Home / News / Assassin’s Creed VR isn’t a failure, Ubisoft just needs a reality check

Assassin’s Creed VR isn’t a failure, Ubisoft just needs a reality check

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This past week, quotes from Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot rocked the VR community. The CEO said that Assassin’s Creed Nexus VR sales were “disappointing” and that his company would “not be increasing our investments in VR at the moment because it needs to take off.”

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In his weekly column, Android Central Senior Content Producer Nick Sutrich delves into all things VR, from new hardware to new games, upcoming technologies, and so much more.

This quote elicited plenty of reactions from the community, including the tired “VR is dead” group of folks who always seem to jump on potential negative VR news. But Ubisoft CEO’s comments aren’t a ringing gong for VR’s demise, nor do they mean that VR development from Ubisoft is tapering off, as some have erroneously claimed.



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