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Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips

Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips

Xin Zhao is a powerful fighter who uses his large spear to takedown multiple enemy champions effectively on the Rift. This fighter role champion is quite powerful with a unique skillset capable of decimating multiple enemies easily. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the best runes, spells, and builds, including tips and tricks to swing your way to victory with Xin Zhao in Wild Rift.

We also have previously discussed how to master playing with LoL Wild Rift heroes like Akshan, AmmuMaster YiJinxBraumDr. MundoAkaliYasuoSingedJaxDarius, AsheLuluMiss FortuneBlitzcrankTeemoXayahRakanCorkiShyvanaJannaKatarinaLeonaPantheonDiana, GalioFiora, RammusSonaKai’SaRengarKha’ZixNasusRenektonIreliaRivenNamiSorakaGravesSennaLucian and Talon. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Xin Zhao.

Skill Analysis

Xin Zhao is a champion with the common five skill sets of one passive and four active skills. In this Xin Zhao guide, we will be checking out his abilities in Wild Rift and how to maximize each skill to be in the best shape in the current rank season.

Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips
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Passive – Determination

Every third attack deals additional physical damage (equals to 22% total physical attack damage) and heals for HP equal to 13 (7 + 10% Physical Attack damage +40% Magic Power).

Skill 1 – Three Talon Strike

  • Physical Control skill
  • CD: 9s

The skill empowers the next three attacks to deal additional physical damage (equal to 20 + 40% bonus physical attack damage) and reduce the cooldown of other abilities by 1 second. The third attack knocks the target up for 0.75 seconds.

Skill 2 – Wind Becomes Light

The skill slashes his spear, dealing physical damage (equals to 50+ + 50% total physical damage) while slowing enemy targets by 50% for 1.5 seconds. Xin Zhao then thrusts his spear, dealing physical damage (equals to 40 + 80% total physical attack damage) and slowing by 50% for 1.5 seconds.

The furthest enemy champion or large monster hit is challenged for 3 seconds, increasing Audacious Charge’s cast range at them.


  • Attack Speed reduces the cast time
  • Deals 50% damage to minions

Skill 3 – Audacious Charge

Dashes to an enemy, dealing Magic damage (equals to 50 + 80% Total Magic Power) to all nearby enemies and slowing them by 30% for 0.5 seconds. Xin Zhao gains 40% Attack Speed for 5 seconds. This ability’s cast range is increased against a Challenged target.

Skill 4 – Crescent Guard

  • Passive: The last champion hit by an attack or Audacious Charge is now Challenged.
  • Active: Sweeps his spear, dealing physical damage equal to 75 (75 + 100% bonus physical attack + 80% total magic power) plus 15% of enemies’ maximum Health and knocking all enemies back except the Challenged one. For the next 5 seconds, Xin Zhao blocks damage from enemies far away.

The skill also deals 600 max damage against monsters.

Best Build, Runes Setup and Spells for Xin Zhao in Wild Rift

Players are recommended to use Xin Zhao in the Jungle lane, though players might also choose to play him in the Baron lane. So his Battle item setup remains similar in general. Nevertheless, you might want to change them regarding the enemy composition. Our Wild Rift guide showcases the best Pre-match build and runes setup needed to excel on the battlefield.

Xin Zhao ADC Rune Setup

Xin Zhao ADC Rune SetupXin Zhao ADC Rune Setup
Image via Riot Games
  • First Strike: This Rune helps in giving Xin Zhao an extra Gold boost ahead whilst farming in the early game. The damage boost can also help make it easier for Xin Zhao to takedown enemy champions.
  • Brutal: This Rune grants bonus Adaptive damage whenever attacking enemy champions. This Rune can be quite useful as it ensures each hit packs a punch.
  • Giant Slayer: This rune allows Xin Zhao to deal increased damage against enemy champions based on how high the enemies’ Bonus health is. In short, it helps to easily take down tanky champions.
  • Legend: Alacrity: This rune grants bonus attack speed to Xin Zhao the more he takes down enemy targets. Each champion and Epic Monster takedown grants an extra attack speed boost.
  • Sudden Impact: This rune grants extra armour penetration whenever Xin Zhao uses the dash from Audacious Charge skill. Thus allowing him to effectively engage and takedown enemy champions on the Rift.

Battle Spells

  • Smite: It is highly advisable to jungle with Xin Zhao, thus, equipping the Smite battle spell makes it even more easy to takedown jungle monsters. This spell should be only taken when laning in the Jungle. if else, spells, like Ignite or Flash are advisable.
  • Flash: For safety purposes, it is advised to pick up Flash. Xin Zhao could maximize this spell to increase his mobility on the battlefield. This would make it easier for him to catch up and take down enemy champions or flee from dangerous situations.
  • Ignite: This spell helps deal extra true damage to the enemy champions, thus making it an efficient tool in finishing up enemies.

Best Build for Xin Zhao in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Best Build, Runes and Gameplay TipsBest Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips
  • Boots of Dynanism: This boot item grants extra movement speed as well as armor penetration which is quite useful when faced with enemy champions in the early game.
  • Yomuu’s Ghostblade: This equipment grants Xin Zhao extra Movement speed whilst at full stacks, as well as extra attack speed. This item also provides a large boost to Xin Zhao’s attack damage and armour penetration. This can be quite useful on the battlefield whilst attacking and taking down enemy targets.
  • Trinity Force: This equipment allows Xin Zhao to deal bonus damage using an ability, thus enhancing his next Basic attack. It also increases Attack speed and damage allowing them to take down e enemy targets more easily
  • Mortal Reminder: This item grants lots of armor penetration thus strengthening the damage of each attack. It also grants burn-type damage whenever Xin Zhao attacks enemy targets.
  • Edge of Night: This item provides extra Health and attack damage as well as a unique passive that grants a shield that blocks the next hostile ability received. It is quite useful as it reduces the chances of Xin Zhao falling traps to enemy Crowd-control abilities. This item also provides extra armour penetration for use on the Rift.
  • Bloodthirster: This item grants extra attack perks based on one’s maximum Health HP. It also grants extra Critical Chance and physical attack damage when the item is completed.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Xin Zhao Gameplay Tips

Xin Zhao is a powerful champion capable of bursting down and taking down enemy targets within a short time. Thanks to his high burst damage potential and armour penetration, the best lane to use him is Jungle. Or else you can play him in the mid-lane to farm more efficiently. The Wild Rift’s map is a mirror, so it is needed to understand the map side before laning. According to his gameplay, we can break it down into three phases. Our League of Legends: Wild Rift guide for Xin Zhao includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid, and late games.

Early Game

Buy a long sword at first and place a ward in the bushes near your buff so you can be alerted beforehand, just in case the enemy invades your jungle. If no enemy is around, start taking down the jungle monsters. It is advisable to start with the Red Brambleback before proceeding to the Blue Sentinel. Then clear the camps in Red Brambleback, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff and Scuttle Crab. This rotation allows the player to level up and farm quickly, gain gold, whilst securing your buffs from any potential enemy invasion.

Wild Rift Xin Zhao Guide Early GameWild Rift Xin Zhao Guide Early Game
Image via Riot Games

On clearing out the jungle, you could either rotate to invade the enemy jungle or help gank the enemy side laner. With that simple jungle rotation technique, you should have unlocked your ultimate. Then return to the base to get some pre-core items before larger monsters like Rift Herald and Dragon spawn. Do not conserve your smite, try to maximize it to slay strong jungle monsters especially when the enemy is contesting it.

Players must note that it’s much more advisable to prioritize and secure the Rift Herald, as its perks and rewards are more overall beneficial for the team. To easily perform in the early game, one must use the following combo:

Skill 2 + Skill 3 + Skill 1

Mid Game

On taking down main Jungle objectives like the Rift Herald, you and your allies would be granted lots of gold. Further utilizing the Herald to take down an enemy turret, would grant extra gold necessary to easily buy purchase some of your core build items. With at least, 2 damage items one can easily take down the squishy enemy champions. To achieve that, one must prioritize aiming the enemy team’s main ADC. Being a burst damage champion you shouldn’t target high HP and sustain heroes unless they have very low Health and are alone. Nonetheless, prioritizing enemy main ADC heroes would deter enemies farming as killing them will make the enemy fall behind in terms of gold and XP.

So prioritize your ultimate ability on enemy backliners to challenge them and deal extra damage to surrounding enemy champions. To easily burst down enemy ADC in the Mid or late game, one must use the following combo.

Skill 3 + Skill 2 + Skill 4 + Skill 1

Late Game

Upon farming and taking objectives during the early or mid-game, Xin Zhao now excels at taking down enemy backliners effectively. He is not too durable to face numerous enemy champions head-on. During the late game, both teams deal with massive damage and their main objective is to push turrets whilst securing epic monsters like Baron Nashor and the Elder Dragons.

Wild Rift Xin Zhao Guide Late GameWild Rift Xin Zhao Guide Late Game
Image via Riot Games

As an Assassin, roam around the map, preferably with a Tank to soak all the damages, and then target the carry and Mage heroes. Once the enemy’s main damage dealer has been taken down, your team will be able to clear the lanes easily.

Final Thoughts

Xin Zhao is a strong and capable fighter champion with powerful skills that can easily burst down enemy champions in seconds. Coupled with a unique passive and powerful ultimate ability, Xin Zhao is undoubtedly an annoying champion to deal with. Nonetheless, one thing is for sure, it is really fun playing him.

That’s it for the Kindred guide! Read more of our Wild Rift content!

That’s all for today’s League of Legends: Wild Rift Xin Zhao Guide. Do you prefer to use Xin Zhao in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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