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An Exclusive Interview with the Head of the Initiative

Hay Day Pop

Supercell Creator Program is one of the best content creator programs for mobile games. The way the Creator Program is handled can be considered as the benchmark for the mobile games industry. To dive deeper into this system ahead of Squad Buster’s global launch, we at GamingonPhone sat with Rick Crane, the Product Owner at Supercell Creator Program for an exclusive Interview that delved into his role, challenges, future aspirations, and most importantly get insights on what it takes to build and nurture a fantastic community of content creators.

1. Hello Rick, can you introduce yourself and talk about your role as the head of the Supercell Creator Program?

Rick: I am Rick Crane. I was born in the UK and moved around a lot of my life. I moved to London, then I moved to Barcelona, and then I found myself in this amazing situation to work for Supercell, which has been great. At Supercell, I’ve been through many games. Boom Beach was where I started. Then, I helped with Hay Day Pop. Then finally I moved over to Clash as a community manager.

When I first joined in 2018, we flew over to San Francisco and brainstormed with some of our OG content creators, like, what is it that you are looking for? and they helped us build what we had, which was a website that had this tier system in place, you could get the creator codes.

In 2018, from the end of September until the beginning of March, I just had 18 whiteboards around me, where I was scribbling, ideas about how we could make this the best place for content creators and provide something for our players. 

Hay Day PopHay Day Pop
Hay Day Pop (Image via Supercell)

The end goal is for the players to have the best experience as well and through our content creators who are players and love our games so much, people who wish to engage and learn and build that business and their fandom as well, they can learn from there. It’s just players who are following their favorite creators about our games. 

The creators win because they’re growing their business. If they make their own business out of this, I see that as a massive win. Then the players, because they’re engaging with our content so much and they’re enjoying their favorite content creator and getting freebies because they’re doing this whole ecosystem is just everybody wins. So that was the decision and design of it

2. What skills do you believe are essential for someone in your position? 

Rick: To tell you the truth, I keep a bag next to the door because I don’t know, one day I’m sure somebody’s going to come and say, “Rick’s useless”. I could just walk out the office, out of shame quickly because I’m surrounded by so many talented people around me. I feel like I always have to improve myself because my colleagues are so smart.

But I think the skillset for me is it depends on the objectives, I have so many different roles that I’m doing actually. There’s a new bounty coming out for the launch of Busters, which is a new piece of tech that we’ve never done before. So I’ve got to think about how it functions, how it works, how it feels for the content creator and does it makes sense. Is it clear? Is it understandable? Is it going to have an impact on us as a company as well?

It’s exciting for the users out there, the players. So every time I get asked this kind of question, it’s really hard to put it in a one-sentence thing. The same as our CMs as well, we have, it’s not just about posting on social media. There are so many things on the backend that they have to do, like script writing for the update videos and stuff. That’s just one part, there’s so many things every day that I can’t explain in one. 

3. The requirements to become a Supercell Creator are very player-friendly, opening the opportunity to plenty of aspiring creators. What was the thought behind that? In addition, do you see opening this opportunity to plenty of aspiring creators?

Rick: When creating the Academy, it was always in my mind that I wanted to lower the threshold bar for people to get in. I think, from looking around the industry, they’re looking for big content creators. That is all well and good when you are, you are trying to, you are doing payment service and stuff. Allowing these people to learn and educate themselves, because I hear a lot, I want to be a YouTuber. I hear it from kids, like it goes to school and I hear that, so how can we assist that and make this like it is a job? 

Supercell Creator ElixirSupercell Creator Elixir
Image via Supercell

It is the hardest job in the world to make content, I think because you have to be everything – a video editor, a thumbnail designer from a scriptwriter to an editor. We are hoping that our tools allow them to go past the whole learning process and in the end, we can build those relationships. We treat our creators as family and not as a marketing channel. If we see the growth of them, we can assist them and I think it’s just a, it’s a nice give back that we can give to the world.

4. What strategies do you use to build and maintain a strong community among Supercell creators? 

Rick: I think just open openness and transparency. I think I’m, that I’m an authentic person and I think that shines through the way that we talk to our creators, whether that be on our Discord channel when you are an official creator or on our Slack channels. Being able to have that open transparency, I think is really, really good and I love the fact that we allow our creators as well to talk about the negative things that they see about our games.

We don’t wanna silence them. Because that information is so valuable to us as community managers to pass that feedback on to our game teams to say, this is what the sentiment is right now, and what can we do to change that and make the game better for our players, which is the end goal. Right. So I think that’s the key that we have at Supercell. 

5. How do you handle negative feedback or criticism from the creators?

Rick: With open arms? *laughs* I think that’s the key. That’s the easiest way to say it. If somebody has a thought or opinion, then that should be taken into account. There are obviously priorities inside the game teams that we need to focus on, but I think everybody’s voice needs to be heard.

That’s the job of myself and the CM to be able to decipher which ones are the things that are most prevalent to pass on to the game teams to say, hey, we do this. I think people will be happier with our game.

6. Can you tell me an instance where feedback or negative feedback influenced the company’s decisions, like significantly or like made any major changes to any program or anything? 

Rick: I think there was a time when I messed up. I was working on Clash Royale and I think we were launching a new level and we announced that you could get some gold. We’re going to like half-price things of upgrades.

Then we didn’t announce that level 13 was coming and it was just a really bad miscommunication. If we would’ve announced that level 13 was coming and people hadn’t spent their gold, they would’ve found a better way to use it. As soon as that feedback came back, it was like we’re going to refund players, and we did that.

Clash Royale, Clash royale wallpaper, clash royale 6th anniversary, Clash Royale Summer 2022 UpdateClash Royale, Clash royale wallpaper, clash royale 6th anniversary, Clash Royale Summer 2022 Update
Image via Supercell

I took that really badly on myself. Like, if I would’ve planned better, I thought about how the reaction would’ve been. Because it was so exciting that we got to spend their gold and stuff. It is not a simple thing you can put into a word sentence and stuff, but yeah, there have been occasions where there’s been miscommunication and then we’ve got to buy something because of the community sentiment.

7. So what do you find the most rewarding in your role at Supercell?

Rick: There’s so many. There are so many moments. Like each individual up new update that we bought out has been received exceptionally well. The community saying Rick’s the GOAT *laughs* and it’s been it’s not just myself, it’s the team that I’m working with, right, but of course, I’m the face for it.

We’ve seen people after doing this, this, row by like 600% with viewership subscribers and seeing their faces and, and coming to me directly and saying, “Rick, you changed my life”, is the most amazing feeling that I can have. Anything that’s going to help these people make a full-time business for me is a massive take. That’s what I’m looking 

8. How many people are working on this creative program apart from you?

Rick: We have a creator team which is four people. We do have partners that are helping us to do these features and updates on our websites but four main people in Supercell are the ones doing this.

9. The idea behind Creator Elixir is also something that we were fond of when it was introduced, especially the cool Merchandise. What was the thought process before introducing this feature, and how is it working for you? Has the enthusiasm for fulfilling quests from creators increased?

Rick: I think gamifying the system was the key element that we were working towards. If the creators play games, so why not make the system itself the game in some way, right? If we’re encouraging them to do these, jump on these big campaign moments that are happening inside our games, it helps them get viewership. It gets more social research.

Supercell Creator ElixirSupercell Creator Elixir
Image via Supercell

People are searching about it because they’re interested, and hopefully, that gets them more people converting to be good subscribers. So that, that in that helps them, it helps us to get eyeballs on the campaigns that we are doing. Then they get, we start to get to their followers, which increases their viewership and subscribers as well. So it’s been phenomenal. The metrics have been off the chart for us, it’s beyond my wildest dreams.

10. How do you see this role of content creators evolving in the games industry? In addition, how do you see Supercell applying these changes to its creative program? 

Rick: I think we have one of the best creative programs out there at the moment, and I’m hoping with the things that we are showcasing to the game industry that there is another way to actually engage with content creators. I think this is the better way to focus on the relationships you are building and not just monetize. I honestly believe it’s the relationships that are the cool thing that we’re trying to do.

11. Looking ahead, what kind of goals or aspirations do you have with this program?

Rick: You’re going to see something else that we’re trying to do for a bounty that has never been done before. Every time we do one of these things, we are looking at it and going, how can we make that better? To be fair, some people would say to me, well, it’s going to be finished one day. 

It’s a win for them because they’re going to be saying there’s a global, I have a code, please use it. It means that social media is going to blow up because more people are talking about it. Yeah. Helps us. Helps them.

Supercell ID, Supercell ID unique name, Supercell ID new changeSupercell ID, Supercell ID unique name, Supercell ID new change
Image via Supercell

(on being asked what happens after a month of the program launch) Well, if they stop, if they move up the tiers and then they get a create a code, they can use that same code or they could choose a new one as they are used in the Supercell ID player, player name.

Currently, I want to do this test to see what happens. Who knows, in the future, we run this campaign again if it is successful, probably until I see something and I have an understanding of the data, I can’t say what was going to happen.

12. What advice would you like to give to aspiring creators who would like to be a part of something like the Supercell Creator program? 

Rick: Meet the minimum thresholds, get inside, and start to learn. Grow your business, grow your followers, and just enjoy it. I think the key thing is that you have to enjoy it. Don’t just chase it. Because the thing in Fortune, if you thoroughly enjoy content creation and you want to make that into a business, Supercell can be home. This could be the place where you come to learn all that and just shoot for the stars.

Read our other Interviews here:

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