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Best Arcana, Spells, and Gameplay Tips

Sakeer Skillset HOK, Sakeer Skillset Honor of Kings

  • Sakeer emerges with mystical powers, using healing magic and firefly swarms to guide allies to victory in Honor of Kings.
  • Harness Sakeer’s fireflies to heal allies and control battles with tactical brilliance.
  • Sakeer’s adaptability and strategic skills make him a vital force, from early-game control to late-game dominance.

Sakeer is the versatile newcomer in Honor of Kings, out of the isolation of Ghabet Firefly. His skill is centered around healing and sustainable magical damage output. He contributes to battles supportively yet can be impactful because he balances well between offensive swarms of fireflies and the tactical healing factor. In this article, we will discuss how you can do it all with Sakeer. If you appreciate versatile heroes who shine as support-heavy enablers like Sakeer, you’ll enjoy mastering heroes like Sun Bin and Xiao Qiao.

Skill Analysis of Sakeer

Passive Skill: Firefly Protection

Sakeer’s basic attacks do more than just deal melee damage, they summon fireflies that not only harm enemies but also reveal their location for a short duration. These fireflies are healers and protectors, similar to Sakeer’s journey. He also heals nearby teammates with the lowest health at times.

When there are no enemies nearby, charging his main attack heals him instead, something that shows his independent nature The key to mastering this passive is healing teammates and taking damage in balance. Understanding when to stay close to teammates and when to venture off on your own to heal yourself is key to maximizing its use.

Skill 1: Mulberry Power

Sakeer channels luminous energy into a target area, launching enemies into the air and damaging them. However, this skill’s unique twist is its dual nature: when allies are nearby, it instead focuses on healing them, restoring more health for every stored Luminescence stack.

Gradually, the luminescence increases, and both the range and impact of this ability increase. Mastery involves maintaining high stacks of Luminescence and deciding whether to use this skill aggressively or defensively to help your team.

Sakeer Skillset HOK, Sakeer Skillset Honor of Kings
Sakeer’s Skillset in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Skill 2: Ride the Wind

This mobility skill allows Sakeer to fly to a target brush, gaining a stack of Luminescence. Fireflies are released as he travels, which home in on the nearest hero after a brief delay. Fireflies either deal magical damage to enemies or heal allies. With up to three charges available, Ride the Wind provides Sakeer with exceptional flexibility for map traversal, quick ally assistance, or harassing enemies.

Skill 3: Firefly Fields

Sakeer’s ultimate summons an Illuminating Brush that releases fireflies every second for a very short period. Those fireflies damage enemies or heal allies. Therefore, it is a very powerful tool for area control and sustained team support.

The brush also reveals enemies who step into it, providing its user with vision control. After its active period, the brush is transformed into a regular brush lasting for 30 seconds and providing long-term strategic advantages.

Skill Level-Up Method for Sakeer

  • Skill 1: Mulberry Power – Max this first for its damage potential and crucial healing utility.
  • Skill 2: Ride the Wind – Upgrade second to enhance Sakeer’s mobility and consistent healing or damage through fireflies.
  • Skill 3: Firefly Fields – Always upgrade when available for its game-changing utility in fights and objective control.

Best Arcana and Spells for Sakeer

Arcana Build

  • Longevity (x10): Longevity (x10): Increases Sakeer’s max HP while enhancing survivability whereby he can take more damage before dying, thus allowing him to live long enough for healing and disruption of enemies.
  • Void (x10): Decreases the cooldown for Mulberry Power and Firefly Fields, creating repeated support and control, especially in heavy fights.
  • Fate (x10): Boosts Physical Defence and Attack Speed, and increases his max health, which Increases his survivability even more in battle.
Sakeer Arcana Build HOK, Sakeer Arcana Build Honor of Kings
Sakeer’s Arcana Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Battle Spell

  • Flash: Critical to his repositioning during combat or escaping danger.

Best Builds for Sakeer in Honor of Kings

This build will make Sakeer a very versatile support mage with great healing, crowd control, and sustained damage potential.

  • Crimson Shadow: Boosts max health and movement speed, enabling frequent ability casts. Its ability deals some additional damage and also shows hidden heroes for 2 seconds on the map at a particular distance.
  • Boots of Arcana: Increases movement speed for quick repositioning and provides mana regen to ensure availability and replenishment of skills.
  • Overlord’s Platemail: Enhances durability by increasing defense and health, which allows Sakeer to sustain enemy aggression and stay active in fights for a longer period.
Honor of Kings Sakeer Builds, Sakeer Build HOK
Sakeer’s Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)
  • Breakthrough Robe: Adds magic damage and health, making him more survivable against teams with high damage while dealing damage of his own.
  • Mask of Agony: It increases Sakeer’s damage output and provides him with bonus health, making him a threat and making him stay resilient.
  • Frozen Breath: Reduces enemy movement speed and provides additional cooldown reduction, enabling continuous use of skills and battlefield control.

Honor of Kings Sakeer Guide Gameplay Tips

Early Game

Try to assist and clear lanes and hold the battlefield control with your passive and Skill 1. Make use of Mulberry Power, poking at the enemy or healing teammates based on the situation. Don’t forget to build stacks of Luminescence to increase your range and potency. Keep safe positions in the team skirmish, heal allies to keep them in good fighting condition, avoid over-extending without a good damage dealer, and start working on the core items that would improve your survivability and utility.

Mid Game

This is where Sakeer truly shines as both a healer and damage dealer. Stay close to your team and use Ride the Wind to travel across the map with ease. Establish healing zones and vision control using Firefly Fields to give your team a tactical advantage in team fights. Your role is to sustain your team while doing consistent damage with fireflies. Be constantly aware of the enemy movements and help secure objectives such as towers and buffs.

Late Game

Sakeer's Gameplay in HOK, Yixing Gameplay HOK
Sakeer’s Gameplay in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Positioning becomes even more critical as fights grow larger and more chaotic. Use Firefly Fields to your advantage in making zones of healing and damage in the heat of a major battle. Have Ride the Wind charges at the ready to reposition or heal priority targets. Isolate and weaken enemy backliners while constantly supporting your frontline allies.

Skill 2 → Skill 1 → Basic Attack → Skill 3

Final Thoughts

Sakeer is a somewhat unique hero as his mechanics have made him such a pain yet rewarding to play. He does heal, he does damage, and he can somewhat control the battlefield so he is just invaluable in your team compositions if you master it. Now is the time to let the Ghabet Firefly shine its light throughout the battlefield. Master Sakeer and his path to success will glow brighter.

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