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Best Builds, Held Items, Movesets and Gameplay Tips

Galarian Rapidash Early Gameplay

  • Galarian Rapidash is the latest Pokémon to join the fray in Pokémon Unite.
  • Galarian Rapidash is a Ranged Speedster-type Pokémon.
  • Galarian Rapidash’s unique passive provides extra sustain and hindrance immunity.

Galarian Rapidash is now the newest Pokémon to join the ever-increasing character fray of Pokémon Unite. It is a new Ranged Speedster-type Pokémon, with abilities that abilities scale with mobility, making Rapidash highly effective at moving in and out of combat, repositioning strategically, and maximizing its damage output. Galarian Rapidash also has a unique and powerful passive ability, which grants shields and hindrance immunity, enabling it to thrive in both team fights and solo engagement. This guide will inform you about Galarian Rapidash in Pokémon Unite, its abilities, best items, and team compositions.

Previously, we have discussed how to master playing with other Pokémon like Pikachu, Mamoswine, Eldegoss, Zeraora, BlisseyCharizardSnorlaxTsareenaDecidueyeDragonite, TalonflameCinderace, GreninjaGardevoirVenusaurWigglytuffTrevenantGengarLucario, Aegislash, Crustle, Hoopa, Garchomp Absol, Alolan Ninetales, Duraludon, Cramorant, Blastoise, Slowbro, Machamp, Mr. Mime, Greedent, Azumarill, Sylveon, Gyarados, Miraidon, Falinks, Ceruledge, Ho-Oh, Darkrai, Armarouge and Psyduck. Therefore, one must make sure to check those guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Galarian Rapidash.

Galarian Rapidash: In-game Cost

To obtain Galarian Rapidash, you will have to participate in the Galarian Rapidash Event Pass.  Players can obtain trial cards for Galarian Rapidash’s Unite License for free. However, if you want to fully obtain the Pokémon’s license, you will have to spend 349 Aeos Gems to unlock the Premium Event Pass section. To progress, you have to complete challenge tasks or you can spend extra Aeos Gems to unlock Galarian Rapidash immediately.

Pokémon Unite Galarian Rapidash Movesets

Galarian Rapidash is a ranged Attacker-type Pokémon in Pokémon Unite that has lots of damage capabilities, making it a powerful ally. Its ability provides lots of mobility, sustain and hindrance immunity making it easier for it to effectively outdamage other Pokémon safely from a distance.

Galarian Rapidash evolves 3 stages of evolution: Galarian Ponyta (Lvl. 1), Galarian Rapidash (Lvl. 5).

Basic Attack

Attacks by shooting energy from its horn.

Passive: Pastel Veil

Galarian Rapidash’s psychic counter charges based on the distance it runs, and when the counter is full, the Pokemon is granted a shield. While the shield remains, the Pokemon is immune to hindrances. The damage to the Pokemon’s moves increases based on the Pokemon’s movement speed.

Ability 1 – Confusion

It has the user released a telekinetic force around itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon. If this move hits opposing Pokemon, the user’s movement speed is increased for a short time.

Ability Choices at Level 5

Upon reaching Level 5, Tinkaton can select either of the following two moves:

Dazzling Gleam Fairy Wind
It has the user emitting a powerful flash around itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon hit by the flash. If an opposing Pokemon is hit by the outer edge of the flash, the user’s movement speed is increased for a short time.

The increase is based on the number of opposing Pokemon hit. If the outer edge of the flash hits Pokemon on the opposing team, the user’s movement speed is increased by a greater amount, and the cooldown of Tackle, Smart Strike, or Agility is reduced.

It has the user emit a powerful flash around itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon hit by the flash. If an opposing Pokemon is hit by the outer edge of the flash, the user’s movement speed is increased for a short time.

The increase is based on the number of opposing Pokemon hit. If the outer edge of the flash hits Pokemon on the opposing team, the user’s movement speed is increased by a greater amount, and the cooldown of Tackle, Smart Strike, or Agility is reduced.

Upgrade: Further reduces the cooldown of Smart Strike or Agility. Upgrade: Applies a slowing effect to opposing Pokemon.

Ability 2 – Tackle

Has the user charged, slamming into opposing Pokemon with its whole body while dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to them.

Ability Choices at Level 7

At Level 7, either of these two moves becomes available:

Smart Strike Agility
The skill has the user stab the designated opposing Pokemon with its sharp horn, dealing damage to it. After that, the user leaps in the designated direction while shoving the opposing Pokemon in the opposite direction. Increases the user’s movement speed when used, and for a set amount of time, the user’s movement speed continually increases. This move’s duration increases if the user moves or hits opposing Pokemon with moves.
Upgrade: Also greatly charges the user’s psychic counter when this move hits. Upgrade: Also restores the user’s HP while their movement speed is increased by this move.

Unite Move: Triad Blitz

Galarian Rapidash charges in the designated direction, shoving Pokemon from the opposing team. When the charge ends, a mysterious space is created around the first opposing Pokemon that the user hits. That Pokemon cannot leave that space.

If this move is used again, the user runs at high speed in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokemon in its path. If its path goes through the mysterious space, this move can be used again an additional time. This move can be used again up to a total of 2 additional times.

Best items for Galarian Rapidash in Pokémon Unite

Further in this guide, we will discuss the best-held items for Galarian Rapidash in Pokémon Unite and its best battle item.

Best Held Items

Item(s) Benefits
Slick Spoon This item is beneficial as it decreases enemy Pokémon Sp. Def granting it an edge during teamfights.
Razor Claw It enhances Rapidash’s attacks after using each move making it stronger the more it attacks.
Shell Bell It provides extra sustain and Sp. Attack for Rapidash.

You could also opt for any of the following Held Item Choices:

  • Slick Spoon, Choice Specs, and Shell Bell
  • Razor Claw, Muscle Band, and Energy Amplifier

Best Emblems

We’ll recommend the following emblem structure:

This will grant lots of bonus HP, Attack, Sp. Attack and Movement Speed that will allow Rapidash to effectively damage enemies while easily rotating across lanes to farm and level up effectively.

Best Battle Items

Pokémon Unite Galarian Rapidash Guide: Gameplay Tips

Our Pokémon Unite Galarian Rapidash Guide will now discuss how to play or a perfect game plan for the Pokémon, across the game. The following division has two sections of the early and late game, which players must make sure to read, till the end.

Early Game

Galarian Rapidash starts strong with its Basic Attack and Confusion. As a ranged attacker, it excels in dealing consistent damage to enemies from a safe distance. Regardless, it is advisable to use Galarian Rapidash in the Jungle Lane, allowing it to farm, and level up easily to assist other lanes. While using Galarian Rapidash, First unlock and use Confusion to damage opposing Pokémon, the temporary movement speed boost gained can be useful for better positioning or chasing enemies.

Galarian Rapidash Early Gameplay (Image Via the Pokémon Company)

Combo Confusion with Tackle to allow Galarian Rapidash to engage or disengage quickly, applying a slowing effect on enemies to secure early knockouts or escape sticky situations. The Pastel Veil passive shines during this phase, granting a shield and immunity to hindrances when the psychic counter is fully charged. This makes it harder for opponents to lock Rapidash down, ensuring it can sustain pressure in its lane.

Mid Game

Stay near allies to maximize damage output while maintaining a safe distance from melee attackers and speedsters. During this phase, focus on farming wild Pokémon to level up quickly, to unlock powerful abilities like Dazzling Gleam or Fairy Wind at Level 5 to dominate the mid-game. On leveling up to level 5 and evolving, Galarian Rapidash unlocks one of its powerful Ability 1 choices: Dazzling Gleam or Fairy Wind. Both enhance its crowd control and damage-dealing potential, though your choice depends on the team composition and playstyle.

Dazzling Gleam boosts AOE damage while enhancing movement speed, making it perfect for team fights and disrupting grouped enemies. On the other hand, Fairy Wind offers versatility, allowing multiple dashes to chase down opponents or escape danger. During this phase, Rapidash is good in quick engages and ganks, using its ranged attacks and enhanced abilities to burst down priority targets. On leveling up to Level 7, you will have to choose between Smart Strike or Agility.

Smart Strike provides additional damage and crowd control, while Agility boosts movement speed allowing for faster map rotations. Please take advantage of its mobility to trigger the hindrance immunity Shield from Rapidash’s passive ability. Always remember to play safe in the backline during team fights, and utilize Raplidash’s mobility and shields to stay alive while contributing consistent damage output.

  • Smart Strike + Dazzling Gleam
  • Agility + Fairy Wind

Late Game

In the late game, Galarian Rapidash becomes a powerful asset for its team. Raplidash’s Unite move, Triad Blitz, provides devastating crowd control and damage potential during teamfights. Use the first charge to isolate priority targets, locking them within the mysterious space.

Follow up with high-speed dashes through the space, chaining additional charges to devastate enemies in team fights. Utilize any of our selected ability combos with Rapidash, allowing it to either deal immense area damage or chase fleeing opponents effectively. Focus on taking down high-value targets like enemy attackers or speedsters, while using Pastel Veil to maintain hindrance immunity and shield for extra protection.

Galarian Rapidash late gameplay
Galarian Rapidash late gameplay (Image via The Pokémon Company)

Therefore, it’s best to save Rapidash’s Unite move for important teamfights, such as when trying to take down Rayquaza or Zapdos. Coordinate with teammates to contest objectives like Rayquaza and Regieleki, as they provide bonuses that will give your team an advantage. Do also remember to focus on scoring /defending goals and taking objectives with your teammates and you’ll be just fine with Galaraian Rapidash.

Positioning of Galaraian Rapidash

The best path for Tinkaton is the Top/Jungle Lane. Early on, Tinkaton should focus on leveling up and evolving to unlock more powerful abilities, while prioritizing rotating across lanes to help allied attackers score and accumulate points for the team.

Galarian Rapidash with other Pokémon

Our Pokémon Galarian Rapidash guide will also talk about the relationship between Galarian Rapidash and other Pokémon.

Best synergies with Galarian Rapidash

Galarian Rapidash is a Speedster-Pokémon that focuses mainly on farming and rotating across lanes to help allies and give them the edge by providing extra damage and offense on the battlefield. Even with its hindrance and CC immunity, Galarian Rapidash is still susceptible to highly mobile enemies capable of dealing with a lot of burst damage. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best Pokemon to use with Galarian Rapidash

Pokémon Benefits
Snorlax Snorlax’s powerful block and disruptive abilities pair well with Rapidash’s ranged attacks.
Blissey Blissey’s healing and status-cleansing abilities amplify Rapidash’s staying power. Blissey’s Helping Hand boosts Rapidash’s movement speed and basic attack damage, further enhancing its effectiveness.
Alolan Ninetales The Constant slow, freeze, and disrupt effects from Alolan Ninetales can effectively complement Rapidash’s speed-based gameplay, making them powerful on the battlefield.

Pokémon that are strong and weak against Galarian Rapidash

Pokémon counter Galarian Rapidash with high burst abilities.

Pokémon that Galarian Rapidash counters Pokémon that counter Galarian Rapidash
Pikachu Trevenant
Cinderace Miraidon
Vensaur Zeraora
 Decidueye Machamp
Blissey Snorlax

Pokémon Unite Galarian Rapidash Guide: Tips, tricks and strategies

Our Pokémon Unite Galarian Rapidash guide includes the perfect game plan for the early and late game during the Unite battles.

  • Take advantage of Rapidash’s passive ability by continuously moving to charge the psychic counter, gaining shields and hindrance immunity.
  • Use Confusion early to deal damage and boost your movement speed for efficient farming, while poking enemies.
  • Be sure to always stay on the backline during team fights, leveraging your range and mobility to avoid confrontation.
  • Use your Unite Move to trap priority targets, forcing them into unfavorable positions during team fights.
  • Pair with crowd control Pokémon like Snorlax or Eldegoss to capitalize on synergy and dominate lanes.
  • As Rapidash is squishy, proper positioning and maintaining its passive shield is key to staying alive and maximizing damage output.

Final Thoughts

Galarian Rapidash is a unique and versatile Pokémon, Its strength lies in its ability to adapt to various situations, from dealing consistent ranged damage to disrupting opponents with burst attacks and crowd control. To unleash its full potential, focus on efficient farming, timing ability combos, and coordinating with allies during team fights. With the right Held items, emblems, and strategy, Galarian Rapidash can dominate the battlefield and secure victory for your team.

Read more of our Pokémon Unite content!

That’s all for today’s Pokémon Unite Galarian Rapidash Guide. Do you prefer to use Tinkaton in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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