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Best Civilizations to start with

Chinese Civilization Age of Empires Mobile

Choosing the best civilization yourself in the Age of Empires Mobile is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. The game allows players to build their empires in a beautifully medieval world. Age of Empires Mobile has a total of 8 civilizations (as of now), each with unique strengths, weaknesses, and bonuses that impact different aspects of gameplay, from resource gathering to military prowess. In this Civilization tier list, we’ll guide you through the best civilizations to start with in Age of Empires Mobile and rank them based on their use and utility.

Age of Empires Mobile Civilization Tier List: Best Civilizations Ranked

All civilizations in the game have their own merits and demerits, but some are inherently better suited for beginners or specific playstyles. As you progress through the game, you may need to switch civilizations to better suit your playstyle, (this can easily be done using Empire Coins). Our tier list aims to help you make the best choice for your goals, especially as a new player.

Tier Civilization Specialty
Overpowered (S+) Chinese Archers’ Defense + 5%
Villager Capacity + 8
Walls Durability + 10%
Japanese Swordsmen’s Defense + 5%
Attack Bonus Against Player Citadels + 5%
Attack Against Tribes in the World + 10%
Strong (S) Roman Pikemen’s Defense + 5%
Healing Speed +5%
Villagers’ Boost to Buildings’ Production + 30
British Archers’ Defense + 5%
Player Citadel’s Defense Bonus + 10%
Production of Mills + 5%
Good (A) Korean Cavalry’s defense + 5%
Attack Looting Limit +500,000
Resource Storage Protection Rate +10%
Egyptian Pikemen’s defense + 5%
Troop load + 5%
Gathering Troop Unit Loss Prevention + 5%
Average (B) French Cavalry’s Defense + 5%
Resources Exchange Rate + 5%
Gathering Troops Defense + 10%
Byzantines Swordmen’s Defense + 5%
All Unit Type’s Siege Damage + 5%
Stone Gathering in the World + 5%

Please do note that this Age of Empires Mobile Civilization Tier List is prepared solely keeping the gameplay for beginners and newbies in mind. While the S+ tier Civilizations may provide you with a steady start, as the game progresses, you will find the other Civilizations catching up with even the A and B-tier Civilizations proving equally strong if not stronger than the rest. Additionally, remember, there is no good or bad Civilization, choosing a Civilization depends solely on your playstyle and how you use or set up your army with suitable Heroes.

Best Civilizations to start with in Age of Empires Mobile

1. Chinese

The Chinese civilization in Age of Empires Mobile is an excellent choice for beginners, mainly because of its +8 Villager Capacity at the start of the game. These villagers can be used to gather more resources, giving a significant early-game advantage. While the Chinese also offer a +5% boost to archer defense and a 10% increase in wall durability, these bonuses are less impactful in the early game but will be useful as your civilization grows.

Chinese Civilization Age of Empires MobileChinese Civilization Age of Empires Mobile
Chinese Civilization Age of Empires Mobile (Image via Level Infinite)

The Chinese civilization has an exclusive archer called Chun Ko Nu, a special rapid-fire crossbow unit. Chun Ko Nu with the archer defensive bonuses becomes a lethal weapon for players who frequently want to use archers in battle. Overall, the Chinese civilization is an S-tier pick for those looking to boost resource gathering and gain a strong early foothold in the game.

2. Japanese

The Japanese civilization in Age of Empires Mobile is another great option to start with, especially for players who love to play aggressively. Its main advantage lies in the 10% attack bonus against world tribes. Using this bonus it becomes easier to defeat higher-level PvE enemies and gather more resources early in the game.

Japanese Civilization Age of Empires MobileJapanese Civilization Age of Empires Mobile
Japanese Civilization Age of Empires Mobile (Image via Level Infinite)

Additionally, the 5% Swordsmen Defense bonus is very useful for players, as swordsmen are often the core of early armies, making this civilization appealing for both F2P and P2P players. While the 5% Attack Bonus against Player Citadels may not be as impactful as it sounds for most players in the early game.

But still, the Japanese civilization is a strong pick for beginners because of its PvE combat bonus. The synergy between swordsmen’s defense and attack bonuses makes it easier to target tribes, giving players a tactical advantage during the battle. As a result, this civilization is a great choice for those looking to build a swordsmen-dependent army while maximizing their resource gains through tribal combat.

3. Roman

The Roman civilization in Age of Empires Mobile is a great choice for players who are focusing on late-game progression. Its standout bonus is the +30 Villager Boost to building production, which significantly increases the resources output of Farms, Mills, Lumber Camps, and Quarries.

Roman Civilization Age of Empires MobileRoman Civilization Age of Empires Mobile
Roman Civilization Age of Empires Mobile (Image via Level Infinite)

This bonus is modest in the early game but becomes a powerhouse in the later stages when hundreds of villagers work for you. This helps you to accumulate resources rapidly, giving you a strong economic advantage as your empire expands.

However, the Roman civilization isn’t ideal for beginners. The +5% healing speed bonus is less effective early on since you can manage healing queues through alliance help, and the +5% Pikemen defense bonus is only useful when your army composition is focused on Pikemen, which is unlikely in the very early game. The Roman bonuses are more effective as you progress, making this civilization a solid pick for players looking to excel in the mid-to-late game, rather than dominating early on.

4. British

The British civilization in Age of Empires Mobile is best suited for a more defensive playstyle, therefore, it is a decent choice for players who prefer to fortify their base and gather resources steadily. It provides a +10% Citadel Defense bonus, +5% Archer Defense boost, and +5% increased Mill Production (food).

British Civilization Age of Empires MobileBritish Civilization Age of Empires Mobile
British Civilization Age of Empires Mobile (Image via Level Infinite)

The citadel defense bonus might sound helpful, but in reality, it doesn’t offer much protection when facing overwhelming attacks, and the archer defense is only useful if you can build your army around the archer unit, which is unlikely in the early game. While the British civilization’s resource-hoarding capabilities through Mill Production might be useful later, it’s not a civilization that offers immediate benefits to new players.

The mill boost can help you gather food for trading resources, but its full potential is realized later in the game. The bonuses it provides are more suited for a slow and long-term strategy, focused on resource accumulation and defense. Due to its limited early-game advantages, British civilization is better suited for experienced players who favor archery units and prefer defensive tactics.

5. Korean

The Korean civilization in Age of Empires Mobile is well-suited for players who frequently use Cavalry units and enjoy looting-focused gameplay. It offers key bonuses like a +5% increase in Cavalry defense, an Attack Looting Limit of +500,000, and a +10% Resource Storage Protection Rate.

Korean Civilization Age of Empires MobileKorean Civilization Age of Empires Mobile
Korean Civilization Age of Empires Mobile (Image via Level Infinite)

These bonuses make this civilization a strong choice for the players who focus on accumulating resources through raids and exploration, as the looting limit allows you to gather more in each attack. At the same time, the storage protection bonus keeps your resources safe from the enemy.

While these advantages can speed up your progress, especially in a fast-paced playstyle, the Korean civilization may not be the best for beginners or players in well-organized alliances where defense isn’t a major concern early on. The bonuses shine more in mid to late-game scenarios when you’re actively engaging in raids. Choose the Korean civilization if you frequently use Cavalry units and are looking to dominate through resource looting and protection.

6. Egyptian

The Egyptian civilization in Age of Empires Mobile is designed for the players who want to boost their infantry defense and minimize troop losses while gathering resources. With a +5% bonus to Pikemen defense, a +5% increase in Troop Load, and a +5% reduction in Gathering Troop Unit Losses, Egypt is a perfect pick for players who want to prioritize efficiency in long-term resource collection.

Egyptian Civilization Age of Empires MobileEgyptian Civilization Age of Empires Mobile
Egyptian Civilization Age of Empires Mobile (Image via Level Infinite)

These traits make this civilization a solid choice for those who like to play strategically and focus on gathering without losing too many troops in the process. Egyptians excel when it comes to longer-term resource strategies, but their benefits can be a bit slow to materialize in the early game.

Healing times for units are short initially, and carry capacity isn’t much of an issue in the beginning, so these bonuses won’t be as noticeable until later. That being said if you’re drawn to their aesthetic or plan to focus heavily on gathering strategies, the Egyptian civilization can be a strong pick for the long haul.

7. French

The French civilization in Age of Empires Mobile offers a combination of defensive and economic bonuses, making it a more strategic choice for mid to late-game players. With a +5% boost to Cavalry defense, a +5% improvement in resource exchange rates, and a +10% increase in gathering troop defense, the French civilization boasts a more calculated and resource-focused approach.

French Civilization Age of Empires MobileFrench Civilization Age of Empires Mobile
French Civilization Age of Empires Mobile (Image via Level Infinite)

These bonuses can be more useful in large alliances or on servers where resource trade and management play a significant role. Additionally, the unique Throwing Axemen provide an offensive edge, enhancing the strength of the army in combat. However, these bonuses are less impactful in the early stages of the game.

Most players won’t be using the resource exchange feature much in the starting, and the gathering defense bonus doesn’t make a significant difference if your troops are overwhelmed. Cavalry defense is more useful for later-game players or those who actively participate in large-scale attacks. Overall, for beginners, the French civilization might feel slow to gain momentum, but it can become a powerful asset once resource management becomes crucial to success.

8. Byzantines

The Byzantine civilization in Age of Empires Mobile is a good option for players who prefer to focus on Swordsmen units early in the game. It offers a +5% boost to Swordsmen’s defense, making it a good pick for F2P gamers who intend to rely on infantry-heavy armies. Additionally, the Byzantine-exclusive unit Cataphracts cavalry can add more diversity to the army, though its full potential will be realized later in the game.

Byzantine Civilization Age of Empires MobileByzantine Civilization Age of Empires Mobile
Byzantine Civilization Age of Empires Mobile (Image via Level Infinite)

However, the other bonuses, +5% siege damage, and 5% stone gathering speed are less impactful in the early stages. The Siege damage applies when you’ve already won a battle and are just destroying the structures, so it rarely shifts the course of a game. Similarly, the stone-gathering boost is helpful but not a game changer or doesn’t provide a noticeable advantage.

Final Thoughts

So, for new players who want to focus on economic production, Chinese civilization is the top pick, offering valuable boosts in defense and production with extra villagers followed by Romans and British. Meanwhile, those who are looking for a more aggressive strategy might opt for the Japanese, which provides handy attack bonuses for conquering followed by Korean and Egyptian.

Additionally, if you’re just starting with Age of Empires Mobile, make sure to explore our beginner’s guidecurrency guidetips to earn Empire Coins, and the top 3 hero lineups ideal for beginners. Also, don’t miss out on the available redeem codes for extra rewards to start your adventure! And if you face any in-game issues, check our customer support article to connect the devs hassle-free!

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