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Best Builds, Held Items, Movesets and Gameplay Tips

Pokémon Unite Darkrai Guide Darkrai Early Gameplay

  • Show off your dark side with Darkrai in Pokémon UNITE!
  • The Dark-type Mythical Pokémon joins the roster!
  • You can get it for 13,000 Aeos coins or 790 Aeos gems at the Unite Battle Committee.

Darkrai is now the newest Pokémon to join the ever-increasing character fray of Pokémon Unite. It is a new Ranged Speedster-type Pokémon, with lots of annoying offensive abilities. Even though Darkrai lacks much mobility, his disruptive skills make it easier to take down enemy Pokémon. This guide will let you know about Darkrai in Pokémon Unite, its abilities, best items, and team compositions.

Previously, we have discussed how to master playing with other Pokémon like Pikachu, Mamoswine, Eldegoss, Zeraora, BlisseyCharizardSnorlaxTsareenaDecidueyeDragoniteTalonflameCinderaceGreninjaGardevoirVenusaurWigglytuffTrevenantGengarLucario, Aegislash, Crustle, Hoopa, Garchomp Absol, Alolan Ninetales, Duraludon, Cramorant, Blastoise, Slowbro, Machamp, Mr. Mime, Greedent, Azumarill, Sylveon, Gyarados, Miraidon, Falinks, and Ceruledge and Ho-Oh. Therefore, one must make sure to check those guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Darkrai.

Darkrai: In-game Cost

Darkrai is an exclusive Unite license currently available for grabs from Darkrai’s Nightmare Periphery Challenge event. Via the event, Players can obtain a Darkrai UNITE License completely free by rolling dice, completing tile tasks, and accumulating at least 1000 Nightmare Periphery coins from the event. The Darkrai Unite license will be available for exchange with 1000 Nightmare Periphery coins.

Pokémon Unite Darkrai Movesets

Darkrai is a ranged attacker-type Pokémon in Pokémon Unite that has lots of damage capabilities, making it a powerful ally. Its abilities provide lots of attack buffs making it easier for it to effectively outdamage other Pokémon. Combined with the offensive perks of its basic attack and passive ability, Armarouge can easily out-damage other Pokémon early on.

Basic Attack

Basic attacks made against sleeping opposing Pokémon will become boosted attacks with increased range. Boosted attacks deal damage to opposing Pokémon with an attack from a void and restore the user’s HP.

Passive: Bad Dreams

Darkrai deals damage over time to nearby sleeping opposing Pokémon. The damage dealt by this ability will not wake the opposing Pokémon. Opposing Pokémon affected by this ability take increased damage from the next attack.

Ability 1 – Hypnosis

Has the user employ hypnotic suggestion in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and making them fall asleep after a short time.

Ability Choices at Level 5

Upon reaching Level 5, Darkrai can select either of the following two moves:

Dark Void Shadow Claw
The skill has the user deals damage with a dark power to the designated opposing Pokémon and Pokémon near it and mark them. When the user deals damage to a marked opposing Pokémon, the marks are removed and the opposing Pokémon fall asleep. The skill makes the user clash in the designated direction with sharp claws made from shadows make from shadows, dealing damage, applying a slowing effect, and marking opposing Pokémon it hits. When the user deals damage twice to a marked opposing Pokémon the opposing Pokémon falls asleep. When this move hits, this move can be used again, and the user deals damage to the designated opposing Pokémon with huge claws.

This damage increases if there are opposing Pokémon that activated Bad Dreams around Darkrai

Upgrade: Applies a slowing effect when applying a mark to an opposing Pokémon
Upgrade: Increases the damage dealt by this move.

Ability 2 – Calm Mind

The ability has the user quietly focus their mind and increase its Sp. Atk, So. Def, and Movement speed for a short time.

Ability Choices at Level 7

At Level 7, either of these two moves becomes available:

Nasty Plot Dark Pulse
The skill has the user gain 1 Nasty counter while moving in the designated direction. A maximum of 2 Nasty Plot counters can be stored. When the user uses its basic attack or boosted attack, the user consumes all Nasty Plot counters consumed. A maximum of 2 uses can be kept in reserve for this move. The skill has the user hidden in a shadow and creates additional shadows around itself. Darkrai will also also be able to move freely between the shadows. When this move is used again, the user appears from a shadow, deals damage to the opposing Pokémon it hits, and then returns to the shadow. At this time, if the move button is held down, the move ends without Darkrai returning to the shadow. If this move is used again after returning to the shadows, the user attacks opposing Pokémon one more time.
While Darkrai is hiding in a shadow, it can use Shadow Claw to attack with claws from that shadow and deal damage to opposing Pokémon.
Upgrade: Keeps 1 use of this move in reserve when an opposing Pokémon falls asleep. Upgrade: Grants the user a shield when this move hits.

Unite Move – Worst Nightmare

The skill sees the user send the designated opposing Pokémon into a nightmare. The user then suddenly appears in the nightmare. Any Pokémon inside the nightmare takes damage over time. When Darkrai deals damage to the opposing Pokémon inside the nightmare, damage is also dealt to that same opposing Pokémon outside of the nightmare.

When this move is used, all of Darkrai’s move cooldowns are reset. This move is also a sure-hit move, making it easy to burst down enemies.

Best items for Darkrai in Pokémon Unite

Further in this guide, we will discuss the best-held items for Darkrai in Pokémon Unite, as well as its best battle item.

Best Held Items

Item(s) Benefits
Choice Specs This item is essential as it increases Darkrai damage over time, making it a viable held item especially when Fire Spin is used.
Slick Spoon It grants extra defence ignore effect, allowing Darkrai to melt even the sturdiest of foes easily.
Sp. Attack Specs This held item increases Darkrai’s extra Sp. Attack whenever it scores a goal.

You could also opt for any of the following Held Item Choices:

  • Wise Glasses, Shell Bell, Energy Amplifier

Best Battle Items

  • Eject Button: It helps Darkrai to quickly reposition during team fights.
  • X-Attack: It grants an attack bonus for a short period, allowing Darkrai to easily melt down enemy targets.
  • Full Heal: It removes all Crowd-control effects and debuffs on Darkrai and also increases its damage whilst the item is active.

Pokémon Unite Darkrai Guide: Gameplay Tips

Our Pokémon Unite Darkrai Guide will now discuss how to play or a perfect game plan for the Pokémon, across the game. The following division has two sections of the early and late game, which players must make sure to read, till the end.

Early Game

For easy farming and early-game domination, it is advisable to use Darkrai in the Jungle/Mid Lane. Playing Darkrai in the Top lane is another suitable option to opt for. While using Darkrai, First unlock Hypnosis to attack and farm apioms to level up much more easily. The advantage of the Hypnosis move is that it helps to trigger Darkrai’s passive ability allowing it to deal more burst damage to opposing Pokémon. On attaining level 3, unlock Calm Mind to increasingly increase your farming speed. While using Darkrai, you must take note of your passive boosted basic attack from your passive, as it can be activated from a long range making it very effective in against enemies.

As a Speedster-type Pokémon, ensure to mark enemies squishy attacker-type Pokémon in order to their farming and levelling up. Darkrai can be annoying to deal with, mostly because of its disruptive sleeping effect. These effects are even more annoying to deal with when Darkrai levels up and attains level 5.

Pokémon Unite Darkrai Guide Darkrai Early GameplayPokémon Unite Darkrai Guide Darkrai Early Gameplay
Darkrai Early Gameplay (image Via Pokémon Company)

On levelling up to attain level 5, you would get to choose between Dark Void and Shadow Claw. Both abilities are powerful, Dark Void is a sure-hit attack with a lower cooldown, while Shadow Claw allows Darkrai to slash all enemies in the designated direction and mark them. Both abilities are powerful and useful in their own way, the final pick is dependent on the enemy’s composition.

Nonetheless, your ability pick would determine what kind of combo you will use with Darkrai, some of the ability combos include:

  • Dark Void + Nasty Plot
  • Shadow Claw + Dark Pulse

Late Game

On levelling up to Level 7, Darkrai can choose which ability best combos with the previously selected Level 5 ability. On choosing the best combo, you would be able to easily dominate and secure objectives using Darkrai

On unlocking Darkrai’s Unite move, this move is best used to isolate enemy core attackers during team fights since the nightmare realm can only be accessible by Darkrai and the opposing Pokémon. All in all, Darkrai would be able to easily secure objectives by constantly maiming the enemy’s carry.

Pokémon Unite Darkrai Guide Darkrai Late GameplayPokémon Unite Darkrai Guide Darkrai Late Gameplay
Darkrai Late Gameplay (Image via The Pokémon Company)

In short, farm, level up, isolate enemy main attacker-type Pokémon, then focus on scoring goals and taking objectives with your teammates and you’ll be just fine with Darkrai

Positioning of Darkrai

The best path for Darkrai is the Jungle/Mid Lane. Early on, Darkrai should mainly focus on farming and taking down enemies to score and accumulate points for the team. Whilst laning with Darkrai, always endeavour to prioritize ganking and sneaking up on enemy main carry, to reduce their attack potential and stall their overall progress.

Darkrai with other Pokémon

Our Pokémon Unite Darkrai guide will also talk about the relationship between Darkrai and other Pokémon.

Best synergies with Darkrai

Darkrai is a Speedster Pokémon that focuses mainly on farming and sneaking up on enemies to be more effective on the battlefield. Due to its lack of mobility, Darkrai is susceptible to highly mobile enemies capable of dealing lots of burst damage.

Pokémon Benefits
Snorlax Snorlax high disruptive abilities alongside Darkrai’s boosted attacks and disrupt abilities would be an unstoppable duo as enemies would suffer lots of chain CC.
Slowbro Damage output and slow effects from Slowbro coupled with Darkrai’s unite move would make it easier for your team to easily win and dominate.
Blissey Armarouge’s attacking prowess combined with good healers like Blissey would increase its general effectiveness.

Pokémon that are strong and weak against Darkrai

Armarouge is countered by Pokémon with high offensive burst abilities.

Pokémon that Darkrai counters Pokémon that counter Darkrai
Clifable Ceruledge
Cinderace Miraidon
Pikachu Zeraora
 Vensaur Snorlax
Blissey Zoroark

Pokémon Unite Darkrai Guide: Tips, tricks and strategies

Our Pokémon Unite Darkrai guide includes the perfect game plan for the early and late game during the Unite battles.

  • Ensure to always utilize the boosted basic attack each time u put an enemy Pokémon to sleep, this increases Darkrai’s overall effectiveness.
  • In cases where the enemy has lots of disruptive abilities, Darkrai should always ensure to stay close to your allied defender or support for assistance and aid in battle.
  • Use Darkrai’s Sure-hit ability to effectively isolate and bully enemy attackers
  • Dark Pulse is a powerful move that can be used to zone enemies, it can also be used to reposition as you can switch positions from within the shadows.

Final Thoughts

Players must keep all the valuable points in mind while playing with Darkrai. It is a powerful Ranged Speedster-type Pokémon with lots of cool abilities that would help tilt the battle to your team’s side. Read more of our Pokémon Unite content!

That’s all for today’s Pokémon Unite Darkrai Guide. Do you prefer to use Darkrai in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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