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Best Arcana, Spells, and Gameplay Tips

Allian Arcana Build Honor of Kings

  • Allain’s dashes and crowd control make him a dynamic fighter, perfect for disrupting enemies.
  • His recommended builds enhance both his survivability and ability to deal powerful damage over time.
  • from early to late-game fights, Allain’s versatile skill set lets you dominate the match.

Allain is a dynamic fighter in Honor of Kings, known for its combination of physical damage and defence. His abilities to deal explosive damage, control crowds, and provide shields make him a great choice for players who prefer an adventurous playstyle. In this guide, we’ll explore Allain and his skills, ideal build, and strategies to help you achieve excellence on the battlefield in Honor of Kings (HoK).

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Skill Analysis of Allain

Passive: Howling Blade

The Allain’s basic attacks are fast and powerful using his dual swords. Additionally, this Passive allows him to quickly run towards enemies. Additionally, every third attack deals additional damage and causes a freeze in anger When fully accumulated, Fury will make Allain more resistant to damage. and regained his life force This makes him more flexible in battle.

Skill 1: Meteor Kill (Immunity, Damage, Crowd Control)

Allain attacks by attacking enemies in front of them and launching them into the air. This skill can be followed up with additional attacks. Based on the number of marks accumulated since the last use of the ultimate skill or basic attack. The more marks, the better. The more damage and control there will be, the more damage and control will occur.

Skill 2: Moonlight Flash (Movement, Damage, Slow)

This skill allows Allain to move quickly to the target, dealing damage to enemies along the way and reducing their movement speed. Additionally, his next few main attacks will benefit from increased attack speed and movement speed, and this makes him an excellent choice for combat and moving efficiently. His escape from dangerous situations and his ability to conceal charges also allow him to protect himself from enemies.

Skill 3: Death at Sunset (Immunity, Damage, Sheild)

Allain leaps into the air and goes out of sight for a few moments before dropping to the ground to deal damage to nearby enemies. It can be used to attack enemies or to protect a teammate. In addition, the shield absorbs damage and becomes stronger based on the number of enemies hit, making it a powerful tool in team fights.

Skill-Up Method for Allain

  1. Skill 1 (Meteor Kill): Upgrade this skill first for crowd control and damage.
  2. Skill 2 (Moonlight Flash): Enhance this skill next for mobility and attack speed.
  3. Skill 3 (Death at Sunset): Upgrade whenever available, as it significantly impacts team dynamics.

Best Arcana Build and Spells for Allain in Honor of Kings

Arcana Build

To maximize Allain’s effectiveness, consider the following Arcana:

  • Fate*10: Increases health, physical defence, and Attack Speed, which helps him in overall survivability.
  • Hunter*10: Gives additional Attack Speed and Movement Speed, allowing Allain to get in battle quickly, as well as land more frequent Basic Attacks to build up Fury.
  • Eagle Eye*10: Increases Physical Attack and Physical Pierce, enabling Allain to cut through enemy defences and increase his burst attack, especially against tankier heroes.
Allian Arcana Build Honor of KingsAllian Arcana Build Honor of Kings
Allian’s Arcana Build in HOK(Image via Level Infinite)

Battle Spells

  • Flash: Flash is essential for escaping tricky situations or chasing down enemies. He is a mobile hero this will give him an extra push.
  • Execute: Provides extra burst damage, helping Allain secure kills during key moments.

Best Builds for Allain in Honor of Kings

The following item build focuses on maximizing Allain’s physical damage while providing him with the durability he needs to stay alive in fights:

Allian Build Honor of KingsAllian Build Honor of Kings
Allain’s build in HOK(Image via Level Infinite)
  1. Boots of Fortitude: Gives movement speed and extra health to increase the allian’s ability to survive. and the ability to participate or dissociate from the early fight.
  2. Blazing Cape: This item gives health, physical defence, and a passive that deals burn damage to nearby enemies. Furthermore, it increases Ellen’s close combat effectiveness by continuously enhancing the area-of-effect damage over time.
  3. Sparkforged Dagger: Increases attack speed and critical strike chance. Allain’s reliance on his Basic Attacks makes this item essential for ramping up his damage output.
  4. Blood Rage: Adds physical attack, health, and life steal. Blood Rage lets Allain stay in fights longer by recovering health with his attacks, which is crucial for his sustained damage.
  5. Overlord’s Platemail: Boosts both physical and magical defence, along with extra health. This item helps Allain withstand burst damage, making him harder to kill in team fights.
  6. Cuirass of Savagery: Provides physical attack and health, with a passive that increases Allain’s damage against low-health enemies. This item makes him even more effective at finishing off weakened foes.

Honor of Kings Allain Guide: Gameplay Tips

Early Game

To begin with, focus on farming and poking enemies with Moonlight Flash to collect icons at the start of the game, then use Meteor Kill to knock down enemies and disrupt their movement. But don’t walk away without reinforcements. Clear waves rise to the tower.

Mid Game

By the mid-game, You should build enough items to start taking more risks. Use your agility in duels. But always keep an eye on your position. Moonlight Flash is key to moving quickly in and out of battle, while Meteor Kill immobilizes enemies. Feel free to use Death at Sunset to deploy or give armour to specific allies.

Allian Gameplay Honor of KingsAllian Gameplay Honor of Kings
Allain’s Gameplay in HOK(Image via Level Infinite)

Late Game

During the late game, Allain transforms into a powerful force with his full build. To fully optimize his potential, maximize your fury by continuously engaging in fights and precisely timing your Basic Attacks to deliver true damage strikes. Use Death at Sunset strategically, either to burst down enemies or to shield your team’s most valuable player. Your durability and sustained damage will make you a threat in extended team fights.

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Final Thoughts

Allain is an exciting addition to the Honor of Kings roster, combining both damage and support capabilities. With consistent practice, you can master his mechanics and take control of the battle. To truly maximize Allain’s potential, focus on strategic positioning, map awareness, and teamwork. Ultimately, embrace the chaos of battle and enjoy the thrill of playing Allain!

How did you like Allain in Honor of Kings with our build guide and tips? Let us know in the comments below.

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