Dropped by Black Blade Kindred, Mountaintops of the Giants

Upgrade Materials

Somber Smithing Stones

Unique Effect Or Weapon Skill

War Cry (Skill)

The best Greataxe in Elden Ring is the Gargoyle’s Black Axe which combines Physical and Holy damage for some seriously heavy hits. However, unlike other Greataxes, players will need a relatively high Faith stat of 22 to wield it, and it can only be acquired later in the game when players manage to slay the Black Blade Kindred who guards the entrance to the Mountaintops of the Giants.

While the scaling on the Gargoyle’s Black Axe isn’t great, the base damage is incredible once fully upgraded. Furthermore, players looking for great Faith weapons for a hybrid build between Faith and Strength will find few better options.

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Elden Ring

February 25, 2022

