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All Baldur’s Gate 3 Wizard Subclasses, Ranked


Each of the classes available to the player in Baldur’s Gate 3 possess a variety of abilities and capabilities that allow them to explore the world and engage in combat. Each class can then choose a subclass, gaining abilities themed around that particular subclass that further diversify that character from others using that class. For the Wizard, the subclasses are known as “Schools,” and one can be chosen for each of the eight schools of magic.



The Wizard in Baldur’s Gate 3 can choose to specialize in any one of the eight schools of magic: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Necromancy, Illusion, and Transmutation. Each subclass choice offers the Wizard abilities relating to their mastery of a chosen school and bonuses when using spells that match their school. This allows players to choose which spell schools they want to get the most out of with that character and is especially useful when scribing spells into the spellbook from scrolls.

Updated on August 16th, 2023, by Thomas Hawkins: Now that Baldur’s Gate 3 has left early access, players are able to choose from the full array of Magic Schools when reaching level two as a Wizard. Even non-Wizards might consider learning more to help them decide how to build Gale if/when he joins the party. This guide has been updated to explain all eight of the Wizard Schools and the abilities they grant. Since the level cap is now 12, this guide has also been updated with information on abilities granted past level 5 (the Early-Access level cap.)

Updated on February 27th, 2023, by Thomas Hawkins: Now that players have sought out the countless magic items hidden throughout Baldur’s Gate 3, new combos and synergies have been found that are relevant to any discussion of subclasses. This guide has been updated to include information on relevant magic items and to discuss any multiclassing options that might be useful for a given subclass.

RELATED: Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Races For a Wizard

School of Evocation


The School of Evocation grants a Wizard the abilities “Evocation Savant” and “Sculpt Spells” at second level. The former halves the cost of scribing evocation spells into their spellbook from 50gp to 25gp per spell level, while the latter allows them to exclude allies from the harmful effects of their Evocation spells.

At level six the Wizard gains “Potent Cantrip,” causing creatures targeted with cantrips to take half damage even if they succeed their saving throw against the cantrip. This can be helpful for dealing reliable damage with cantrips. Finally, level ten Evocation Wizards gain “Empowered Evocation,” allowing them to add their intelligence modifier to damage rolls with any evocation spells. This extra damage can make a huge difference, and solidifies the Evocation Wizard’s role as a weapon of mass destruction.

Multiclassing & Equipment

Baldurs Gate 3_Necklace of Elemental Augmentation

When it comes to multiclassing, the Evocation School benefits greatly from Sorcerer levels to gain access to Metamagic. Quickened Spells and Twin Spells can do wonders for damage output, while Silent Spell can allow spellcasting even when silenced. Distant Spell can also be helpful for striking enemies from well out of their range. As with many Wizard Subclasses, access to armor from Cleric or Fighter levels can also be very useful, with the former also offering access to a wider range of spells while the latter’s Action Surge can help the Wizard unleash more spells in a turn.

Players using the Spellsparkler can enhance their spell damage by picking up the Blast Pendant from a Petrified Drow near the Selunite Outpost. This allows them to convert lightning charges into bonus damage for their next spell. The Necklace of Elemental Augmentation will allow the Wizard to add their intelligence to the damage dealt by any Cantrip that deals Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage, making it an excellent addition to an Evocation Wizard’s kit. It can be found in the Inquisitor’s Chambers at the Githyanki Creche. The Daredevil Gloves sold by the Merchant in the Creche are also helpful, providing a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and converting ranged spell attacks into melee spell attacks when an enemy is standing next to the caster. This helps Wizards to dodge the disadvantage from casting spells while threatened.

The Hat of the Sharp Caster, found in Act 3, will allow a spellcaster to reroll 1s and 2s on their damage rolls with spells, helping to increase the damage dealt by all spells.

School of Abjuration

Baldur's Gate 3 High Half-Elf Wizard In Character Creation

Wizards who choose the School of Abjuration get “Abjuration Savant” and “Arcane Ward” at second level. The former allows them to scribe Abjuration Spells into their spellbook for 25gp per spell level instead of 50gp per spell level, while the latter gives the Wizard a shield whenever they cast an abjuration spell of level 1 or higher. The Ward gains charges equal to half the spell’s level, rounded up, and can hold charges equal to twice the Wizard’s level. At level 3, this means the Wizard can have six charges at once. When the Wizard takes damage with a Ward active, the damage is reduced by the number of charges, and then the Ward loses one charge. The ward resets to a number of charges equal to the Wizard’s level on each long rest.

At level six, Abjuration Wizards get the ability “Projected Ward,” which allows them to spend points from their Arcane Ward to reduce the damage a nearby ally takes from an attack. At level 10, Abjuration Wizards get “Improved Abjuration,” which allows them to increase the potency of their arcane ward when they take a short rest. After a short rest, their Arcane Ward’s intensity is increased by an amount equal to their Wizard level. This can give them a decent amount of extra HP to work with when protecting themselves and their allies.

Multiclassing & Equipment

Baldurs Gate 3_Wizard_Icebite Robe

Since the Abjuration Wizard is focused heavily on defense, it benefits greatly from the armor proficiency offered by taking some levels in either Fighter or Cleric (Life, Nature, Tempest, or War Domain.) This will allow them to bolster their defenses with heavy armor and a shield. Taking two levels in fighter for access to Action Surge allows a Wizard to fire off multiple spells in one turn, though this can also be accomplished much more reliably by making use of the Haste spell. Dipping into Sorcerer (White Dragon) to get Natural Armor and the Armor of Agathys spell is also an excellent choice since Armor of Agathys will trigger its damage burst even if the Arcane Ward drops the damage that would trigger it to zero.

Assuming players aren’t taking levels in Fighter, Sorcerer, or Cleric, their top priority as an Abjuration Wizard should be improving their AC. In Act 1, players can grab the Ring of Protection in Act 1 by helping Mol steal the Idol at the Emerald Grove, collect the Bracers of Defense from the Apothecary’s Cellar in the Blighted Village, and then purchase the Cloak of Protection from Talli at the Last Light Inn in Act 2. While at the Inn, buy the Evasive Shoes from Mattis for another +1 AC. These will provide +5 AC total, which raises the Wizard’s AC to 18 when using Mage Armor even if they haven’t invested in Dexterity (Important note here: They should absolutely invest in Dexterity for even better results.) If using heavy Armor, players can still grab the Ring, Boots, and Cloak for +3 AC. (Unfortunately, the Bracers only work on Unarmored Characters)

Players can also grab the staff “Creation’s Echo” from Omeluum at the Myconoid Colony in Act 1, after completing their quest, which grants resistance to the last type of damage the Wizard dealt for two turns (As long as the damage type was Acid, Fire, Lightning, Radiant, or Necrotic.) The Icebite Robe (found in a Sarcophagus in Act 2) provides a free level 3 cast of Armor of Agathys and also provides resistance to Cold damage. Worth considering for players who want access to temporary hit points with some extra bite. The Staff of Interruption (which can be acquired in Act 3 if Mayrina is still alive) is also useful, providing a free level 5 counterspell every long rest. The Robe of Supreme Defenses (found in Act 3) will provide a +1 boost to AC while concentrating on a spell, so it’s worth looking for this too.

School of Necromancy

£ main characters with their helmets off

The School of Necromancy grants the Wizard the abilities “Necromancy Savant” and “Grim Harvest,” halving the cost of Scribing Necromancy Spells and allowing them to regain HP when they kill a creature with a leveled spell. The HP gained is equal to the spell slot used multiplied by two or multiplied by three if the spell was a Necromancy spell.

At level six, Necromancy Wizards get the abilities “Undead Thralls: Additional Undead” and “Undead Thralls: Better Summons.” The former allows them to raise an extra corpse when casting “Raise Undead,” while the latter empowers their undead with bonus HP equal to the Wizard’s level and adds the Wizard’s proficiency bonus to their damage rolls. At this point, the Necromancer is able to create multiple powerful undead to aid them in combat thanks to these two abilities.

At level ten, Necromancy Wizards get the ability “Inured to Undeath,” making them resistant to necrotic damage and preventing their Max HP from being reduced by any means.

Multiclassing & Equipment

The Necromancy School is excellent on its own, but can also benefit greatly from mixing in the Circle of Spores Druid. With the ability to raise powerful undead using Wizard Spells and weaker cannon fodder as a reaction using Spore Druid, players can quickly magic up a small army once enemies start dying. Whether multiclassing or not, players should pick up the Necromancy of Thay book in Act 1 and unlock its secrets. This will earn players a powerful new ability, summoning a squad of Ghouls to assist them once per long rest.

When it comes to specialized equipment, players should seek out the Staff of Cherished Necromancy in Act 3. This powerful staff gives all creatures disadvantage on saving throws against the wielder’s necromancy spells, while also harvesting “Life Essence” from any creature killed with a necromancy spell cast by its wielder. Life essence can then be spent to cast a Necromancy Spell of any level without spending a spell slot, which is incredibly powerful. This staff is dropped by Mystic Carrion in Philgrave’s Mansion.

School of Divination

A hooded caster performing a divination spell.

The Divination School grants Wizards the abilities “Divination Savant” and “Portent” at level two. The former allows them to scribe Divination spells into their spellbook for half the normal cost, while the latter allows them to gain two “Portent Dice,” which are rolled at random after a long rest. The divination wizard can replace any attack roll or saving throw within 9m with one of their portent dice as a reaction, allowing them to swap in a high number to help allies or a low number to sabotage foes.

At level six, Divination Wizards gain the ability “Expert Divination.” This gives them a “prophecy” after a short rest, which is a special criterion that will allow them to regain spent Portent Dice when fulfilled. These can include tasks like defeating a certain kind of foe or inflicting a certain type of damage.

At level ten, Divination Wizards gain “Third Eye: Darkvision” and “Third Eye: See Invisibility.” The first of these grants the Divination Wizard the ability to give themselves Darkvision until their next long rest as an Action, while the second allows them to unmask and potentially reveal any invisible foes within 9m as an action (invisible foes must make a Dexterity Saving Throw).

Multiclassing & Equipment

The Divination School is a tremendously powerful two-level dip for any build that has room for it, assuming the player is confident in their ability to use Portent Dice at the right moments. On the opposite side of things, a Divination Wizard with levels in Fighter for armor and Action Surge can also be tremendously effective.

There isn’t much equipment that is beneficial to the Divination Wizard specifically, but any of the general Wizard equipment mentioned further down in this guide is a good choice for this subclass.

School of Enchantment

d&d tasha iggwilv cauldron of everything official art Wizards of the Coast

The Enchantment School grants the abilities “Enchantment Savant” and “Hypnotic Gaze” at level two. “Enchantment Savant” allows them to scribe Enchantment spells into their spellbook for half the normal price, while “Hypnotic Gaze” allows them to charm a foe within melee range and prevent it from moving or attacking (if the target fails a Wisdom saving throw.)

At level six, Enchantment Wizards gain “Instinctive Charm.” This allows them to charm an attacker as a reaction, causing that attacker to attack another target using their reaction if possible. This can be amazing for keeping foes from targeting the Wizard. Level ten has Enchantment Wizards gain the ability “Split Enchantment.” This allows their single-target Enchantment spells to target one additional creature, which can be immensely helpful for crowd control and manipulating foes.

Multiclassing & Equipment

Since the Enchantment School’s best ability, Split Enchantment, is acquired at level 10, there isn’t a lot of room for Multiclassing. That said, a dip into Fighter for Action Surge and armor proficiency or Dragon Sorcerer for better AC is always helpful. When it comes to equipping an Enchanter, there isn’t much gear that is specifically useful to just this subclass, so consult the general equipment section at the bottom of this guide for advice.

School of Conjuration

School of Conjuration

The Conjuration School grants Wizards the abilities “Conjuration Savant” and “Minor Conjuration: Create Water” at level two. The former allows them to scribe conjuration spells into their spellbook for half the cost, while the latter allows them to create water as an action once per short rest (behaving identically to the “Create Water” part of the spell “Create or Destroy Water.”)

At level six, Conjuration Wizards learn “Benign Transposition: Teleport,” allowing them to teleport to any unoccupied space within 9m or swap positions with an ally in that range. This can be good for getting the Wizard out of dangerous situations and putting a tankier ally in range of dangerous foes. Level 10 has Conjuration Wizards learn “Focused Conjuration.” This prevents the Wizard’s Concentration from being broken when concentrating on Conjuration Spells, which would be fantastic for preventing a lucky archer from canceling their summons if summons required concentration the way they do in the tabletop game. As this isn’t the case for most summons in the game, this tends to be extremely niche.

Multiclassing & Equipment

The Conjuration School is arguably better as a multiclassing dip than it is as a standalone class, with Tempest Clerics and Storm Sorcerers both getting a lot of utility out of the ability to create water without spending a spell slot. This is especially true when making use of lightning charge equipment, with the Watersparkers performing exceptionally here. Players should grab the Sparkswall ring too so that the electrified puddles they create can’t cause damage to them.

Lightning Damage is the way to go with Conjuration Wizardry even when not multiclassing, since wet opponents will receive double damage from lightning. Cold damage can also be quite effective with the right gear, like the Winter’s Clutches Gloves (Act 1, Sold by Lady Esther on the Rosymorne Monastery Trail or given by Sovereign Glut for completing the quest “Avenge Glut’s Circle”) and Hoarfrost Boots (Act 1, found in the Inquisitor’s Chambers at the Githyanki Creche.)

School of Transmutation

Goodberry - Best Transmutation Spells

At level two, the School of Transmutation offers “Transmutation Savant” and “Experimental Alchemy.” The former halves the cost of scribing Transmutation spells, while the latter allows the creation of twice as many alchemical solutions when performing alchemy (if the Wizard succeeds a DC15 Medicine Check each time.) Players who enjoy brewing their own potions should definitely consider this School.

At level six, Transmutation Wizards gain the ability “Transmuter’s Stone.” This lets them create a stone imbued with a magical effect, which it will grant to whoever is holding the stone. They can choose from the following effects and must cast a level 1 or higher Transmutation Spell before they can create another stone:

  • Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder Damage.
  • Darkvision up to 18m.
  • Movement increased by 3m.
  • Proficiency in Constitution Saving Throws.

There used to be a glitch in the game allowing players to stack Transmuter’s Stones by putting the existing stone(s) into the traveler’s chest or another storage object before creating a new one. This was fixed in Patch 6 and can no longer be exploited.

Level 10 Transmutation Wizards get the ability “Shapechanger,” which allows them to turn into a Bluejay and fly for up to 10 turns. If the Bluejay loses all of its HP, the Wizard will return to their original form with their original HP total. This can be great for mobility when exploring, but isn’t likely to be helpful in combat.

Multiclassing & Equipment

When it comes to multiclassing, Transmutation Wizards are uniquely suited to acting as non-combat support by crafting potions, using Rogue or Bard levels to gain medicine expertise and more efficiently double all potion production. They can also make use of levels in Fighter or Cleric for access to medium and heavy armor, much like the other Wizard subclasses.

There aren’t many items that directly benefit this subclass specifically, but it can benefit greatly from the general Wizard items mentioned at the bottom of this guide.

School of Illusion

Illusion - Dungeons and Dragons 5e Wizard Best Worst Features

Choosing the School of Illusion at level two grants the abilities “Illusion Savant” and “Improved Minor Illusion.” The former halves the cost of scribing Illusion spells into the spellbook, while the latter grants the following benefits to the “Minor Illusion” cantrip:

  • Can be Cast as a Bonus Action
  • Can be Cast while Silenced
  • Can be Cast while Remaining Hidden.

At level six, Illusion Wizards can “See Invisibility” as an action. This allows them to see invisible foes and has a decent chance of revealing them to allies, too (unless they succeed the Dexterity Saving Throw). Level 10 Illusion Wizards get “Illusory Self,” allowing them to create an Illusory Double as a reaction to take a hit for them. This causes the incoming attack to automatically miss, and the double is instantly destroyed. This can only be used once per short rest.

Multiclassing & Equipment

The Illusion school is sadly lacking when compared to many of the other Wizard Subclasses in the game, but does have a ton of utility for stealth. As such, taking Rogue levels can be very beneficial when playing an Illusionist. If going down this path, players could use equipment that lowers the target number for a critical hit (the Covert Cowl, for example) to complement their stealthy approach to exploration and combat.

Useful Equipment for All Wizard Subclasses

Baldur's gate 3_Wizard Subclasses_Gear_Mourning Frost

A Wizard needs a good staff (or two, thanks to the dual-wielder feat), so players should pick up the Spellsparkler in Act 1 at Waukeen’s Rest (Rescue Councilor Florrick and choose it as the reward) to boost their spell damage with lightning charges. Next, players should make a trip to the Underdark to purchase Melf’s First Staff from Blurg. Along with providing a free cast of Melf’s Acid Arrow once per long rest, it also gives a +1 bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rolls, making it easier to hit enemies with spells and making those spells harder to resist. The Staff of Arcane Blessing (In the Arcane Tower’s Basement) provides its wielder with the ability to cast Bless once per long rest, adding the “Mystra’s Blessing” buff to anyone affected by the spell to make it even more effective. Players could also spend the time to assemble the Mourning Frost Staff in the Underdark to make all ice damage spells more effective.

In Act 2, Players should pick up the Incandescent Staff from Talli at the Last Light Inn for +1 to spell attack rolls and the ability to cast fireball for free once per long rest. Finally, during Act 3, players can track down the Staff of Spellpower (+1 Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls, can be used to cast any known spell for free once per long rest), Woe (+1 Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls, restores HP when enemies fail saves against your spells, allows casting of blight for free once per long rest), and Markoheshkir (Same as the Staff of Spellpower but with a unique ability that lets players access additional spells and secondary effects based on a damage type of their choice.)

Collect the Protecty Sparkswall clothing from Grymforge in Act 1 for a bonus to Spell Save DCs and a boost to AC while you have lightning charges, which pairs well with the Spellsparkler Staff. If taking fighter or cleric levels, or playing as a race with inherent shield proficiency, players should also collect the Real Sparky Sparkswall (shield) at Grymforge for even more AC (this unfortunately cannot stack with the Bracers of Defense, but the synergy with lightning charges makes it worthwhile regardless.) Shield users can also get the Shield of Devotion from Talli in Act 2, gaining an extra level 1 spell slot and the ability to cast Aid once per long rest. In Act 3, players can swap this for the Shield of the Undevout or Viconia’s Walking Fortress instead.

During Act 1, players should seek out Omeluum at the Myconoid Colony to acquire the Pearl of Power, allowing them to restore a level 3 or lower spell slot once per long rest. (Omeluum will sell the amulet once players help them to investigate the parasite.) Players should seek out the Spell Savant Amulet in Act 3 to keep in the inventory for emergencies, since wearing it will grant an additional level 2 spell slot and each party member can use that bonus spell slot once per long rest.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available now for PC, Mac, and PS5.

